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Player's Kill book

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So how about this:

Every player carries a small book that records the name of the victims that the player has killed with their current character. This way, if someone kills a player, the killer can loot the dead player and take their book or just read it and see how lethal their victim was. To take it a step further, maybe it can also record the distance, the location, and the weapon used to kill the players. I don't know how difficult it would be to set something that would record that automatically so it may be easier to leave it up to the person to write down the kills if they choose to but that may lead to trolling..

I think this is something that will just add to the fun of the game since it would be exciting to know that you have taken out a threat to yours and others survival. Hope you like the idea!

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This is not CoD, BF2,3,4,5, and 6 where you have or need stats like that. I personally would never go to my victim just to write down his info, where i hit him with which bullet from which angle and what effect it had. Maybe gutt him and look what he had for lunch...

I only need to know if the player i shot was a bandit ( in most cases the guy shooting you is one ) or a survivor which would make me feel bad ( what it did when i shot my second of two, maybe three players i killed during my career as survivor ). And how long i survived.

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Well I'm not suggesting it should be a stat. I'm just saying that if you do kill someone, it be nice to see a little history on the person. Btw, when someone dies, it says "Name" was killed.. So you can just write that down..

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I understand where you are coming from, there is a diary but i doubt you can write something in it. If you really want to keep track you could just write it down on a piece of RL paper. You should know the distance and location if you are an experienced player.

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Why would I keep a diary of this? I guess you could suggest that books be in the game so people can type-in whatever they want; but you shouldn't be forced to keep track of shit that you wouldn't care to keep track of.

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But you need to model a gun for every scratch...want to volunteer?? :)

Okay, okay, that sounds horrible. Maybe show it on the inventory icon instead? Notches on the bottom left? At least then we would only have to make it once for primary and once for secondary. Rocket launchers shouldn't be a problem :P

Wouldn't it be interesting to take a gun from a lowly noob, and it had two hundred notches, and realise it must have been transferred from survivor to survivor, bandit to bandit, by trade, gift, theft, and murder? Imagine the sense of history you'd get!

And I son't think this would push it too far:

What if, on the bottom right, you could scratch a name on the weapon? I name all of my guns IRL, after all...

Only catch would be you could only do that if it had never been done before. So if you took one from a bandit, it would have a name given to it by that bandit. Or who knows, maybe it was given to it by someone else!

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it would be more simple if it just had the killed player name and if they were a bandit or not.

also have a way to see other player's kill book wile they are alive to know if they are trustworthy

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Well, I don't want a way for people to instantly be able to find out if you're trusteorthy. Other than the "Day Z should be a challenge dammit" rule #1, "don't trust anyone" is rule #2 that this server is recorded on.

If there was a book that involuntarily made you record all of your kills, instead of saying "Friendly" when you meet someone, you'd just say "killbook?", and of they hesitate in any way, you'd know they were hiding something and you could shoot them in the head guilt-free. I love the deceivers and the con men (I even love the snipers and highwaymen, the only ones I hate are the silent robbers, they're no fun). That's what makes the atmosphere even more than the zombies. Zombies are predictable, they're inevitable, and they're unchangeable. But that fellow walking behind you is none of those things.

A) you have no true idea what he's going to do next.

B) You could easily send him off or kill him in a fit of acute paranoia or greed.

C) observe sub point B.

If you know them IRL (before you say THAT'S NO FAIR/METAGAMING/RETARDED, I might point out that that's like being good friends with them before the outbreak, so it's realistic in my eyes), you can probably trust them. Otherwise you go to their house and throw a brick at something. Hyperbole, but still.

Otherwise, don't trust anyone instantly. And if you could, then that's just no fun to me. Probably because I AM a likely candidate for a paranoid schizophrenia diagnosis (as seen in my previous posts, I do own military grade ballistic vests, Soviet helmets and uniforms, eleven firearms, a sizeable collection of knives, two gas masks, a ghillie suit, over three thousand rounds of ammunition, and a survival stockpile 'just because why the hell not'), I feel that's the founding point of this game...

There woulsn't even be a 5th Amendment option. If he says no, that means he's clearly guilty! Never mind that he would probably shoot you if he was an actual bandit, he clearly has skeletons in his logbook! The only passable excuse I can even think of would be "I dropped it for bullets/pasta/bandages, but still.

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Whitetiger' date=' that is what I am suggesting..


No, you're suggesting a forced system. I'm saying that it should be modified to allow notebooks where you can write whatever you want in them. Maybe you use them to keep inventory on tents, have another to keep a log of who's raiding which towns so that when someone doesn't come back on time you know which city to attack (if you aren't already in Vent/TS to communicate this directly), or whatever. If someone wants to keep a log of who they killed and where, they can go for it; but it shouldn't be some forced system where I just automatically write stuff down without knowing about it.

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i like the idea that you get an insight as to the kind of player you just killed. i dont like the ideas of labelling bandits on sight, as it removes a lot of the chaos. but a system that lets you know a little about the player you just killed, so it can give you clues as to whether or not the kill was "justified".

at the moment some players kill on sight because they feel it is neccesary to survive (the "can't beat em - join em" players), which is a self-fullfilling prophecy because the world becomes more dangerous with this view. this will at least show players with that mindset that some of the kills were not perhaps neccesary for survival. may change some player behaviours.

this idea can add more shades of grey, and uncertainty to dayz. i like it.

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Day Z has an element of risk assessment that most games lack, and that's what draws a lot of people to it. Trusting other survivors is a huge part of this style of play, so introducing any system that distinctly labels bandits would detract from it. What would be more appropriate is a system by which players can identify a body, examine wounds, and make the judgment call themselves (I think they're working on this right now actually, because the function for inspecting a body actually exists, it just doesn't give any relevant information as it is now).

As for the journal, it's a cool idea but I tentatively agree that it should be left up to the player what to write in it. I don't know how important it is to have an actual in-game system for bragging rights over player kills, but it would need to be kept to a minimum or everyone would just indiscriminately kill everybody.

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Day Z has an element of risk assessment that most games lack' date=' and that's what draws a lot of people to it. Trusting other survivors is a huge part of this style of play, so introducing any system that distinctly labels bandits would detract from it. What would be more appropriate is a system by which players can identify a body, examine wounds, and make the judgment call themselves (I think they're working on this right now actually, because the function for inspecting a body actually exists, it just doesn't give any relevant information as it is now).

As for the journal, it's a cool idea but I tentatively agree that it should be left up to the player what to write in it. I don't know how important it is to have an actual in-game system for bragging rights over player kills, but it would need to be kept to a minimum or everyone would just indiscriminately kill everybody.


I think it would be a good idea to implement a notebook with both lined and spreadsheet paper in it, just hit reload to switch types and the A and D keys to flip through each type. That way people could keep a journal of all their adventures, keep a tally of people they've killed (even if it's totally cliched, I would love putting notches on the inventory icon of the gun, but I'm getting off topic), keep a log sheet of their tent inventories, and perhaps on the back page put a little 8 1/2 by 11" map of Chernarus that you could privately mark up and annotate (a lot of my journals had a map of the US when I was in grade school, after all)

If they do implement it, I'd like to see you be able to burn them if you have a lighter or matches. I'd love a quartermaster's final act of defiance against the enemy be to burn his list of coordinates in the bandits' face...

Of course, if you WANT it to be safe, you could put it in a Word document, but whatever.

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I think it's a good idea. It would be interesting if the game kept a diary for each player. Logging kills and locations. Then when you kill a player and loot the body you could read the diary see what they had been up to, how many days alive, where they had gone, what kills they had, if they were a survivor type or bandit etc. You wouldn't want it to reveal camp or tent locations necessarilly, or would you? But it would be cool to use that search body feature for something.

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