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found one of these in a player. i it cheated or just a newly implemented weapon ?

thx in advance

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Think it is a cheated wep. I have never seen on either when playing or on the forums so :s

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Cheated, not a single G36 variant is available in Dayz.

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cheated, tho dayZ needs some G36 variants. They are nice :3

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yeah but g36 are in arma so they could have it added to dayz

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They need to add those, the g36c is my absolute favorite weapon to exist. Ever.

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yeah but g36 are in arma so they could have it added to dayz

So is VSS Vintorez and AK-107, yet they are not in the mod.

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I love finding hacked weapons on people, Mostly why I play on servers with death messages so I can record the name of the person and report them as maybe being a hacker if I see them with it again.

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question is why did the guy not have the ammonution for the weapon he cheated

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question is why did the guy not have the ammonution for the weapon he cheated

Well he didn't make the script/hack,. little pus just downloaded off some site. He can't even cheat right, total fail lol

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Would an Admin have the power to Spawn a weapon like this?

I only ask because i recently found one in a tent which was positioned on the border of the map.

I took anything else of value then pitched my own tent (well hidden amongst fur trees and bushes) no where near! where if found this tent, and logged off... needless to say when i logged back in my tent was empty and all my plundered goodies were gone.

Possible reason why? (apart from a random walking into my tent that is)

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