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MERGED: Everything poop and pee

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Haha, awesome!

I think everything that's realistic and you would do in real life should be added. Does it add anything to the gameplay though? If this mod had a realistic sickness system it would maybe add something to have shit and piss? Everything to make surviving in this game harder!

I don't think I've ever seen pooping (except for a cutscene in Duke Nukem 3D) or pissing (except for Postal 2) in a game before and definitely not as a serious gameplay mechanic which would make Day Z stand out from its competitors (not that there is anything to really compete with Day Z atm?). The mod could be taken as non-serious (as in humorous) with pooping though, guess that's why it's not a gameplay mechanic in any game.

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Next update, circle jerking survivors get to have a REAL in-game circle jerk!

EDIT: I love this. Not obnoxious, just funny.

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Welcome to DarkRP.

In all seriousness while the system seems interesting and more 'realistic' we wouldn't want something else that stops the player from doing what they need to, now would we? But hey thats just me, I never enjoyed these kinds of systems but who knows what would happen if it was put into the game?

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Haha' date=' awesome!

I think everything that's realistic and you would do in real life should be added.


So does that mean our next thread should be about sex and jerking off?

As for being able to pee on your friends and take a shit on bandits I'm all for that. Though had a idea infections are something that is going be put in, what about peeing on your feet for like athletes foot? Lol just saying in the army they say to pee on our own feet to help prevent( and yes I pee on my feet in the shower) could always use that for ways of curing infections or even if you are out of water drinking your own urine is small amounts is ok but say you get killed by a bandit and he drinks it... He gets sick n dies lol payback a bitch eh lol

Another thing someone was talking about dog, great way to turn your dog into a tracker, smell that poop and take me to him, great way to track down people lol

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Haha' date=' awesome!

I think everything that's realistic and you would do in real life should be added.


So does that mean our next thread should be about sex and jerking off?

Ok, not exactly everything but realistic stuff that makes sense and that you have to do to survive like in a real zombie apocalypse.

Personally I think pooping is taking it a little bit to far although it's necessary for survival because it would feel so humorous. It would be the #1 joke about this mod like "pooping simulator".

Sex would feel a little bit to far outside of what this mod is about imo.

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The sex part was a joke if you can understand humor...

Don't think a sex sim in any game is really good think it's just stupid.

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if i get interrupted, am i gonna run around with my tallywhacker out? don't make me start a Personal Hygiene thread. brush your teeth, darn your socks, clip your toenails...

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If I am to urinate then I should be able to drink my own urine to restore lost blood. :P

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Hi i was just thinking that a pee/poo meter could add some extra realism to the game.. it would be similar to cold meter you know, it wouldn't limit you much but add some extra realism...

For example not peeing in 6 hours would make you move slower, not peeing in 24 hours and your char dies..

Not taking a poo in 24 hours makes your char constipated and he will move slower.. effect increases every hour or so until maybe 7 days and your char will die.

You can pee anywhere, in addition you can pee into water bottles and drink it to decrease thirst level. Doing this however may poison you( Not sure what procentage it would be but 50% maybe?) and what that does is decrease your blood lvl by 4000 and make you shake until you take antibiotics(the shake can be removed by painkillers tho), if you are at 4000 blood or lower when this happens you'll die. Also if you're poisoned for more than 12 hours you'll die, taking antibiotics will give back half the blood count you lost from the poison.

Pooing can be done anywhere but it will attract flies after 5 minutes unless you shit in an outhouse ( the openable ones you can find in several villages) And it will attract zombies to investigate it just like they do to corpses. Poop disappears after .. lets say 24 hours

My thought is that peeing animation should take about 5-15 sec depending on how bad you need to pee and pooping about 15-45 sec? Obviously in a zombie apocalypse you don't have any toilet paper so taking a shit is not very complicated.

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This would be hilarious. Someone taking a shit in the outhouse? Open the door and kill him on the toilet. Preferably with a crossbow. Tyrion style.

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Imagine stepping in doodie and it leaves a trail... for BANDITS TO FOLLOW!!!! We're onto somehting here

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This would be hilarious. Someone taking a shit in the outhouse? Open the door and kill him on the toilet. Preferably with a crossbow. Tyrion style.

Lmao, that will be the day.

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DayZ is a balance between a simulation and a game. With the cold levels I think we have enough simulation mechanics, I'd rather see more gameplay mechanics.

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+1 for bodily functions and drinking our own piss.

+2 for handing bottle of piss to friends who are out of drink :D

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Absolutely awesome, I already thought of this feature myself. Game should keep track of how much you eat/drink, and dependant on the amount you should have to shite/pee sooner or later. Panicking or getting shot at could instantly increase the players "urges" by a certain amount so if you are relatively full you are endangered to shit/piss yourself when in heavy stress situations. In combination with zombies smelling you respectively your excretions (range should be REALLY high) this would greatly increase gameplay. Especially because you couldnt just insta-drink/eat stuff you find to save inventory space (because you would have to piss/shite all the time), so it would really pay off to only drink/eat when you need to.

It would also fit in very fell with the overall concept of the game, drinking, eating, temperature. Just the next logical step.

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Also, you would have more incentive to find new uniforms/skins, so that you could change them because of the shit-stained pants.

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My issue with this is, I consider my character taking a piss when I do so in real life. It makes no sense to have to do it twice. (Yes, I leave my character logged in and everything when I take a piss. If I get shot while taking a piss, that's just bad luck.)

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We should also be able to pick up the doogies we've just dropped and either throw them or use them on surfaces and smear shit on them. I for one would like to write warning messages on walls with my own shit!

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