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Cyric (DayZ)

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How come no one has made a reference to the massive amount of EMPTY whisky bottles around?

Are you saying the infection is in the whiskey ;)

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How come no one has made a reference to the massive amount of EMPTY whisky bottles around?

"Zombie infection spreads in the world, enslaving billions. This is a comment made by a member on a forum that lives only to slay ther beasts called Infected:

- Yee, ya know it's not any infection, it's that darn whisky that does it! Thats why i only drick fluid-beans!"


Edited by SuperSverker
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quick question, what does the whisky bottles do? =) (Explain the post)

Whiskey bottles can be used to throw, just like empty tin cans and empty soda cans.

When you throw them they wil make a sound on impact that attracts zombie's.

If you throw a whiskey bottle at for example a wall next to you, you will experiance it as a grenade and be unable to hear for a few seconds and you lose vision for a while

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I heard it meant "day zero".

In that case im at Day4 with my current caracter. I like Z like Zombies more :D

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I love this :D

Keep on making more!

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I first used the directy link from image shack and it did not work. I tired using %7Boption%7D did not work...anyone?

Edited by -UF-
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(Funny & useless fact, when I uploaded my image, the captcha said "Zombie Attack". They are watching us :ph34r: ...)

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I need to ask how you embedded the image in the post. Doesn't work for me.

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I need to ask how you embedded the image in the post. Doesn't work for me.

Had this problem before ... Nobody answered it to me ...so i had to figure it out myself ... this forum only allows embedding images from image sharer like imgur ... make sure to use the %7Boption%7D tag and it should work...i tried imgur in some other threads and it worked

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