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Cyric (DayZ)

DayZ De-Motivational Posters

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How do you make the demotivational images ? What kind of program ? I tried to make one using Paint lol... don't hate.


PS how do you make it show image instead of a link ?

Instructions on how to create and post a de-motivational poster are in the OP... :mellow:

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Fucking love this thread, like everyone of the images are so awesome and true that my mind explodes!

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WTF. Flickr doesnt work with bbcode or straight html. Had to use imgur?

Edited by Alphie(SN)
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WTF. Flickr doesnt work with bbcode or straight html. What am I doing wrong?

Read the OP, it explains very clearly how to post in this thread.

Edited by Cyric
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Thank you for everyone posting I would like to see more! =)

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These are hilarious. Keep them coming!

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I'm sorry for that Romero



Edited by Rico
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Hahahahaha! :D

I must stop reading, I'm in the office!

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Great thread, really lol'd at alot of pictures here.

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