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Zombies are broken!!

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The zombies in this build are completely broken. Everyone just sprints everywhere because even if you sneak they will hear you. They have really ruined the atmosphere and survival aspect of the mod by making zombies hear this good. It used to be fun to sneak around into a building, get what you need and get out. Now, it's just sprinting right up the main street then syphoning them through the doorway because you cannot sneak past them, they will hear you. I really hope Rocket fixes this because for me it has made the game no fun.

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I sneak all the time and very, very rarely get aggro. You should try low-crawling.

Also, welcome to DayZ. You've now begun to realize what this game entails.

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I'm on like day 9.

I've had no trouble. And I don't really crawl much any more. I can you know, hear and see them.

I don't try to walk along walls, because they hear me on the other side. I don't move fast unless it's intentional and I have a quick exit plan.

Even moving slowly, I have an exit plan at all times.

Boost your situational awareness, wear some quality headphones or turn off the Slipknot and actually pay attention.

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i hear what is being siad here. sometimes i have been sneaking round a town/city and not alerting anything. then get into a building (still sneaking or prone) and then all zombies know where i am.

i dont agree, that they are broken, but i would agree that they are far away from perfect. maybe later date updates will fix common issues that players have with the zombies at this point.

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i hear what is being siad here. sometimes i have been sneaking round a town/city and not alerting anything. then get into a building (still sneaking or prone) and then all zombies know where i am.

i dont agree' date=' that they are broken, but i would agree that they are far away from perfect. maybe later date updates will fix common issues that players have with the zombies at this point.


Going into a building changes your noise/sight levels. If one zombie sees/hears you then he yells which gets others to notice. The more you learn what's safe to walk over the less you'll aggro.

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Hi, you must be new.

Otherwise you would remember the previous patch right after melee was put in where zombies had ultra hearing which forced you to literally crawl everywhere.

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I'm not sure if it was fixed yet, or if it's in the 1.7.2 patch....but I remember reading that zombies can hear though objects, like houses, and that THAT was being fixed.

I hope it's in 1.7.2....because it still feels broken.

Also was sniping zeds at like 300m yesterday with a m107, and they ALL came running after the first couple shots. Like they are bats, with radar directional hearing. Good hearing is pretty rare IRL from my experience, so why do all zeds have super human hearing?

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I'm not sure if it was fixed yet' date=' or if it's in the 1.7.2 patch....but I remember reading that zombies can hear though objects, like houses, and that THAT was being fixed.

I hope it's in 1.7.2....because it still feels broken.

Also was sniping zeds at like 300m yesterday with a m107, and they ALL came running after the first couple shots. Like they are bats, with radar directional hearing. Good hearing is pretty rare IRL from my experience, so why do all zeds have super human hearing?


I'm fairly sure you can hear the report of a M107 at 300m IRL... C'mon.

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I'm not sure if it was fixed yet' date=' or if it's in the 1.7.2 patch....but I remember reading that zombies can hear though objects, like houses, and that THAT was being fixed.

I hope it's in 1.7.2....because it still feels broken.

Also was sniping zeds at like 300m yesterday with a m107, and they ALL came running after the first couple shots. Like they are bats, with radar directional hearing. Good hearing is pretty rare IRL from my experience, so why do all zeds have super human hearing?


Considering there have never been real zombies, can you be sure that wouldn't have super human hearing? That being said, the M107 is actually unrealistically quiet in the game. I could hear the snipers on the ranges on Camp Lejeune when they were 3 or 4 kilometers away and when you were on the ranges with them it was INCREDIBLY loud.

Also, if one zombie was closer, saw you and ran at you wouldn't the others follow to dinner?

Not flaming or trolling. Just responding to what you said. :)

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My biggest concern currently is that unalerted zombies have the tendency to form on you in large packs. For example I log off on a roof and come back the next day, I log in and see the zombie count rise, I can prone and go ark make a cup of tea and find a large riot is forming surrounding the building but they are in a passive state still. There is no way I can sneak out and the only way of explaining that is the zombies form herds. Similarly me and my friend went to loot an empty barn, the nearest zombies were out in the field by the time we were finished 4 zombies had decided to crouch in the barn and none of them responded to empty tins or flares being thrown.... as if the AI knows we are there and gets within range and, remains passive until we trigger them

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I've been sneaking at the same distances and speeds since maybe 1.5 or earlier when the zombie spawns were quite insane.

Even then I was sneaking passed zombies 90% of the time using the same methods.

Walking material and sound levels make a huge difference in detection.

Crouch walk in semi tall grass (2-3 bars) is almost invisible up to maybe 5-10meters.

Stepping near a road, home or flat surface in daylight shoots that upward 4-5 bars.

Something down the street might notice.

When rocket adds more visual checks it's going to get worse.

Crawling helps a lot of people but few have practiced the range they can crouch walk/run.

Crouch run can usually outpace a attacking walker zombie until your somewhere safe to deal with it.

The zombies by far are the least of your problems...

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