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[Do you wana pull the Trigger?] [y]/[n]

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So i thought about the KoS-Thing.

(Hate it so much)

I know, there are Stats for PKing. So why's there no Stat for Paragon-ing?

Doesnt have to be complex. Just give players 1p for half an hour of playtime without kiling (or an hour or whatever) and after that ther comes my idea in place.

Im pretty sure it is possible to make the game check if you aim at a person whos a paragon or a (so called) bandit.

If so, AND you aim at a Paragon AND you arent a Bandit AND you klick on him, make a Popup that asks you friendly about your decission.

That way:

Respawned people can still kill each other. "Bandits" can do theyr thing. BUT the Respawned people can make a decission before they do horrible things to harmless players, just because they dont know if the player is a friend or foe. The Re-Players would that way decide what way theyre going to choose.

Im sure there are enough players, who're sick of getting killed by strangers who kill in panic of getting self killed while there isnt realy a threat.

So let me read your responses to that.

But be friendly and konstructive. No Carebare/CoD-kiddy stuff please cuz thats just stupid -_-

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So you've borrowed that term from Mass Effect without really knowing what it means then?

But regarding your suggestion, I think your suggesting that if you attempt to fire upon a player with a positive factor you'll be faced with a pop-up y/n bar asking you if your sure? Is that right?

Is so, its a poor idea.

1) its just 'humanity' again under a clumsier name.

2) you wouldn't have encounter the other player before, therefore you should have no idea of his past deeds.

3) the pop-up would be quite frankly a pain in the ass. it would most likely be nothing but an immersion breaking delay that gets you killed.

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I doubt you really want that feature to be added into the game, it won't work anyway because ArmA isn't made to be a morality game where you kill ppl anyway. And you don't need a "Do you really want to execute shoot? You need administrator rights to do so." pop up like windows always asks you.

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call it what you want, call it "The Good guy Points" or "Points for not ruining other players games" or the hell i dont know. Its irrelevant cuz the players shouldnt even be able to read these parameters. so call it Parameter 15k.dope and 1.5k.derp.

/re:1: Whers the problem with that? Arent you human? I, at least, am.

In my thaught-process there was the point... The players dont think about shooting. other people(respective: players) ingame. But why? Cuz most of them are hardwired to pew pew pew theyre way through cliched supersoliders. In such a scenario you dont have to think about that. But in DayZ the players life counts actually. But nobody cares. Just BANG! Dead. Next. Thers no thoughtprocess before killing innocent people (respective: players).

Thats my solution to force a second of thinking about ending a humans (respective: player) life.

/re:2: i get that. But i refuse to go that way. People are much more sensitive to other people than the Game could deliver. If thers a human being, that hasnt killing in mind, you can read it in that persons face. Also the psychopaths, that run arround killing spree. You can see it in the peoples eyes. If you accept killing the guy in front of you and pull the trigger, next time it would be easier to do that. And at some point there isnt the question anymore.

/re:3: read 1&2+ My intension is, to force a thoughtprocess, that players dont have. The polygonal person on screen is automaticaly marked as a target, cuz this is a game. Noone thinks about that.

(btw: english isnt my native language so dont kill me for bad wording. I try verry hard)

I doubt you really want that feature to be added into the game, it won't work anyway because ArmA isn't made to be a morality game where you kill ppl anyway. And you don't need a "Do you really want to execute shoot? You need administrator rights to do so." pop up like windows always asks you.

You're right. Arma is a Military-Sim. But. DayZ is a "What would you do, if the world goes through the toilet"-scenario and, from my perspective, thats not there. Atm its a hardcore Deathmatch with no excuses. Thats halfway fine. But noone has any ethic-thoughtprocesses while playing a game.

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Some bandits would love this as it would make the job easier but still fun. Think about it. I prepare by not killing for a while, let my humanity go back up and kill off the character to rid it of the murders. Start a new one and don't kill anyone, just stick to myself for a while until my "paragon" level is up nice a good.

Then I can go find a group of survivors and murder them quickly while they all attempt to click yes on that popup quick enough to fight back, but of course there is no time for something such as that in a firefight.

Now I am sure getting one murder would likely take away the paragon status or reduce it quite a bit, so it could be seen as a waste of time by some to get it up in the first place, but as long as you go for one of those larger (5+) groups in Cherno then you could really have some fun before the game allows them to shoot you again.

Of course most bandits could take down a group of 5+ players anyway, it would just be immensely fun to laugh as they die because of the measure put in to help them identify friendlies.

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Im not a programmer. Im a guy, who has some ideas.

The solution to the scenarios you've showed of would be as following:

If a player shoots a person in selfdefense (aka getting shot first) the Question doesnt come up.

If a player build up the "Paragon"-Points and than shoots a player (not in selfedefense but intentional) the Points go to zero.

And remember: My idea was: Bandits dont get the Popup. Also Re-Spawned people who aim at Paragons.

Paragons get it, if they aim at Re-Spawned Players and have not to defend themselves

(And by aim i mean Click on them)

Ofcourse it would be easy to acquire 1 or 2 points so i think the status should be given at a minimum of 5 points or even higher.

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Perhaps just a visible reminder of the persons bandit status would be helpful as a pop up would hinder functionality to a certain extent.

If the server has the option of showing the persons name when looked at anyway it shouldn't be too hard to use say a color system on that name to indicate the likelihood of him/her being a pyschotic killer. Green being a person who has committed no murders, yellow being 1 to 5, red being 5 plus.

Seems like a bit of a crutch to me in a game that is aiming for "realism" but could be implemented at the recruit level to help new players adapt.

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The nametag system isn't good because there is no possiblity to limit the distance and because this "scan" feature is frowned upon because you can see everyone even if you don't see them yourself on your monitor because the name tag and distance show up so most servers don't have it.

And you don't need a system to think it over if you want to shoot someone or not, use your brain and restrain your triggerfinger. The game as it is it wouldn't stop PVPers from killing the others, they would just press Y.

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And nothing would hold you back, except the question for half a sec.

But my intention was to reduce the KoS.

Not to extinguish the PvP.

If you read my first artickle you would notice that ive said "Respawned people can still kill each other. "Bandits" can do theyr thing".

I want the players to think about what theyre going to do.

Players, atm, are hardwired to shoot every humanoid-shaped target they see. Thats years of practice in all the shooters you can immagine (maybe not Portal). From my perspective, thats the root of all horrible stuff going on right now. Nobody thinks even once. (Not talking bout the Psychopaths and the Bandits but those who started a new round)

Everybody just sees SCORE!!!

Its no decision to pull the trigger on reflex and end the (virtual) live of a human (respective: player).

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Bandits are the so called PVPers you and i are talking about. They will not and will never care about this system because even if they were prompted to answer the question they would still shoot. And exactly those ppl ruin the game because they think it's a pvp only game, it was and is the same with Sahrani/Chernarus/City Life just with Cops vs Civs in their eyes.

Player who don't intend to shoot a person on sight will never shoot anyway. And with what i understand an "innocent" respawner should be delayed with this feature while the bandit gets to kill the first in an instant? If that happened to me i would have died already because i ran into a bandit when i was new to the game and he just started shooting after he recovered from his shock, so did i. Even i tend to shoot or avoid a player if he is already shooting Zs or other players because i know he/she is on the edge and will shoot ou on sight. Until now i only engaged 2 players ( 1 bandit, 1 survivor ) the whole time i was playing and was attacked by players at least half a dozen times.

The system you want doesn't make sense to me, it can't be built into the mission anyway because BIS never saw a need for that feature.

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Instantly read as a cry thread about trying to reduce PvP.

This is a terrible idea. Who would want brownie points for not killing people, when you could just kill people and take their loot?

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You could let them live and kill them another day when they have more loot :D

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Sorry but people do think about shooting, I ran in front of another player and started to lean side to side, he did the same as I backed off still staring he raised his rifle and shot me. If he didn't think I would have been dead before leaning... The reason people don't "think" about shooting you is probably because they think you're a bandit, or they are a bandit.

Also, an invasive HUD asking if I want to kill someone? Really? You consider that an idea... I hate the amount of HUD we have now.

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Just forget about it.

was pure stupidity of me.

Herp derp. People would think about stuff

Thats whats going on in my crazy mind.

But yes. Dont bother about me. Play your deathmatch.

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Just forget about it.

was pure stupidity of me.

Herp derp. People would think about stuff

Thats whats going on in my crazy mind.

But yes. Dont bother about me. Play your deathmatch.

The vast majority of people being dicks and people "thinking" about killing is a very different topic. I agree' date=' people being KoS is annoying but you can't stop dicks from being dicks unless you punish their playstyle. [/color']

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Hang on, gimme a second to dig-up that reply I typed, because it fits in here almost as perfectly as for the topic I posted it in. Edit: There it is:

"This game isn't about having a force-fed karma system. If you want to be a "good survivor", then it's purely for your own sake. The game does not, nor is it meant to, give a fuck about how "good or evil" you're being. So yeah, of course this means it's going to be easier to be a bandit. That's just life.

If you want a karma system that makes sure that both the good and bad options are equally rewarding, go play Mass Effect; go play an Elderscrolls game; go play Fallout*. Go play one of dozens of games out there with artificially-infused karma systems. Day Z is not about forced morality for the sake of arbitrary rewards attached to a given play-style. This game is about survival. If your lives are part of what's keeping the average life span down to only 30 minutes, then you aren't a good survivor.

As for "no society", there's only no society because you choose to let there be no society. Plenty of players have banded together for the sake of helping each other out; for the sake of griefing other people; even for the sake of helping others. There's plenty of society in Day Z, it isn't Day Z's nor Rocket's fault if you choose to specifically stick to lone wolf gameplay. If you want society, get friends to play the game, or head to the Survivor HQ forum that's in place specifically for other players to team-up. What you shouldn't do is propose that Day Z be re-tooled into something it was never meant to be just to suit to your own personal play-style.

*Just for the record, I love all the games listed, not bashing on them in any way, shape, or form. Just saying that Day Z isn't going for the same style of system that these games use. So if you want that kind of system in place, go play those games."

This is especially true if you suggest we implement some pop-up menu that prevents me from attacking someone. If someone fires on me, I don't want to get killed because I was busy clicking on a "yes" option to fight back against someone.

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