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I Must Confess...

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In advance, I'm sorry! I'm probably gonna have a load of people getting pissed at me for doing what I did.

So me and my friend are at the North-West Airfield in a night time server, walking a cross to the other side, then suddenly someone starts shooting at us with a sniper rifle. He gets me in the leg first, crippling me and knocking me out. My friend starts screaming "ALT F4! ALT F4!" like a pussy. He gets out of the game, and so do I...

Now, you gotta understand. My friend was going to abandon me by leaving the game, and I just found a silenced M4A1 so I didn't want to part with that JUST as I found it. I felt so bad, that I made this thread asking for the Day-Z communities forgiveness. Please?

Flame away...

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Looks like yet another waste of forum space to me...

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Looks like yet another waste of forum space to me...

Well, lucky there's plenty of space.

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rule fucking number 1. dont get too attached to your gear.

its your fault playing sloppy after finding a good gun and feel badass.

NO. i can understand but i dont forgive you :)

butbutbut i wants playz with ma friends with ubergear and rule the newbz...........cry more.

i dont get it. if you feel so bad to make a thread about it and ask for a ITs OK BUDDY. your WRONG. i bet you are duping and server hoping too.

PS: i am no sniper(wannabe) at all.

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Many people do it because they can, i they couldn't, they wouldn't mind not being able to.

and in many situations you would have more fun not logging out

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rule fucking number 1. dont get too attached to your gear.

NO. i can understand but dont forgive you :)

Well I just got it, and the fact that my friend Alt F4'ed pressured me. Thanks for understanding, though. Forgiveness is too much to ask for in situations like these. =P

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I bet thats not your first time doing that.

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I bet thats not your first time doing that.

Funny you should say that, because it was.

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Your friend was a complete idiot and so are you for admitting on the forums that you exploited Alt+F4.

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Your friend was a complete idiot and so are you for admitting on the forums that you exploited Alt+F4.

Saw that coming.

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just think about it.

you've could survived. flanked the sniper killed him. humilated him and revenged your buddy and got new gear. now that would be a story.

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just think about it.

you've could survived. flanked the sniper killed him. humilated him and revenged your buddy and got new gear. now that would be a story.

I know. I mean, I wasn't even bleeding out or anything. He could have come down to loot us, and I could have woken up and shot the shit out of him. I'm feeling really stupid right now, and I'm not alt F4ing again.

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What were you excepting when posted this?

Nobody gives a crap.

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atleast you feel bad :D

i think 9 out of 10 have done it.

even i did it the first time i played to escape the Z's.

its just lame. thousand things could happen.

another time i head my legs broken and was near death. i crawled into elektro hospital roof and out again loaded with morphine and bloodbags. that was great and i never thought i could do it. felt so good.

you never now what will happen and its always more exciting to not know how it ends(or not).

sry for the previous flame :)

keep your goodwill up till its fixed.

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Yea only way anyone here will forgive you is if you; start recording, log on and wait out the unconscious state, and if your not dead go click respawn yourself. You knew you were boned and so did your friend now die with some dignity.

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What is this?

You ALT F4'd. Big fucking deal. Don't get too emo on us, and don't expect any sympathies here.:rolleyes:

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Also post your respawned deaths here... So I may feast on your tears...

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The only way you can recieve forgiveness is to find the sniper who shot you and give him the gear he rightfully deserves since your 'friend' apparantley wasnt even going to help you up. Your friend should do the same to since he probably would have died too.

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Hey man its okay if it was just that one time I can forgive you and that is a good weapon I respect you making this post confessing it takes alot of guts to do what you did for that I forgive you :)

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Looks like yet another waste of forum space to me...

Well' date=' lucky there's plenty of space.


Why would you have to say sorry? they where probably bandit morons who wouldve done the same if you even RETURNED FIRE.... this community is so wierd, noone cares what you do, it all comes from a leave morals out additude, and no your not a "scaredy cat" for alt f4ing, I remember playing a WII game a while back, every time I was about beat the person he exited, People tell you not to alt f4 because they want your loot, then they alt f4....

**EDIT** also.. why would it take alot of "GUTS" to post this on the forums? Its not like anyone cares what a 21 year old who pees in a mountain dew bottle in his room to play a game more posts on a forum, about how KOSING is right while he kills civilions in a hospital on GTA IV and posts here about how your a "Scaredy cat"

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While I can understand, I can't exactly forgive you.

Though, your friend's a fucking prick for up-and-abandoning you. I'd ditch him if that's how it's gonna play out.

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