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Weapon safe mode

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Anyone wish this game had a safe fire selection for all applicable weapons.

Countless times I have agroed zombies or revealed my position due to accidentally firing my weapon.

A weapon safe mode could prevent this.

When the weapon is in safe the game could have you go into a different animation also to show other players your weapon is in safe. This could help players group up and dissuade people who shoot on sight.

The safe mode would be quite simple just press f till you go into safe mode then you cannot fire your weapon.

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If this was Chernarus and you asked your commanding officer about the safety he would reply: "WHY YOU NEED SAFETY FOR! IS GUN! IS FOR SHOOT! IS FOR KILL!! SAFETY MAKE YOU WEAK!!!"while punching the table.

Your safety is your finger!

If you have had problems by misclicking and accidentally shooting,just lay your fingers on the left mouse button only when you need to fire!

There is already an animation to show that you are not aggressive.

By double-pressing the left Ctrl button,your character will lower his weapon.

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Your safety is not your finger, nor should it have to be. Placing your finger on the left mouse button is like placing your finger on the trigger. It's something you instinctively do when using a mouse. You can train yourself to avoid doing that, but it wouldn't hurt to have an added precaution, especially in DayZ.

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If you double hit left Ctrl you will lower your weapon, when you hit fire you will raise your weapon, then you can fire.

This is essentially safety, it does indeed show your character lowering his/her weapon.

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I know what you mean, the only Mod i know that supports this is A.C.E.

Even if you lower your weapon you can still accidentally discharge it by pressing lmb too often or die because you panic and forgot to raise your gun and try to aim.

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I dont know why these people are so against this idea. I support it. Theres no reason not to.

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Double tapping the Ctrl button doesn't work with every firearm, and even if that were not the case, it still wouldn't be an ideal solution. Just the other day, I accidentally shot a tree with a Makarov (which can't be lowered) while trying to put some distance between myself and a barn I had just looted. Fortunately, the sound didn't attract nearby zombies, but others may not have been so lucky. Allowing pistols to be lowered would make this less of an issue, but there are times when I want to keep my gun at the ready without being able to fire, which you can't do with your gun at your side.

P.S. I also think lowering your weapon should be achieved by holding F rather than double tapping Ctrl.

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Call it, "accidental wepons dis-charge"

Nothing is perfect :>

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I play DayZ on my laptop.

My touch pad is fun. I accidentally touch the touchpad with the flesh of my left hand every now and again.

Was running through a building, accidentally fired my M1911. Almost shit my pants.

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P.S. I also think lowering your weapon should be achieved by holding F rather than double tapping Ctrl.

Change it in the Keyboard settings? For me its on K.

Anyone wish this game had a safe fire selection for all applicable weapons.

Countless times I have agroed zombies or revealed my position due to accidentally firing my weapon.

2 Tipps:

- Change the default use key from mouse button 1 to something else.

- Open inventory before doing ALT-TAB

Alt-Tab and Default use are probably the main reasons for misfiring. For anything else its just your nervous index finger I guess.

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I was talking about this with my buddies the other day. I think a safety would be a welcome addition to the game. On one hand, if you didn't want to use it, you don't have to. And on the other hand, even if you do use it, it has disadvantages if you get sloppy. These disadvantages would be that you wouldn't be able to switch it on and off instantaneous, and that you may forget the safety is on, and get mauled because you try and fire and nothing happens. That mechanic would be not much different than firing when the magazine is empty and having to manually hit reload, so having it in the game doesn't make it any easier.

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P.S. I also think lowering your weapon should be achieved by holding F rather than double tapping Ctrl.

Change it in the Keyboard settings? For me its on K.

Do you have to double tap K to lower your weapon as well? I understand that it would be too easy to accidentally lower your weapon if you were only required to tap once, but I find double tapping to be a poor alternative, hence my suggestion to hold a key rather than double tap it to lower your weapon.

Another problem with the ability to raise and lower your weapon at will is that whenever I'm in the kneeling position and my weapon is lowered, double tapping Ctrl causes my character to stand up and then raise his weapon, thus exposing me to nearby players and zeds. I don't know if this is a problem with ArmA II or DayZ, but it's something that should be looked at.

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