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AKM 75rd Drum Nerf

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Problem: the drum mag favors spray and pray gameplay and has almost no discernible downside.

Fix: Nerf the drum mag to have some pros and cons to consider when using it.

- Increase noise: drum mags are not spring loaded, this means the rounds rattle inside the container. In game, using the drum mag should produce a distinguishable rattle that decreases the ability to sneak up on your opponent. Volume and frequency of the sound should be dependent on movement speed.

-Decrease weapon handling: drum mags are bulky and heavy; this should debuff ADS speed and reload speed.

-Failure to feed: drum mags are notorious for jamming, so they should have a higher possibility of jamming than standard 30rd mags. 

-Too common: a soft nerf could be to make them more rare than they have been in the past so they aren't being used on every AKM. 


  • Confused 2

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  On 3/10/2025 at 3:09 PM, Misnomera said:

Problem: the drum mag favors spray and pray gameplay and has almost no discernible downside.

Fix: Nerf the drum mag to have some pros and cons to consider when using it.

- Increase noise: drum mags are not spring loaded, this means the rounds rattle inside the container. In game, using the drum mag should produce a distinguishable rattle that decreases the ability to sneak up on your opponent. Volume and frequency of the sound should be dependent on movement speed.

-Decrease weapon handling: drum mags are bulky and heavy; this should debuff ADS speed and reload speed.

-Failure to feed: drum mags are notorious for jamming, so they should have a higher possibility of jamming than standard 30rd mags. 

-Too common: a soft nerf could be to make them more rare than they have been in the past so they aren't being used on every AKM. 


Actually drum has a spring inside it's valled rotation spring. Check on photo.

AKM Drum inside

And I've got some bad news it was designed for RPK, but still has ability to be attached to AKM, because mag size and mag systems of the mag well for RPK and AKM is the same, like for RPK-74 and AK-74/M.

Spring in the drum is under the tension so it's not so loud while you shooting same as internal sectis creating the pressure and special rows on edge of back plate and front part preventing from noise , it might be noisy when you're jumping but not more.

If you didn't understood, I'll repeat you the BI com manager: "DayZ is not simulator", so if you didn't understood I've got some good news, that's why it doesn't matter what's type of mag do you using, heck man I reached the 1 tonn weight (1000 kg) and still not dead and could moving.

Drum mag didn't reduce reload speed because mag full of ammo is heavy but not enough to slow down reloading speed sorry checked that on my Saiga (funny Russian's carabine of AK-103 7.62x39 is called Saiga). But as I checked on old AKM full auto fire full drum is actually adding the barrel stability and reduce recoil.

Then M4 shall jamming every 10 rounds, because of it's construction, but I've got some bad news, if you serve your drum well it will not jamming, because if you didn't server your firearm not important is that AK or M4 or any other firearm it will jam or will broke down.

So stop please those fairy tails...

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Posted (edited)
  On 3/10/2025 at 3:09 PM, Misnomera said:

Problem: the drum mag favors spray and pray gameplay and has almost no discernible downside.

Fix: Nerf the drum mag to have some pros and cons to consider when using it.

- Increase noise: drum mags are not spring loaded, this means the rounds rattle inside the container. In game, using the drum mag should produce a distinguishable rattle that decreases the ability to sneak up on your opponent. Volume and frequency of the sound should be dependent on movement speed.

-Decrease weapon handling: drum mags are bulky and heavy; this should debuff ADS speed and reload speed.

-Failure to feed: drum mags are notorious for jamming, so they should have a higher possibility of jamming than standard 30rd mags. 

-Too common: a soft nerf could be to make them more rare than they have been in the past so they aren't being used on every AKM. 


It should also have a negative effect on sway control and recoil stability, given the weight allocation. I disagree with the weapon jamming; we don't need more jamming for any gun in the game - the rates are already unrealistically high, for the most part.

Edited by lCCPl Curious Console Player

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  On 3/10/2025 at 6:08 PM, Sid Debian said:

Actually drum has a spring inside it's valled rotation spring. Check on photo.

AKM Drum inside

And I've got some bad news it was designed for RPK, but still has ability to be attached to AKM, because mag size and mag systems of the mag well for RPK and AKM is the same, like for RPK-74 and AK-74/M.

Spring in the drum is under the tension so it's not so loud while you shooting same as internal sectis creating the pressure and special rows on edge of back plate and front part preventing from noise , it might be noisy when you're jumping but not more.

If you didn't understood, I'll repeat you the BI com manager: "DayZ is not simulator", so if you didn't understood I've got some good news, that's why it doesn't matter what's type of mag do you using, heck man I reached the 1 tonn weight (1000 kg) and still not dead and could moving.

 Drum mag didn't reduce reload speed because mag full of ammo is heavy but not enough to slow down reloading speed sorry checked that on my Saiga (funny Russian's carabine of AK-103 7.62x39 is called Saiga). But as I checked on old AKM full auto fire full drum is actually adding the barrel stability and reduce recoil.

Then M4 shall jamming every 10 rounds, because of it's construction, but I've got some bad news, if you serve your drum well it will not jamming, because if you didn't server your firearm not important is that AK or M4 or any other firearm it will jam or will broke down.

So stop please those fairy tails...

i cant read this well, idk if english isnt your first language but im sorry im finding this very hard to understand. but uhhh, if i do understand it, the spring actually does produce a rattle but its not gonna matter when your shooting. It would rather be a very faint noise while moving. Also saying "dayz isnt a simulator" is the exact same argument of

"mommy, why dont we do this?"

"well caroline, we dont do it because weve always done it this way."

"well then why do we do it this way mommy?"

"i dont know. But its always the way it has been so there no reason to change it."

This kind of argument of "its not this so therefore it must never be" is time and time again proven to very very seldomly amount to any good or innovation, and sometimes can appear to other people as very foolish. For example, you directly attack his argument by saying "dayz doesnt matter what mag you are using because dayz is not a simulator" 

all of those terms are used very loosely, as well as the fact that what Misonomera feels like should change in dayz appears to be one of the very core points you use to dismantle his argument, which doesnt really work, simply because it associates innovation with "the way it never was therefore the way it should never be"

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  On 3/10/2025 at 3:09 PM, Misnomera said:

- Increase noise: drum mags are not spring loaded, this means the rounds rattle inside the container. In game, using the drum mag should produce a distinguishable rattle that decreases the ability to sneak up on your opponent. Volume and frequency of the sound should be dependent on movement speed.

-Failure to feed: drum mags are notorious for jamming, so they should have a higher possibility of jamming than standard 30rd mags. 

-Too common: a soft nerf could be to make them more rare than they have been in the past so they aren't being used on every AKM.

These points are unrealistic and unnecessary. My fix would be to just add the RPK and 40rd magazines, to fix the balancing gap.

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  On 3/13/2025 at 4:21 PM, Habibabob said:

i cant read this well, idk if english isnt your first language but im sorry im finding this very hard to understand. but uhhh, if i do understand it, the spring actually does produce a rattle but its not gonna matter when your shooting. It would rather be a very faint noise while moving. Also saying "dayz isnt a simulator" is the exact same argument of

"mommy, why dont we do this?"

"well caroline, we dont do it because weve always done it this way."

"well then why do we do it this way mommy?"

"i dont know. But its always the way it has been so there no reason to change it."

This kind of argument of "its not this so therefore it must never be" is time and time again proven to very very seldomly amount to any good or innovation, and sometimes can appear to other people as very foolish. For example, you directly attack his argument by saying "dayz doesnt matter what mag you are using because dayz is not a simulator" 

all of those terms are used very loosely, as well as the fact that what Misonomera feels like should change in dayz appears to be one of the very core points you use to dismantle his argument, which doesnt really work, simply because it associates innovation with "the way it never was therefore the way it should never be"

Actually it's not so loud, as I told you. When drum is empty rotation spring is under the tension/pressure, and it will always be umder the presure until you will not disassemble the drum mag. Point is while you're shooting you will not spotted huge difference between std mag and drum. That noice will appears if you're wrong assemble the drum mag (by rules of serving that drum you need to insert section roller/follower and by your hand make a 1 full round of that roller/follower, to set the tension on the spring and then it will work fine as it should. Yes drum mag is same like AR15 is awesome but if you're not at the battlefield. If standart mag you can disassemble put some lubricant/soft shooting oil on the parts and then remove it (without huge remains of that oil and assembly back the mag it will op like it's mostly new one), with drum mag it requires to put some lubricant on inner ways/roads/channels where your ammunition follows (reduce the friction over those sideways and it's done no more clangs or unnormal sounds). All the same like in the normal life.

And same as I said before serve your drum mag well and it will not jam even in hot combat, the same for the firearms.

What's brings us back to main position of BI about DZ : DZ is not the simulator. It never was and never will be the simulator, that's why many suggestions was and will be fallen apart.

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  On 3/17/2025 at 3:37 PM, Sid Debian said:

Actually it's not so loud, as I told you. When drum is empty rotation spring is under the tension/pressure, and it will always be umder the presure until you will not disassemble the drum mag. Point is while you're shooting you will not spotted huge difference between std mag and drum. That noice will appears if you're wrong assemble the drum mag (by rules of serving that drum you need to insert section roller/follower and by your hand make a 1 full round of that roller/follower, to set the tension on the spring and then it will work fine as it should. Yes drum mag is same like AR15 is awesome but if you're not at the battlefield. If standart mag you can disassemble put some lubricant/soft shooting oil on the parts and then remove it (without huge remains of that oil and assembly back the mag it will op like it's mostly new one), with drum mag it requires to put some lubricant on inner ways/roads/channels where your ammunition follows (reduce the friction over those sideways and it's done no more clangs or unnormal sounds). All the same like in the normal life.

And same as I said before serve your drum mag well and it will not jam even in hot combat, the same for the firearms.

What's brings us back to main position of BI about DZ : DZ is not the simulator. It never was and never will be the simulator, that's why many suggestions was and will be fallen apart.

I have to ask, and trust me when i say that i mean this with all due respect, but is english your second language by chance? I dont mean this at all to disrespect or poke you, but im having a really hard time understanding 99% of what you are saying, and it might be better if you sent it to me in your first language and i could just translate it, so that we can continue the dispute. I also wondered that because i did heavily critique your argument of

"it was never was therefore it will never be"

critiquing the part of it of the fact that it was just a repeated argument that was logically flawed, and doesnt work specifically if you repeat it, and i was somewhat confused because instead of defending your argument... you repeated it. 

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  On 3/17/2025 at 9:34 PM, Habibabob said:

I have to ask, and trust me when i say that i mean this with all due respect, but is english your second language by chance? I dont mean this at all to disrespect or poke you, but im having a really hard time understanding 99% of what you are saying, and it might be better if you sent it to me in your first language and i could just translate it, so that we can continue the dispute. I also wondered that because i did heavily critique your argument of

"it was never was therefore it will never be"

critiquing the part of it of the fact that it was just a repeated argument that was logically flawed, and doesnt work specifically if you repeat it, and i was somewhat confused because instead of defending your argument... you repeated it. 

Ok, we can try in other way, I'll PM you, coz forum rules asking to use English only.

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