DancingBear 168 Posted July 7, 2012 Have both, plenty of ammo, cant keep em, which should i choose.I try to avoid human contact as much as I can, but obviously, pvp is part of the game, I do not hunt people, but bandits cant be ignored.So im looking for your trusty advice folks, up and downs for both if i may ask.Which reminds me, whoever I killed at that millatary base, we both were stupid enought to spawn there, and unlucky to spawn at the same time, and we even opened fire -I Believe- at the same time.But i guess im the lucky one, since i managed to get up again before you did and so i won with 200 blood left xD, it was a good match though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted July 7, 2012 KobraMuch better sights and easier to find people while aimingM16A2's sights take up a good chunk of your screen and I'm just not a big fan of the gun unless it's the holo or ACOG version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moosenoodles 0 Posted July 7, 2012 kobra is easier to aim with.. the m16's in arma have sights that are not very well done, and i dont mean that they dont work, i mean they just sit ugly and in the way :DNow the acog m16 is a different kettle of fish :D much better and id take that over most guns in dayZ.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrostDMG 398 Posted July 7, 2012 Unless you find the ACOG version of the '16, stick with cobra Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DancingBear 168 Posted July 7, 2012 Then I guess it is decided, Kobra it is.thank you for your help folks, much appreciated, didnt axpect an answer so fast and unanimously too..oh one other thing, what about loudness, for both humans and infected..? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 7, 2012 i stick to m16A2 ;)just got the same decision to make 10min ago (im playing without crosshair)dont like the AKs in the game ...the sound for infected are the same for these guns, but for humans... idk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DancingBear 168 Posted July 7, 2012 i stick to m16A2 ;)just got the same decision to make 10min ago (im playing without crosshair)dont like the AKs in the game ...the sound for infected are the same for these guns' date=' but for humans... idk[/quote']Lol I feel the same way about the aks, akm over aks74 anyday of the week, but i havent got the chance to use the cobra sight yet so I cant realy decide, ultimately ill go with what i feel more suitable for me, this post is just incase I find them both suitable, and maybe i didnt know somethings about those weapons, like jamming of some kind:Pjamming should be added to this game, like seriously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zorisx 7 Posted July 7, 2012 M16A2 , the aks74 is a sub machine gun hybrid. It can easily shoot over 500m. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canbaron 0 Posted July 7, 2012 IIRC the Kobra is only good up to 200m range, it is a great gun for running around in Elektro or Cherno though, main advantage of the M16 is range and the ability to use SD ammo for zombies. The iron sights are pretty good too, I prefer them over the ones of the AK74 and AKM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asmo (DayZ) 3 Posted July 7, 2012 IIRC the Kobra is only good up to 200m range' date=' it is a great gun for running around in Elektro or Cherno though, main advantage of the M16 is range and the ability to use SD ammo for zombies. The iron sights are pretty good too, I prefer them over the ones of the AK74 and AKM.[/quote']Actually, the AKS-74 Kobra is an Assault Rifle, not a variant on the AKS-74u (which is the submachinegun). The Kobra has the same effective range as the AK-74, 300 meters.Also, altho you can load an M16 with Stanag-SD ammo, it does not make your weapon any more silent. You need an actuall silenced weapon too. As for the Stanag-SD, the only weapon they can be used with to actually be silent is the M4A1 Camo SD. Other silenced weapons is the M9 SD (handgun), MP5SD6 and Bizon SD (submachineguns).Personally I don't like the ironsights on the M16, much like I don't like the red dot (alltho it's actually green) on the Kobra. I prefer a normal AK-74 ironsights over both of those.The best "low value" weapon, in my opinion, is the AKM. The ironsights are minimalistic and easy to use, the gun uses 7.62 ammo, which hurts like hell and the ability to adjust your zeroing between 100 and 800 meters gives you a great advantage over most assaultrifles.So of the common rifles, this is my order of preferance;1. AKM. High damage, nice ironsights, zeroing, one shot zombiekills. It is a bit loud tho.2. AK-74 (not Kobra). I like the ironsights on this one.3. Rest is pretty much even.Of the more uncommon assaultrifles I prefer in this order;1. M16A4 ACOG. because... ACOG.2. M4A3 HWS M203. Mostly for the holo-sights, but the m203 underslung grenadelauncher is very nice to have when you know someone is inside a house, waiting for you to come in.3. M4A3 CCO. I like the red-dot sight, even tho it's a bit bulky. The camo on the gun isn't a negative thing either.Then ofcourse there's the L85 and the FN FAL, but those are in a category of their own. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spacecaps 101 Posted July 7, 2012 AsmoActually, AKS74U isn't exactly a SMG (it doesn't use pistol rounds), it's just an AK74 with shortened barrel and some minor CQB tweaks.Also, what's this "effective range" bullshit? I can one-shot targets at 2.5km with my AS50 (in ARMA), despite having an effective range of 1500m. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redsh1rt 24 Posted July 8, 2012 Isn't the 74u a carbine?Also while SD rounds don't sound silent to players when use in a loud gun, to zombies they are silent. That's what I've been told, I havent tested it so I cannot confirm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asmo (DayZ) 3 Posted July 8, 2012 AsmoActually' date=' AKS74U isn't exactly a SMG (it doesn't use pistol rounds), it's just an AK74 with shortened barrel and some minor CQB tweaks.[/quote']That is true, but the tweaks does make it behave more like a SMG.But my point was that the AKS-74 Kobra isn't a variant on the AKS-74u as was implied by the poster I quoted. But simply an AK-74 with a RDS (but green). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blippy 26 Posted July 8, 2012 AsmoActually' date=' AKS74U isn't exactly a SMG (it doesn't use pistol rounds), it's just an AK74 with shortened barrel and some minor CQB tweaks.Also, what's this "effective range" bullshit? I can one-shot targets at 2.5km with my AS50 (in ARMA), despite having an effective range of 1500m.[/quote']Effective range is where you can reliably use your sights to aim at a target and kill them. Sure you can fire further and hit targets, but the sights weren't designed for that kind of range, so it would be harder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billytehbob 6 Posted July 8, 2012 AKS-74U is not a subgun, its a regular carbine. Both the AKS-74 and 74U shoot 5.45x39, a rifle round. Personally, I'd take the AKS-74 over the M16A2 any day; the sights are more open on the 74, and it should shoot a lot better than the M16. My AK-74 shoots like a .22, and my 5.56 AK had more recoil and muzzle climb than my 74. I don't have any experience with the M16, but I'm gonna assume that the recoil is pretty similar. However, in game, they seem to shoot much the same, and do the same damage. But because the sights on the M16 are much more restrictive, its a lot easier to make follow up shots with the 74 due to the collimator sight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathstruck 0 Posted July 8, 2012 While I like the Kobra sights, I can't deny that the M16A2 is powerful as well.Scored some amazing headshots (well... only 2 actually :P) at long range with it. That was with Ironsights, not ACOG. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parrin 1 Posted July 8, 2012 The M16A2 is AMAZING at range if you can get good with the iron sights, though if you're more likely to be staying around citys/towns, grab the AK, full auto mode, higher rate of fire.Though I'd personally grab an AKM, I've had the chance to get 2 M16s and I also had a DMR in my pack, but I ditched them all as I love the AKM both IRL and In-game, the sights are really nice to use, it has zeroing(Make sure to zero in for 100 when around citys/towns, 200 when around woodland, 300 if you're making your way across fields etc(Max effective range is around 300 anyway, so don't bother going higher)The ammo is easy to find too, and it's deadly at both range and close up, just don't be an idiot and try shoot players at like 250 metres in full auto.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites