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I love the PVP, but hate the zombies.

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I love the PVP in Dayz! However the zombies are extremely annoying. There is nothing fun about killing the zombies. They are difficult in an "annoying" way which is not good.

I love the PVP though!


You guys don't understand my post.

I enjoy killing zombies in every other zombie game ever made except this mod.

1. The zombies can see through walls

2. They aggro extremely easily

3. they zig zag which means they're more human than zombies.

4. when you shoot htem it takes a while before they respond to actually being shot (network problem)

5. Sometimes when you shoot them in the head and you know you shot them in the head they don't die.

Basically killing zombies is NOT fun because there are tons of problems.

It's hard to aim against them because the animations are all messed up.

Something is not right.

Examples of killing zombies that is EXTREMELY fun.

1. Killing Floor

2. Left for Dead series

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the zombies get some BIG overhaul.

i bet you cried the loudest with the 1.7.1 build.

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you hate zombies in a zombie game?

I know right only retards play a zombie game to kill other players.

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I know what you mean, those pesky zombies can be a hassle and distract me from my killing of other players.

But you are in luck! There is a gametype out that is basically DayZ without zombies! Trying playing Tonic's Wasteland. No download or special mod is required, just as long as you have Operation Arrowhead and an internet connection!

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I'm starting to get over Zombies too. they are so, so predictable now. Maybe if Zombies were replaced with Mercinaries or AI villagers trying to defend their property to mix things up a bit. Dogs with Rabies would be cool too.

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Insurgency is so boring to me. I'd say go for some organized warfare tvt.

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If you like PvP and dont like zombies, try the project reality mod for arma ;)

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I love the PVP in Dayz! However the zombies are extremely annoying. There is nothing fun about killing the zombies. They are difficult in an "annoying" way which is not good.

I love the PVP though!

I'd recommend ArmA 2 with ACE and ACRE mods - way more interesting PvP then DayZ.

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You guys don't understand my post.

I enjoy killing zombies in every other zombie game ever made except this mod.

1. The zombies can see through walls

2. They aggro extremely easily

3. they zig zag which means they're more human than zombies.

4. when you shoot htem it takes a while before they respond to actually being shot (network problem)

5. Sometimes when you shoot them in the head and you know you shot them in the head they don't die.

Basically killing zombies is NOT fun because there are tons of problems.

It's hard to aim against them because the animations are all messed up.

Something is not right.

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I love the PVP in Dayz! However the zombies are extremely annoying. There is nothing fun about killing the zombies. They are difficult in an "annoying" way which is not good.

I love the PVP though!

I'd recommend ArmA 2 with ACE and ACRE mods - way more interesting PvP then DayZ.

Yup, ACE+ACRE radio mod+JSRS sound mod+Blastcore gfx mod = Premium Arma2 experience.

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Ahhh... you like PvP but not PvE, yeah copy that.

Very simple question: Why don't you go play something else than DayZ?

Try ACE, like Zorg and Apos suggested.

Remember, Devs stated that DayZ contains PvP, but ever since it was more focusing on PvE and teamwork... so if you're looking for some nice Arma 2 PvP, just don't play DayZ. Thanks.

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Id like to see a falling skies type scenario that is on par with dayZ.. it would make for pure pvp and no trash mobs but maybe use civilians with attitude to interfere now and again.

Players as the survivors and players as the alien invasion force could bring some great mods and fun base building hiding from them, and having to up sticks and move bases when discovered etc. Would be a nice team work/infiltration/re-stock and relocate type game play. While hunted by superior fire power :D

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DayZ is a survival simulator, not PvP game with PVE zombies. You don't even need to shoot to anyone to play DayZ - remember about it. For full PvP experience once again I highly recommend ArmA 2 - it's one of the most immerse and exciting multiplayer games I have ever played. With ACE and ACRE it's the most unique experience.

Problems which you mentioned: I believe Rocket knows about those and your feedback will make this mod better (remember it's only an Alpha!)

ps. JSRS and Blastcore are optional, but awesome mods for ArmA 2 (not DayZ).

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  'FFrank said:

Ahhh... you like PvP but not PvE' date=' yeah copy that.

Very simple question: Why don't you go play something else than DayZ?

Try ACE, like Zorg and Apos suggested.

Remember, Devs stated that DayZ contains PvP, but ever since it was more focusing on PvE and teamwork... so if you're looking for some nice Arma 2 PvP, just don't play DayZ. Thanks.


Lol you can hardly call the zombies in Day z PvE. They're just an annoyance that adds nothing to the game aside from what they add to the PvP.

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He has a point...

Many people here are getting their jimmies in a russle just because he stated he liked the pvp aspect of the game. Fine. Although I'm not complaining about the zombies difficulty, they just don't seem ambient in tangency with the mod. They just don't act like... zombies. They act like zeds (Zig-Zaggin' Wall Mergin' Hall Assin' Bitch Slappin' Derps).

It's disappointing to see that all zeds react the same way. I hope this is expanded upon in the future; and different types of zeds will be added to the game. Maybe you will have some that are slow and walk with their hands out in front like they're gon' getcha. You have some zombies that take more hits than others and have some identity trait that sets them apart from the others. You could have some bear grylls wilderness roamin' zombies who don't need no big city cherno lifestyle.

I understand why everyones feathers are getting ruffled but goobys pls. Wouldn't you admit that the pve aspect of the game could be improved upon?

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  'coolboynaked said:

Ahhh... you like PvP but not PvE' date=' yeah copy that.

Very simple question: Why don't you go play something else than DayZ?

Try ACE, like Zorg and Apos suggested.

Remember, Devs stated that DayZ contains PvP, but ever since it was more focusing on PvE and teamwork... so if you're looking for some nice Arma 2 PvP, just don't play DayZ. Thanks.


Lol you can hardly call the zombies in Day z PvE. They're just an annoyance that adds nothing to the game aside from what they add to the PvP.

It's good to see i'm not alone. I"m in the same boat as you. I'd like the zombies to be more entertaining but as far as i'm concerned they are annoying, not fun.

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Well, it makes sense.

The zombies themselves are nothing special compared to other games. But persistence and permadeath are the two key features of DayZ that set it apart from all the other zombie shooters.

And they are also the features that make PVP in it so intense, along with the Arma2 realism.

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It's hard to shoot the zombies and NOT because it's "challenging", but because it's technically annoying. The animations glitch, they zig zag in a very unrealistic fashion that no zombie in the history of zombie movies has ever shown. When you shoot them the animation doesn't respond instantly. You can't tell if you've hurt it or not.

During the process of killing glitched zombies if they get close enough they break one of your bones and it's game over.

How do you guys find this entertaining? I understand it's alpha and they are working to improve it but still, will it be ten times better than it is now?

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