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Me, My bike and the tents you own.

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I know this is going to make some people angry and say things like "you are a bad man!" and I agree. But I have found great joy in riding my bike on the edges of the map and in the forests searching for tent camps, and vehicle camps.

when I find camps I search them for supplies, then whatever I do not need I leave in the tents. I then nudge the tent very gently with the bike and Poof, it flattens. you loose everything. if you have vehicles I usually shoot out the tires and possibly the engines with guns from your tent before destroying them.

I like to think I'm re-balancing the servers just a bit. people server hoping, storing all there high end gear its all reset into video game ether and I move along to the next camp.

since im riding mostly along the edge of the tree line west and north, sometimes east. I get around very fast, and this has given me more joy then just sitting at electro and cherno sniping people.

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I know this is going to make some people angry and say things like "you are a bad man!" and I agree. But I have found great joy in riding my bike on the edges of the map and in the forests searching for tent camps' date=' and vehicle camps.

when I find camps I search them for supplies, then whatever I do not need I leave in the tents. I then nudge the tent very gently with the bike and Poof, it flattens. you loose everything. if you have vehicles I usually shoot out the tires and possibly the engines with guns from your tent before destroying them.

I like to think I'm re-balancing the servers just a bit. people server hoping, storing all there high end gear its all reset into video game ether and I move along to the next camp.

since im riding mostly along the edge of the tree line west and north, sometimes east. I get around very fast, and this has given me more joy then just sitting at electro and cherno sniping people.


I can't get this picture out of my head of some tubby kid stomping on other kid's sand castles...

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I know this is going to make some people angry and say things like "you are a bad man!" and I agree. But I have found great joy in riding my bike on the edges of the map and in the forests searching for tent camps' date=' and vehicle camps.

when I find camps I search them for supplies, then whatever I do not need I leave in the tents. I then nudge the tent very gently with the bike and Poof, it flattens. you loose everything. if you have vehicles I usually shoot out the tires and possibly the engines with guns from your tent before destroying them.

I like to think I'm re-balancing the servers just a bit. people server hoping, storing all there high end gear its all reset into video game ether and I move along to the next camp.

since im riding mostly along the edge of the tree line west and north, sometimes east. I get around very fast, and this has given me more joy then just sitting at electro and cherno sniping people.


i like your style :D

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So you are limited to one server, big deal, or do you repair a motorcycle on each server you join (which is a time consuming task so I aint worried)...

I aint mad, but enjoy your douchebaggery.

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So you are limited to one server' date=' big deal, or do you repair a motorcycle on each server you join (which is a time consuming task so I aint worried)...

I aint mad, but enjoy your douchebaggery.


Not motorcycle. Bike peddle style.

and I have bike's on a wide range of servers, my first task in a server is to hunt down a bike and then its smooth sailing. I gear up at tents I find and then destroy the rest.

also the bike has a bug when you get off and back on its fully repaired but I dont crash alot on the edge of the tree lines anyways.

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I think I would almost respect you if you weren't making stupid assumptions to justify it.

Going around assuming that anyone with a camp at the edge of the map is a server hopper and that items in camps need redistributing? Retarded line of thought. Loot is not influenced by how many tents there are and not everyone is a server hopper.

Be brave enough to admit that you do it simply because you like to wreck other peoples work and we can all respect your actions as those of a simple douchbag.

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I think I would almost respect you if you weren't making stupid assumptions to justify it.

Going around assuming that anyone with a camp at the edge of the map is a server hopper and that items in camps need redistributing? Retarded line of thought. Loot is not influenced by how many tents there are and not everyone is a server hopper.

Be brave enough to admit that you do it simply because you like to wreck other peoples work and we can all respect your actions as those of a simple douchbag.

Im not assuming there all doing it. alot of them I find also have vehicles and I blow those up to to reset them into the world, take power away from those with it. and yes I am getting a lot of joy out of it.

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How could you possibly get joy out of it?

Do you laugh like crazy when you destroy the tent? Are you happy? Feel accomplished? I really don't get it.

When you eventually make a friend or two and develop your own operating base you'll see how to really enjoy the game, til then have.. 'fun' lol.

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I think I would almost respect you if you weren't making stupid assumptions to justify it.

Going around assuming that anyone with a camp at the edge of the map is a server hopper and that items in camps need redistributing? Retarded line of thought. Loot is not influenced by how many tents there are and not everyone is a server hopper.

Be brave enough to admit that you do it simply because you like to wreck other peoples work and we can all respect your actions as those of a simple douchbag.

How is this any different than killing pvp just cause you can.

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Hey guys it's alpha!! And he's only doing what the game allows him to do; it's realistic! If you don't like his play style go back to care bear land. He's just role playing a post-apocalyptic crazy man, so what? If you weren't such a lazy, sorry player, he never would have found your camp. L2P! Do you know how many bicycles and tents there are in real life? Completely reasonable! He's just a lone wolf; taking what he needs and burning the rest. If you get in the way, too bad for you. Zombies!

After reading so many posts like this regarding how every man a sniper is ok, deathmatchZ is ok, and it's usually the players fault for randomly being sniped by some guy he had no chance to see (not to mention the roving band of decked out players that just kill spawners for spite), I can't help but hope that the majority of the people being butt-hurt by his bicycle of justice are those same people. Unlikely but it makes me feel good to believe so. When they do it, it's skill and pvp; when he does it, he's just a douche. I think I see how that works, now. Good job.

PS - Video compilation, please.

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Firstly you say you are destroying "server hoppers" kit and then you say "I have bycicles on many servers" which obviously makes you a server hopper as well.

secondly destroying a vehicle only takes it out of the game for 3 or 4 days until it respawns in the same location you destroyed it but with no fuel.

that IMO definitely makes you a "DoucheBag"

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wufnu, did you have a point in there somewhere? Of course he is a lone wolf, but most lone wolves would not tear apart the entire camp just for the giggles, they'd take what they could and keep the rest for a later raid.

Having your camp raided is entirely reasonable, I never said anything else. But he needs to be honest with why he does it instead of making up reasons.

The OP assumes that he is taking away power from item-hoarders and large groups, but he cannot in any way confirm that. It could just as easily be a small family that players together and needs multiple vehicles to transports everyone when they go out for food (yes, this is a fairly silly example, but my point stands).

Getting sniped or otherwise killed by random bandits is part of the game, destroying camps likewise. But coming up with some vague justification based entirely on preconceptions for it, rather than just admitting he's a douchbag is just pathetic to me.

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Dey see me rollin'...

Dem hatin'...

He's a post-apo nut/douchebag, there's bound to be more or less of those. Next time park your Toyota and your little camp a bit farther away than the first treeline :)

Can't say I agree with you op, but it's kind of funny. Imagine all the ffuu's you've caused

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Man, you may find this hard to believe, but I know exactly how you feel. Exactly. I've been listening to douchebags justify their actions ever since I started playing this game.

PS - First paragraph is sarcasm. It's basically a rehash of the previously mentioned douchebag justification I've heard most recently. The second paragraph is to try to explain that what he's doing is very closely related to what other people are doing but lots of people are too blind to see the connections. One is extremely popular and touted by the elite; the other is a guy on a bike and, it would seem, the majority feels is douchebaggery of the most extreme.

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Nice, good thing that I'm moving all the time, no camps that you could destroy.

Once had an ATV in treeline for two days. That was my camp. Screw campers, true survivors only have what they have in their backpacks :P

Nice, good thing that I'm moving all the time, no camps that you could destroy.

Once had an ATV in treeline for two days. That was my camp. Screw campers, true survivors only have what they have in their backpacks :P

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Guys First let me say, I have been in a clan in this game, Ive done lots of teamspeak "ops" with like 8 people overwatching a location calling out zeds, looking out for players, and raiding areas. so the people saying "once you get a group of actual friends and have your own base raided you wouldnt do this.


not a week ago did me and my friends lose 8 tents full of meds, 2 m24's some alice packs and general starting gear so if we did die we could gear up again easy.

also saying im a server hopper because I said I have bikes on different servers. None of you ever play on different servers? you only stick to 1 all the time? I'm not logging out in Nw barracks, logging into a new server inside looting and repeating. I have a spot I store my bike on each server and I pick a server a night to pillage. am i upset when I log onto a server and my bike is gone? Not really im close enough to towns that I can hunt for a new one, or stick to the edges and find who took it.

tent hunting has become my new endgame. running ops got old pretty quick and noob town kills are really boring. "hey I sniped you from 800m away and all you had on you was a hatchet herp derp fun" only lasted for so long.

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I'd say you're a douchebag, except that you're stomping exploiters gear (which is going to be purged with the next patch anyway), so carry on.

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Sounds fun go for it.

Yeah he might be being a dick but at least his method of griefing is more creative then just killing everything.

DayZ: Zombie Griefing Mod.

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I'd say you're a douchebag' date=' except that you're stomping exploiters gear (which is going to be purged with the next patch anyway), so carry on.


It will be purged closer inland making my job easier in ways and harder.

I'm no white knight I know I am a bad man.

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Meh, this morning some guy found our camp and took our car, which was really beaten down. We didnt really care, it was more of a dead weight anyway. What buffles me, is what was the guy thinking and destroyed our empty tent? Did he rage because it was empty, because the car was in a bad state and didnt have anything valuable in it?

I really don't understand why would anyone destroy an empty tent... unless said guy was a douchebag.

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enjoy the bike before it breaks, then have fun trekking

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