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Tools update Incoming?

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I am curious as to when will we see the tools get an auto save feature? I'm not seeing any such options in my settings or configurations for TB.
It seems like it should have happened long ago and it would be a great addition to the tools by this stage in development no? 

That or what is the script command to execute the save project process? I'll just add that to the F10 scripts.... Anyone have an auto save script of some sort?

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8 hours ago, DeGrincH said:

I am curious as to when will we see the tools get an auto save feature? I'm not seeing any such options in my settings or configurations for TB.
It seems like it should have happened long ago and it would be a great addition to the tools by this stage in development no? 

That or what is the script command to execute the save project process? I'll just add that to the F10 scripts.... Anyone have an auto save script of some sort?

1. You know if you have no idea that you shall save the data - then get away from any text editing software, because it's purely is not for you.

2. In real life auto safe feature is the best stuff for ruining the code because: while you codding you are concentrated on logic process, possible errors points and optimizations of written code and all that stuff often happened at the same time. So you got your concentration and attention for solving the issue/completing the task and you got flyed out msg: Project was auto saved - and BOOOMMM - you're loosed the concentration and felt out from your understanding of implemented solution, your "house", that you had builded in your head for understanding the code is fallen and you sitting with your naked soft place on the ground and "loving" that message for it. This is one of the reasons why developers has skill CTRL + S (or any other combination based on IDE/Environment). They turned off automatic saving because sometimes you written the code and found that you entered to the quicksand instead of finish and trying to get back through the code to find better way for resolving - Boom; Auto saving - some editors cleared the "memory" for reducing memory usage and good bye your previous version of code (code history).


So basically auto saving isn't so awesome and needed feature in real life & software development/engineering.

Better learn the trick that your inner voice shall remind you: "Save the file or I'll smash your hand with hammer!"... You know, I'm kidding but to be honest that's useful skill 🙂

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So an auto save feature for Terrain Builder which is graphical interface, as well as the buldozer which is also graphical interface, does not need an auto save? Interesting.

I believe, to put it frankly, your entire post is just summed up to "DayZ tools likes to put it in my pooper". Or "dayz tools does not respect your time or efforts one bit and you need to save CONSTANTLY". I agree. Millions of dollars, shit  tools. 


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Ps. thank you for explaining what we both already know of the tools, auto save as an option should be provided. As it sits with the tools now if I want to add a house or back track I can, but when dayz tools want to shit the bed so to speak because I tab out or go afk for a few minutes and then return to the tools blue spinning and crashing (ry 7 5700 96G ram 3070 KO OC - so not a total shiat system to be fair) that's tools not functioning.  

Auto save or no auto save, the tools are old and could use some improvements period. Maybe we can see more work put into this aspect and not another head item or hoodie etc.


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