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DayZ Update 1.25

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Just add a min login timer to official and shorten the logout timer as well as fix your code for folks with latency issues to kick them asap. Also get rid of the incremental alt timer and make it a 5 min timer regardless this way it stops folks using netcut to lag their characters out. Somewhere your logic is flawed with the alt timer which is how folks are able to dupe with netcut. Also it's not hard to join all these duper pages where you can go after all the folks selling kits and actually profit with this game dcma all of these twats

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  On 8/8/2024 at 12:55 PM, merropa93 said:

"Hello Survivors, 

Here I would like to address the current state of the game and our approach to fixing some major issues. We are well aware of how frustrated our players are with duplication. We hear you loud and clear. We are actively working on fixing those issues and that was our plan with the announced wipe and hotfix. Unfortunately, we found that our hotfix would introduce another unexpected bug. While it would fix the current issue, it would at the same time introduce other problems making your experience in DayZ worse. We agreed that you deserve better than a half-baked fix.

We made a promise that we've learned from our previous mistakes and will not give you less than finished content, including bug fixing. I would love to say that we can deliver on such promise every time, but with the complexity of DayZ, we are hardly perfect. However, if we catch such issues, it's our responsibility not to burden our community with them. I apologize for any inconvenience and compromised game experience you are having right now. Our developers are doing their best to fix all issues, test them properly, and deliver a complex solution instead of applying a small bandage to a massive wound.

To properly test and ensure that all issues are solved, we are currently aiming to deliver the fix during next week. Again, I want to assure you, that we know about the issue and are well aware of how this negatively affects your enjoyment of DayZ. We'll do our best not only to fix it in the fastest possible way but also to ensure avoiding such delays in the future. 

On behalf of the DayZ team,


Project lead"

No worries this is perfectly fine and the right move, keep up the great work.


Disregard the vocal minority always complaining and talking junk 🤦🏻

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Shouldn't be ok failing to deliver a publicised update to your customer every time you release an update (since I purchased your software anyhow) 

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Does anyone have any idea where i can find out what the content of the Dayz updates are that are happening in steam?  Had another one today, Cheers

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  On 8/14/2024 at 1:07 AM, ElvenWench said:

Does anyone have any idea where i can find out what the content of the Dayz updates are that are happening in steam?  Had another one today, Cheers

The developers haven't released anything that recently, if you're still getting new updates then it's because you have some mods installed that were updated.

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Any word on when the hotfix is dropping? the duping is seriously out of hand. i had hoped the hotfix would drop today, do they plan to put it out tomorrow or will they wait another week?

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Are there any news?
On Reddit the news runs (it seems confirmed by a screenshot) that the cancellation and hotfix 1.25 should take place for August 19 (13:00 CEST for PC and 14:00 CEST for console).
I tried to access an official server but I didn't read anything ...
How is it that in this forum you can never know anything in time?
Or is that news a "fake"?

🤯 😬 😤

Edited by Riddick_2K

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Here's the link to the news:

True or fake?

 I played a bit in an official and I didn't see any warning on the screen.

This story is getting grotesque...


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  On 8/18/2024 at 2:06 PM, Riddick_2K said:

 I played a bit in an official and I didn't see any warning on the screen.

There was a notice for a couple days, stating that there would be an update at 13:00 CEST on Aug 19th. Then it was removed.

  On 8/18/2024 at 2:06 PM, Riddick_2K said:

This story is getting grotesque...

When it comes to a wipe, it's very important to get clear info. I lost quite a lot of time because devs changed their plans on the go last time. And I'm going to lost it again now, because I will assume that there will be a wipe at above-noted date, but eventually it won't.

@merropa93 If plans change, it needs to be announced about cancellation each time, no matter how much times devs do it. It's better than keeping silence and thus confusing

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What's with you guys and this wipe business? Its only normal for these things to happen - especially when presented changes are design & security related. Bases and items within a game are worth nothing - only relations can stood the test of time. Not to mention that vanilla is so damn easy when it comes to loot gathering that eventual "weight loss" does not sting at all. Time? Playing is mostly a waste of it you like it or not.

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Been on (pc) for an hour this morning and no server notice about wipe, no official announcement, so I’ve logged out with my ieds and ammo stash…. 

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  On 8/18/2024 at 7:56 PM, nemorus said:

What's with you guys and this wipe business? Its only normal for these things to happen - especially when presented changes are design & security related. Bases and items within a game are worth nothing - only relations can stood the test of time. Not to mention that vanilla is so damn easy when it comes to loot gathering that eventual "weight loss" does not sting at all. Time? Playing is mostly a waste of it you like it or not.

your opinion on wipes is controversial for some players that believe the game shouldn't wipe under any circumstances, even if many things have changed, such as loot economy, exploit fixes, map alterations etc. I think full wipe bi-yearly is a healthy number to prevent the game from becoming stale; when you have all of the gear in the world stockpiled throughout the map, the game feels pointless because there's no more struggle or even fear of death. I agree with your point about loot as well; obtaining gear is extremely easy (far too easy) on vanilla. High tier loot is so abundant that it makes me wonder why people even bother with low tier guns at all.

Good wipe to all! 🙂

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What is this update the long waited frostline or experimental? Im on playstation5 but someone told me we wont get an experimental

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That worked out ok for me. Nobodies going to log into base until after the next raid which will be in 5… 4….3….

Apreciate the heads up @merropa93.

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What is the deal with the PC wipe? its supposed to be just a character wipe correct? our server that we play on got wiped completely (US NY 8319).

When the multiplay servers got taken offline, and these servers opened up, the server was getting wiped on accident every time there was an event update. you guys even fixed it the second time it happened and backed up the last saved backup to. Then there was the actual server wipe.  This has been a constant problem with this server and has costed me groups and friends that i play with that is fed up with the way things have been goingwith this. We would like to switch but there are no other 1st person servers on official with good ping and the servers are all always full at a 15 queue when we play. if we can get a fix for this server being fully wiped (if it was supposed to be a character wipe only) that would be great, and i know its a stretch saying this but maybe one or two more NY and LA 1st person servers open for official. some way to optimize the player capacity.

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  On 8/20/2024 at 6:19 AM, Oh_its_just_a_freshy said:

What is the deal with the PC wipe? its supposed to be just a character wipe correct? our server that we play on got wiped completely (US NY 8319).

When the multiplay servers got taken offline, and these servers opened up, the server was getting wiped on accident every time there was an event update. you guys even fixed it the second time it happened and backed up the last saved backup to. Then there was the actual server wipe.  This has been a constant problem with this server and has costed me groups and friends that i play with that is fed up with the way things have been goingwith this. We would like to switch but there are no other 1st person servers on official with good ping and the servers are all always full at a 15 queue when we play. if we can get a fix for this server being fully wiped (if it was supposed to be a character wipe only) that would be great, and i know its a stretch saying this but maybe one or two more NY and LA 1st person servers open for official. some way to optimize the player capacity.

I heard it was a server wipe for PC and full wipe (character and server) for both consoles. Consoles likely had a character wipe to avoid players carrying crates with watchtowers in them through the wipe and continuing to dupe them (iykyk). 

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  On 8/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, Misnomera said:

I heard it was a server wipe for PC and full wipe (character and server) for both consoles. Consoles likely had a character wipe to avoid players carrying crates with watchtowers in them through the wipe and continuing to dupe them (iykyk). 

it specifically states on their twitter(x.com) account, the console is getting a full wipe while pc only gets a character wipe.

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