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The bow, a weapon that should never have disappeared from DayZ

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 The essence of this game is based on survival, you know that you will always die sooner or later when you are equipped with automatic weapons and snipers, but everything starts with rudimentary weapons and a basic weapon and which can be manufactured and progressed at the beginning. It is the arc which I do not understand why they removed it from Dayz and which I look forward to being back and more people wishing it would return to DayZ.

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21 hours ago, RadiactiF said:

 The essence of this game is based on survival, you know that you will always die sooner or later when you are equipped with automatic weapons and snipers, but everything starts with rudimentary weapons and a basic weapon and which can be manufactured and progressed at the beginning. It is the arc which I do not understand why they removed it from Dayz and which I look forward to being back and more people wishing it would return to DayZ.

Probably something to do with the fact that they changed the gun play to allow people with 40IQ to play to maximise sales and they couldnt just port over the bow without having to completely rework how it works. What i have noticed over the years is that if something from .62 cant just be ported over they will never re-add it because they hate actually having to do stuff.

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On 5/11/2024 at 1:13 AM, RadiactiF said:

 The essence of this game is based on survival, you know that you will always die sooner or later when you are equipped with automatic weapons and snipers, but everything starts with rudimentary weapons and a basic weapon and which can be manufactured and progressed at the beginning. It is the arc which I do not understand why they removed it from Dayz and which I look forward to being back and more people wishing it would return to DayZ.

Man: relax, download DayZ offline mission and start on beta build. I know you not expecting that, but Dev branch has the bow...

To be honest I didn't checked how is it working and etc, but I found it while searched for one item in game classnames. The classname shall contain "bow". If you wish - please try it maybe it's working and could be added in 1.26 patch honestly i just don't know.

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The way weapons work in the game needs to addressed. Make the weapons and the response getting hit by the weapons realistic. I shot a pig in the head the other day with a .22 and it didn’t die. Ridiculous. Any bullet should be able to kill animal or player with one headshot, regardless of caliber.

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2 hours ago, Sean_87__ said:

The way weapons work in the game needs to addressed. Make the weapons and the response getting hit by the weapons realistic. I shot a pig in the head the other day with a .22 and it didn’t die. Ridiculous. Any bullet should be able to kill animal or player with one headshot, regardless of caliber.

22. would probably get stopped by bone, it is the same for the players in this game you must aim for the brain hitbox

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On 5/12/2024 at 1:49 AM, Sean_87__ said:

The way weapons work in the game needs to addressed. Make the weapons and the response getting hit by the weapons realistic. I shot a pig in the head the other day with a .22 and it didn’t die. Ridiculous. Any bullet should be able to kill animal or player with one headshot, regardless of caliber.

Little of this game is also "realistic"... it's just very very complex, but too often out of all reality/realism. Think about the consumption of food/water, boots, tools... the construction of fences and turrets... the placement of tents... and many other things that don't come to mind right now (I'll make a list while game, so I'll make a post with the complete list of all the nonsense I find).
And as for weapons... never mind that they go through the thick walls of houses (seen on YT, I don't know if it's still like that, but I fear so), but try shooting from a window and tell me if you can do it like in the reality or you are continually "blocked" even from the air, often. Since it's a video game and you don't have all the complete movements of a "real human being" at your disposal, the collision should be "tolerant" enough to compensate for this lack... instead, too often, you get blocked even by NOTHING... 😞
Go to a 2-story house, and from the 2nd floor try to shoot the infected that gather below. In reality it would be something elementary. In the game it's impossible, even if you're on the ground floor and you can see them by eye, you still can't shoot them as the game raises the weapon for you. And worse, with the weapon raised it doesn't even shoot... The TOP of the "grotesque" 😮 A real weapon, if loaded, when you press the trigger it shoots you even if inside a pocket or a bag... there's no There is no "celestial deity" blocking your weapon. In some ways it seems like an old "arcade"... 😕
Try opening a ticket on "feedback bistudio com / project / view / 2 /" and let's see what they reply... either that it is "made that way on purpose" (for the most varied and imaginative reasons) or they don't even reply to you. 😕

Edited by Riddick_2K

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On 5/11/2024 at 10:23 PM, blueshorts44 said:

22. would probably get stopped by bone, it is the same for the players in this game you must aim for the brain hitbox

This is not true. I hunt, so I can tell you first hand that a .22 will go right through the skull. The only thing that could possibly happen, and it’s rare, is that the bullet could deflect off his skull at certain angles.

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14 minutes ago, Sean_87__ said:

This is not true. I hunt, so I can tell you first hand that a .22 will go right through the skull. The only thing that could possibly happen, and it’s rare, is that the bullet could deflect off his skull at certain angles.

What are you hunting?

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