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Make the UAZ496 car drivable

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You can find the rotten wrecks of these on some military locations and they were

 drivable waaaay back in the dayz ArmA II mod, why don't they just add it back to the current dayZ?


Hardtop + Canopy version

200 - 300 storage slots

Excellent off-road vehicle, but can flip on its side when going too fast

Spawns at Military and Camping sites

4 seats

But don't include the DShK machinegun that came attached sometimes, too op but very cool

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With the same stuff return back those loosened vehicles from Arma 2: Kamaz (Zamak) ingame class Truck_02, Urals (there's wrecks on map), bmp1 and 2 (there's both wreks), BRDM (2) it's so famn hard reminds about nice Arma 2 DayZ Mod then about that sh*tty dz game...

And how the hell I could forget the TransitBus Ikarus!

Edited by Sid Debian
Added Ikarus.

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One of the first times I ever played, a guy gifted me this car.

It was the best day of my life.

This would be a great nostalgiagasm addition to the game, like the DMR 🙂

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