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The hacker problem, open discussion - Player: "Have you gotten banned at all from official servers?" Hacker: "Once, in the past three years."

Players experience with hackers:  

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  1. 1. Have you experienced a hacker / hacking in DayZ?

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    • Yes, but it has gotten less frequent over time.
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Quote in the title is from this video: The Cheater Wars of DayZ

. . . .

This is laughable.

I am a player of DayZ from the days of the mod, nearly 12 years.

This game, all things considered, may be the greatest experience I've ever had in my life, and I only wish for it to grow and to share it with my friends and the world as much as possible,

But the blatant disregard for the quality of the official servers is horrendous, and makes recommending this game difficult. 

How long must this go on? How long must you be ignorant, virtually silent and completely disregard the health of the official playable experience in this game? Can you not see that your players (fans, hobbyists, regular people working for nothing) are creating a safer and more credible playing experience on their own personal servers than you have ever offered?

Everywhere I go online regarding DayZ, your hardcore and life-long fans are expressing pure disappointment and reluctance to even join the official servers due to the blatant disregard of any quality within their security and quality.

Do you expect new players to stay around when this is the status quo of the official experience, and with a simple Google search, shows absolutely no evidence of change?

The hacker in this video has been getting away with this for 3 years, with only 1 ban. Disgusting.


. . . .


Another quote from the American hacker himself (in regards to the Chinese hacker base they are removing):

"We're going to delete this entire base, it's gonna be gone. Because I mean, the devs aren't doing shit. You could report this, screenshot it, everything and they're not going to do anything."


As it stands, other hackers are taking more action in anti-hacking measures then you, the official development team, are taking in your own official servers.

Messed up.


. . . . 




1 year ago today, I tried the official servers once more to give them a shot, to see if the base online service you are offering has improved at all. I logged in with my hive-based kitted character, walked up a hill in the middle of the night in a forest with full vitals and armor, and died by magic bullet. I then returned to the reliable, secure and moderated experience of the community servers. Never again would I touch your servers.

It's a sad reality, and I don't know if players can take it in any way but as a total lack of care from you.


. . . .


I can only hope some semblance of action-taking becomes evident in the near future, but I would be lying if I said that hope wasn't quickly disappearing.


Bohemia, DayZ Team, you have an absolutely amazing game. Please don't let this kind of thing kill it.


I would love to see the community's experiences with this epidemic, please share.

Edited by dunafornicator
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For the past 3-4 years the state has been: MOST of my official characters die to players who are very likely cheating and often there is no question about it.

People running like the flash (faster than a full speed gunther), inivisble people messing with you, or the good old classic "everyone around you dies within one millisecond in a room with no windows".

THREE YEARS. How? Team Fortress 2 has also been terribly messed up by hackers for that duration and is still.

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18 minutes ago, seanersb said:




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I don't think i've ever experienced this... in fact i struggle to think of a time that i've not actually seen the player (or at least the group they were part of) that killed me. I can count on one hand the times where i've taken fire from a sniper at distance that i never saw and i've survived them all.

My game does tend to err on the side of sneaking and running from trouble rather than looking for it though 😉


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3 hours ago, lemmac said:

I don't think i've ever experienced this...

In the past 4 years I can remember ONE time where I thought I was 99% killed by a hacker OUTSIDE of official PC servers.

Do you play on official PC servers a lot?

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To be honest no i don't, not anymore, i find they just aren't as interesting as the wealth of modded servers and maps that are around. I've also never ventured any of the highly competitive clan/PVP oriented community servers where i imagine a lot of cheating goes on.

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It happened to me, in 2020, as soon as I purchased this game (I didn't know it yet) that I met an already "expert" Italian. Even though I told him I didn't want to kill anyone and raid, he took me there anyway. I should have told him to fuck off right away, but I wanted to understand how the others played. I continued with him in his favorite server (public vanilla of the B.I.)... it was one of the most populated servers (in the evening it was packed that you had to queue) and he already had 2 Lada Niva hidden ready with some NVGs. Long story short, during the game he played a joke on me which, at the time (not knowing the game) just left me very perplexed: We were in touch with Discord and he told me several times that he was behind me, but when I turned around he didn't I saw no one, and this many times in a row so I had a clear idea of everything around me, because I was constantly turning to follow his (stupid) directions... and the ground was completely deserted for 100/150 metres, then there 'it was the woods. At one point, while I was constantly turning around, he had "magically" appeared behind me 1/2 meter... impossible to do while running in a few seconds without some kind of "trick".
At the time I didn't understand the "problem" and I replied that he was good at camouflaging himself. Then I thought about it and I started to have serious doubts and I gave up with an excuse. Too bad I didn't make any videos, I would have reported it and put it on YT.
This is still a "famous person" (he is the head of some clans on different games and is also in the administration group of some groups on Steam: a DOC "dickhead") and after this fact, I had to suffer the "harassment " of some of his "friends" (in Italy, unfortunately, there are many who follow the cult of the "pack", that of "stitch-up" and that of "conspiracy of silence"... and they are often also very vindictive. It's really a shame not to be able report, the only real way to fight them, IMO). This is also why I changed my account and nik.
Among various things, looking for friends on Steam, I found a small group who... without telling me anything... took me to a server where, in the end, they were also playing with him and... magically... while I was trying to reach them, they started commenting among themselves that that "DH" was going to play a joke on me and giggling among themselves... after a while I found a pack of wolves in a place where it was not possible to find wolves, near to the south/east coast... while these "funny people" laughed at each other in Discord, implicitly admitting that it was done on purpose by this "dickhead".
What beautiful people, huh?!?
This is my direct experience.
Then, playing alone on public servers found at random, I happened to be suddenly killed in the middle of nowhere, in a forest completely out of any path or inhabited center... I was always left wondering if it was a cheater or a sniper who happened to pass by.
Unfortunately, the specific features of the game (which few know and no one complains: shots past almost all walls as an idiotic specific feature of the game... just search for videos on YT), the "game management" features (these programmers do nothing against this plague and do not even encourage the possibility of players to "control each other" and seriously report cheaters), they make it very difficult to understand if it is a "normal game" or "cheater" when you die or are raided and robbed everything to you.
In my opinion it's simple:
If you don't like the game very much, abandon it and live happily.
If you really like the game a lot, you have to learn to live with this problem... they will never solve it anyway.
The only thing that "seems" to work is to look for servers that are not very populated (very very little populated). Cheaters don't have fun there and don't frequent them. They just enjoy feeling capable of "commanding" everything and everyone, and are only looking for servers full of people.
I used to frequent the "Public/Veteran" servers, but they closed them... now the public servers are few and always very full and, cheaters aside, it's not a great game.
Those in the community... either they are full of absurd mods (monsters, aliens, dinosaurs, and shit like that), or they have absurd rules, or they have an overbearing and discriminating administration (often, unfortunately. They are generally frustrated children looking for power to gratify one's ego. In all video games, this...).
I found a few community servers good... all with few people and they were closed, unfortunately.
However, to return to the specific problem (the cheaters), unfortunately, given how things are and how they have been going since I started (2020) I don't think there will ever be a solution... unfortunately...

Sorry for the Google translation.

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I agree this is one of the best games I've played.

however on SY AP 1023 we are now constantly molested by hackers. they know exactly where you are, even if hiding and not moving.

called team mates out by their name before killing them 

Drive up and down the coast killing everyone.

If you do manage to get a start and base etc, get one shot from a disrant shot, whilst running in a forest with full military armor in the middle of the night.

or same night team mate gets one shot whilst in base at night and no windows...


needs to be dealt with or game is done

we had a team of ten it's now 3...


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Basically cheaters are ruining this game and it will die without it being handled. That's why I'm going to make my server whitelisted only, I know that won't do much good but at least we can monitor each player more closely, where they came from, etc.

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On 1/24/2024 at 7:00 AM, drewidd said:

needs to be dealt with or game is done 

This has been going on for the past three years. Same goes for Team Fortress 2, a way bigger game with a way bigger company behind it.

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1 hour ago, DonnieSkuza said:

Basically cheaters are ruining this game and it will die without it being handled.

This has been going on for the past three years already, and player numbers are always rising, recently another record has been broken.

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Servers are now showing up that are not official, inside the "official" tab of the official launcher.

The negligence is really getting out of hand.

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Don't play on official. Never ever. Active moderation is like a job. Only private servers can have that kind of service working. And yes, not all of them. But you'll find communities worth your while.

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started on console and fell in love with the official experience 

bought on pc and was kidnapped by invisible rubber slug shooting racists in cherno, had grenades spawn at my feet and explode and it happened like once a day on pc official servers. 

tried community servers and the experience was a mixed bag due to fake player counts, unraidable steel bases, downloading weird ass mods, currencies/ traders etc 

said fuck it and went back to xbox. actually bought a whole new xbox because i sold the first one lol.

as an official player its perfect, now that duping is gone/ hard enough to do that most people dont its not an issue anymore. the only thing thats pissing me off is the frequency of wipes and nerfs with every update, but thats a design choice not a platform problem. 

I will be sticking to xbox and as a side note xbox players are very social, its impossible not to get invited to a clan on official if you stay on one server and they recognize your username. probably because of how easy it is to join partys in game etc. 


fuck hackers, i dont have gear fear but after a 8 hour super adventure to have it end like that is enough of a experience ruiner that i would have quit dayz entirely if it wasnt available on console, because i dont like community servers

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On 5/24/2024 at 10:08 AM, nemorus said:

Don't play on official. Never ever.

Only in the overcrowded servers is there a "Hacker Gathering", avoid those.

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7 hours ago, KA-74USER said:

bought on pc and was kidnapped by invisible rubber slug shooting racists in cherno, had grenades spawn at my feet and explode and it happened like once a day on pc official servers. 

tried community servers and the experience was a mixed bag due to fake player counts, unraidable steel bases, downloading weird ass mods, currencies/ traders etc

As above, only in the overcrowded server is there a "Hacker Gathering", avoid those... and I say this against my own interest... then it also depends on what you are looking for: if you are only looking for survival, a half-empty server is perfect... if you are looking for a fight, obviously, not. But if you are looking for a fight, perhaps a modded server built specifically could be the right choice... always considering that the administration, often (unfortunately), is arrogant and fraudulent. Many praise community servers and their "good administration"... I fear these are just comments derived from "friendship with these administrations"... I have tried several and rarely found myself well (never very well, only a few "not terrible" administrations), for the rest... either you are part of "their friends", or you have to kiss their ass and agree with everything, otherwise you become a target of badness. I could make a long list...
In the official servers it is true that there is no "control", but it is also true that there is no "official bullying"... and that is no small thing.

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4 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

Only in the overcrowded servers is there a "Hacker Gathering", avoid those.

These servers are cheap. "Unstable connection" jazz happens all too often. And cheaters are not only on high pop unfortunately. I'm very harsh about those servers, because experiences were mutual. Also i've seen too many reports already on different forums. Its too constant.

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