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Stable Update 1.22

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Indeed the last 3 updates are disasters ....

1) the new sounds in metal buildings are unbearable!

2) Shoes and pants take dammage at the slightest jumps 

3) zombies, animals that pass through the walls of our bases, zombies and bears that make jumps of 10 meters to pass over the watchtower walls, wolves that pass through the foundations of the houses to attack us! etc....

4) Indeed the problem of reloading without any reason or reloading empty magazines instead of those filled with ammunition!... 

5) the wear rate of footwear which has been divided by at least 3

6) Humvee wheels that burst at the slightest shock 
In 7months of play I never lost 1 wheel and its last 3-4 months I had to replace fifty ...

7) the loading times of bases, zombies, doors when you spawn or join the server! 

8) much synchronization delay since end of July
( Including automatic replacements of my files "types/cfgspawnabletypes/cfgrandompresets." not desired on the nitrado app)

9) And it is true that the addition of bags ..... It is not a priority ....  What we are asking ... It is the addition of the Groza! The RPG! A real line of functional code for the helmet and black assault visor instead of having to add ourselves improbable but functional lines of codes or a shop... added one in Tan color also! And more freedom on Xbox it is not normal that have are still so restricted compared to Pc players .... 

These are the important points even if I could continue the list for a long time...

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On 9/12/2023 at 6:43 PM, vitdom said:

âš“ T157689 Can't alternate between magazines by reloading with 'R' (1.11) (bistudio.com)

⚓ T135981 Right click to scope occasionally fires weapon (bistudio.com)
âš“ T148699 (exp.) Raised gun in hands started shooting by itself after I joined the server (bistudio.com)
⚓ T146400 Gun fires when raised to hip with RMB (bistudio.com)

T157689 - Scheduled for a fix (possibly 1.23)
T159483 - This is being looked into but I don"t have detailed info yet

On 9/15/2023 at 5:52 PM, keny004Fr said:

Indeed the last 3 updates are disasters ....

1) the new sounds in metal buildings are unbearable!

2) Shoes and pants take dammage at the slightest jumps 

3) zombies, animals that pass through the walls of our bases, zombies and bears that make jumps of 10 meters to pass over the watchtower walls, wolves that pass through the foundations of the houses to attack us! etc....

4) Indeed the problem of reloading without any reason or reloading empty magazines instead of those filled with ammunition!... 

5) the wear rate of footwear which has been divided by at least 3

6) Humvee wheels that burst at the slightest shock 
In 7months of play I never lost 1 wheel and its last 3-4 months I had to replace fifty ...

7) the loading times of bases, zombies, doors when you spawn or join the server! 

😎 much synchronization delay since end of July
( Including automatic replacements of my files "types/cfgspawnabletypes/cfgrandompresets." not desired on the nitrado app)

9) And it is true that the addition of bags ..... It is not a priority ....  What we are asking ... It is the addition of the Groza! The RPG! A real line of functional code for the helmet and black assault visor instead of having to add ourselves improbable but functional lines of codes or a shop... added one in Tan color also! And more freedom on Xbox it is not normal that have are still so restricted compared to Pc players .... 

These are the important points even if I could continue the list for a long time...

Feedback forwarded 👆 Thank you

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PC Stable 1.22 Update 3 - Version 1.22.156718 (Release on 19.09.2023)




  • Reduced the amount of damage infected deal to clothing and players


  • Fixed: Objects with skeleton (houses, items) would not draw in diag "Enfusion World > Show bodies"

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1 hour ago, Kyiara said:

PC Stable 1.22 Update 3 - Version 1.22.156718 (Release on 19.09.2023)




  • Reduced the amount of damage infected deal to clothing and players


  • Fixed: Objects with skeleton (houses, items) would not draw in diag "Enfusion World > Show bodies"

Geez had closed this issue https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175335 stating it would be fixed in the next HF for 1.22 but it's not in the patch notes.  Has been included or not?

Edit: Also this is is HF 2, not 3.  You started with labeling the first one as HF 2 😉

Edited by Sileed

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1 hour ago, Sileed said:

Geez had closed this issue https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175335 stating it would be fixed in the next HF for 1.22 but it's not in the patch notes.  Has been included or not?

Edit: Also this is is HF 2, not 3.  You started with labeling the first one as HF 2 😉

HA! Thanks for noticing! 💪
Shotgun pellets were not dealing full damage (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175335)
Adding it into the patch notes now! 🤜🤛

  • Thanks 1

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1 hour ago, Lylie87 said:

Has there been any fix(es) implemented for combat lag?

Would you please have a ticket number?

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tiros duplos não estão causando danos.

A mesma coisa está acontecendo com o Blaze, o que aconteceu com as espingardas.
Has it also been resolved?

Edited by luiz fernando becker

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1 hour ago, Kyiara said:

Would you please have a ticket number?

It would be great to have some information on the T175110 progress too. If Geez can give us any news on this, that would be great as it's a fairly critical issue.

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20 hours ago, Draowyr said:

It would be great to have some information on the T175110 progress too. If Geez can give us any news on this, that would be great as it's a fairly critical issue.

This one has the highest priority, the team is on it.

18 hours ago, ADM-AFoice said:

Good afternoon ticket manifest T175243 where players appeared flying in different locations and when hit they died within their bases at long distances has it been corrected?
link: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175243


Also scheduled for a fix as mentioned in the ticket.
Please don't ask about tickets that were created after the latest update, as the information mentioned in the ticket is basically the same as what I am able to give you and those tickets are usually aimed to be fixed in the upcoming update.

2 hours ago, clod999 said:

We are aware of it, the team is looking into it.

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On 9/5/2023 at 12:12 AM, St. Jimmy said:

Haven't played the game well for a long time, but if it's true that the durability is even worse than before  then oh my... It has always been way too low on everything even before any changes.

It's worse than that. The infected don't even kill you any more.


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5 hours ago, Tonyeh said:

It's worse than that. The infected don't even kill you any more.


Well idk but maybe in next patch instead of killing of zombies you should drink with 'em . So it might be a new undiscovered feature xD

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On 9/27/2023 at 8:04 AM, Sid Debian said:

Well idk but maybe in next patch instead of killing of zombies you should drink with 'em . So it might be a new undiscovered feature xD

The infected are a great bunch of lads really.

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Tripwire is bugged.

You can craft it, deploy it, arm it - but you can't trigger it.

Sprinting, jogging, walking through it ... nothing works.

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