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Noone can join any servers atm

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One of our team mates started playing a few hours ago and he's still online. The rest of us are trying to join but are all getting the error "WaitAuthPlayerLoginState". We haven't seen any official post about this yet, either on Bohemias side, Dayz side, or Steams side. As you can see here a lot of people are reporting the same issue.




Reading up on different server discords noone is able to join the servers. Before we joined discord servers we tried fixing the issue ourselves, but this issue is clearly not on our side, but on the server side. Is work being made to get them up and running? A post or confirmation would be nice. The Dayz reddit is flooding with these posts at the moment as well, and as there's no official statement regarding the failure of service people will keep asking what's up.

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same in the us and uk also they fudged something up and this is on stable servers


Edited by mrwolv

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Никто не может зайти ни на один сервер. Игроки онлайн- это те кто ещё не выходил после проблеммы.
Есть официальный ответ хоть от кого нибудь????

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