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System of medicine (Several suggestions)

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1) New dynamic event "Crashed medical machine" 


2) A civilian splint to eliminate a leg fracture. Treatment time is 10 minutes, instead of 15. Tactical splint for fracture repair - 7 minutesIt4JylPwEsk.jpg?size=1920x1080&quality=9


3. Medical tourniquet - allows you to eliminate 2 sources of bleeding at once in one application. Tactical tourniquet - allows you to eliminate all sources of bleeding at once in one application.


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Tactical splint. Need a better name than that mate. 

I think with this system with should also have tier of injuries. Stab wounds from heavy attack and gunshot wounds should require a suture kit. while light attack, zombie attacks and cunts from walking barefoot or gathering wood without gloves can be fixed with bandage. 

Fractures could have two tier system as well, light fracture, complex fracture. The first one having longer cure time if only basic splint is used. 

In general I think injuries in this game are to easy and quick to recover from. And pose no long term hindrance. 

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I will add: The harness can be used on the go (As it is done with food and drinks)

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