Kyiara 791 Posted April 28, 2023 Dear Survivors, After conducting a thorough assessment of our servers, we have determined that a full wipe is necessary in conjunction with the release of the 1.21 Update on our official servers. We understand that this may be an inconvenience to our players, but this action will facilitate essential central economy changes. It is important to note that the wipe is not mandatory for Community servers. Thank you for your understanding. EDIT: We are happy to announce that the release date for the 1.21 update across all platforms will be on the 23rd of next week. 1 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LongjohnSilver1PS5 14 Posted April 29, 2023 All characters, all bases, all stored assets? Ground zero? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riddick_2K 185 Posted April 29, 2023 Based on what criteria? I have a Vanilla server since 1.07 from 2020 and I have updated it with every patch released so far and I NEVER did a single "Wipe". I still have the backing tracks and all the original archives from that time and I've NEVER had any problems other than the "usual" DayZ ones... the ones that everyone knows, that everyone always complains about. So don't say "it's necessary", because it's NOT! Be honest and just say you want to do it. What is the reason for this I don't know, but surely it is NOT for "essential technical reasons". I invite everyone not to take my word for it, I'm an "idiot like many others", but TRY IT! Download your Vanilla server (https : // / app / 223350 / info / [remove spaces]), learn how to manage it and try, patch after patch, year after year, to update it WITHOUT doing any Wipe: everything will work like all other versions of the game... as always buggy but NOT because of the "missed Wipe" ! So much so that for community servers it is NEVER necessary (God forbid they also oblige private servers to do Wipes!) Then the doubt is automatic: why do you do it? Why do you want to ruin the game for so many users every 2 out of 3 patches?!?. The game is difficult and slow, very slow... especially for those who can't play it for hours every day, but have a job, a family, a social life... and can only dedicate a few hours a week to it... it's NOT possible to always restart from the coast because the game itself has canceled all the progress made ... and like a nightmare! As soon as you've found something good, you're building a shelter, you're already looking forward to when you'll be able to go around more relaxed and equipped because you have some supplies, perhaps even being able to spend a few hours looking for anti-gas equipment to try the carbonated areas and also find some suppressors... everything is canceled for you WITHOUT reason and NOT for game events, but for the decision of the programmers. It's like playing chess and EVERY TIME, in the middle of the game, the game organizer clears all the pieces and everyone has to start over, every time... always... and NEVER managing to win a single game. HEATER ! Makes the desire go away want to play! Is this your purpose? Official servers cost you too much and are you trying to make players flee to other private servers? Because Wipes so close together are NOT useful for anything else! Why don't you let us play in peace for at least 1 year/1 year and ½... WITHOUT ANY WIPE ! Make sure that EVERYONE (not just the fanatical slackers who play 8 hours a day, every day) can equip themselves well (even after a few visits to the carbonated zones, that just finding the equipment takes hours and hours, not counting, then, the actual visit), build a base, decent stocks and be able... finally... think calmly only about hunting, fishing and exploration... or finding a vehicle (if there are any, but how do you know if you don't visit all spawn points, 1x1 ?). The way it's structured, it's a huge and very, very long game... LET US PLAY TO THE END WITHOUT INTERRUPTING THE GAME EVERY COUPLE OF MONTHS! P.S. Those who are only looking for "manhunt" (extreme PvP) go back to ArmA: that's the game for them! 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etwas 147 Posted April 30, 2023 i couldnt care less about wipes. they rarely happen. maybe twice a year. its probably a difference having a full 60 slot official server and having an empty private sever. hmm? no wipe since 1.07? 1.08 brought the ski resort. imagine building a base there pre 1.08 and now the entrance is blocked by a ski lift or whatever. same occurs with v1.17 when nizhnoye got rebuild. your former base is now under the ground of the map, congratulations! i can understand the frustration from basebuilders, building and hoarding stuff for months, best with multiply accounts. but thats not how the majority of players play the game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riddick_2K 185 Posted April 30, 2023 If the "problem" was a "string limit" to the files of "storage_1", then it would really be the case to "fix the game" and increase this limit (or even want to stick with 16-bit OSes, 120Gb HDs , etc.). But I don't think this is the problem, many private servers have many more players than 64 and in servers with "traders" people buy everything and more, especially when only PvE. Therefore I do NOT believe there is a real (on a current practical level) limit to the things that can be accumulated. Another matter is on any changes to the map. Yes, that's right, there are some changes from time to time. I once found myself a light pole (added in an update) inside a tent in a base. NOT a real problem! I could empty the tent and move it. I didn't care, because I didn't have the space to put it somewhere else and it stayed where it was, with the light pole inside... and who cares. It's a matter of rating as to which is the worst case scenario. *) Disassemble everything and move it elsewhere, in a space that I didn't have? *) Leave the pole inside the tent and forget about it? I chose the 2nd. Now I don't even notice it anymore. And in any case you would really ruin the game for ALL the players (the official servers have the "hive" in common and record the things of thousands of players in all the B.I. servers) only for the "possible risk" (stupid and irrelevant ) of some basis here and there ? You're like these programmers: either completely uninterested in player expectations or you "like" to screw up the game. This last one is an idea that came to me over time seeing all the absurd and unrealistic choices made on purpose and not by mistake! And then, who says that the majority of players don't care (or wouldn't care) to build a base, create survival stocks and try to "survive" better and better and longer: which is the real purpose of the game? And even if it were true... why ruin the game for everyone else... WITHOUT REAL TECHNICAL REASON... ? That's what I often wondered after I understood what the management direction of this game was, which was exactly the opposite of what the game itself is, and "tells" about it: survival in a global pandemic. Maybe because they are incapable of really fixing the game? And for this reason it is more convenient for him to have "occasional" players (who do not understand and are not interested in the "snags" of the game). Or have players who don't care to play "seriously survival" (which would be too complicated to actually implement), but who come in, dress up, look for weapons and hunt down other players (just give them some clothes, guns and some bullshit to play with: and that's exactly what these programmers are doing). It's too complicated to implement systems to create realistic and functioning bases... it's too complicated to make the vehicles work decently (we've seen this for years... they can't or don't really want to do it !)... The " Wipe" is ONLY functional for this: disadvantaging those who really try to play this game and want to build a decent life for themselves in a world devastated by the pandemic (which is the substance of the game: try to deny it if you dare) and favor all players " casual" who just try the game for a while then go off to play something else, and all those who are only interested in "manhunting", as if DayZ were a "simple or exotic variant" of ArmA, or COD , or Battlefield... all players who have "simple and elementary" needs to whom "little changes" all the difficulties of building the bases (they have made them more and more difficult, creating more and more difficulties in collisions with objects and with the ground ) and vehicles (generally mainly used by those who want to "settle down" in a place, and not live like a "bad bum" always looking for a victim to pass the time. Nice shit game, like that. OK, views on how to play. But DO NOT say that "Wipes" are "necessary to the game" because it is NOT true. It is only a deliberate choice that pursues a specific goal: to disadvantage those who want to play this game seriously for its substance (and which, obviously, is "inconvenient" because they complain much more about the shortcomings and defects of the game) and to favor the players " occasional" and "extreme PvP" ones (who don't care about the game's serious and congenital flaws. And who, in my opinion, would do better to go back to ArmA or COD... or Battlefield). Or... and it's something I've been thinking about lately, they're just trying to get players to "escape" from public B.I. servers and end up on modded community servers to save on server running costs. However you look at it, the fact remains that the "Wipes" are NOT "technically indispensable" even for a flawed game like DayZ, but are deliberate choices made at the table that ruin the game for all those players who "would like" to seriously play this game UNTIL THE END... which given the peculiarity of the game could also NEVER arrive! If you are good at surviving and avoiding other human beings (I am one of them)... you could also live for years and years, and this would be the "real victory"... so much for assholes and murderers of all kinds! This is the game. This is the substance of a game that has "survival in a world devastated by a pandemic" as its main theme! And the "Wipe" "interrupts" it for no real reason, but only to favor (precisely) the "occasional" or assholes and murderers. A great free wickedness. It's just a pity that this game doesn't have a worthy competitor... at least I haven't found it yet, otherwise I wouldn't still be here complaining about the bad choices and the game's shortcomings. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thomas E. Moran 0 Posted May 23, 2023 On 4/29/2023 at 9:12 AM, Riddick_2K said: Based on what criteria? I have a Vanilla server since 1.07 from 2020 and I have updated it with every patch released so far and I NEVER did a single "Wipe". I still have the backing tracks and all the original archives from that time and I've NEVER had any problems other than the "usual" DayZ ones... the ones that everyone knows, that everyone always complains about. So don't say "it's necessary", because it's NOT! Be honest and just say you want to do it. What is the reason for this I don't know, but surely it is NOT for "essential technical reasons". I invite everyone not to take my word for it, I'm an "idiot like many others", but TRY IT! Download your Vanilla server (https : // / app / 223350 / info / [remove spaces]), learn how to manage it and try, patch after patch, year after year, to update it WITHOUT doing any Wipe: everything will work like all other versions of the game... as always buggy but NOT because of the "missed Wipe" ! So much so that for community servers it is NEVER necessary (God forbid they also oblige private servers to do Wipes!) Then the doubt is automatic: why do you do it? Why do you want to ruin the game for so many users every 2 out of 3 patches?!?. The game is difficult and slow, very slow... especially for those who can't play it for hours every day, but have a job, a family, a social life... and can only dedicate a few hours a week to it... it's NOT possible to always restart from the coast because the game itself has canceled all the progress made ... and like a nightmare! As soon as you've found something good, you're building a shelter, you're already looking forward to when you'll be able to go around more relaxed and equipped because you have some supplies, perhaps even being able to spend a few hours looking for anti-gas equipment to try the carbonated areas and also find some suppressors... everything is canceled for you WITHOUT reason and NOT for game events, but for the decision of the programmers. It's like playing chess and EVERY TIME, in the middle of the game, the game organizer clears all the pieces and everyone has to start over, every time... always... and NEVER managing to win a single game. HEATER ! Makes the desire go away want to play! Is this your purpose? Official servers cost you too much and are you trying to make players flee to other private servers? Because Wipes so close together are NOT useful for anything else! Why don't you let us play in peace for at least 1 year/1 year and ½... WITHOUT ANY WIPE ! Make sure that EVERYONE (not just the fanatical slackers who play 8 hours a day, every day) can equip themselves well (even after a few visits to the carbonated zones, that just finding the equipment takes hours and hours, not counting, then, the actual visit), build a base, decent stocks and be able... finally... think calmly only about hunting, fishing and exploration... or finding a vehicle (if there are any, but how do you know if you don't visit all spawn points, 1x1 ?). The way it's structured, it's a huge and very, very long game... LET US PLAY TO THE END WITHOUT INTERRUPTING THE GAME EVERY COUPLE OF MONTHS! P.S. Those who are only looking for "manhunt" (extreme PvP) go back to ArmA: that's the game for them! Probably the worst take I’ve ever seen. Persistent games are straight garbage when they don’t wipe. Resource hoarding and asset/construction lag becomes abysmal. Sure, it might be fine on a server that sees the same traffic as a dirt road in rural Alabama, but when servers have literally thousands of logins and resource interactions, not to mention the accumulated loot, it’s godawful. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted May 23, 2023 Thank you for posting the wipe announcement. Wipe or not, it is definitely better for the community to know as soon as possible. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riddick_2K 185 Posted May 23, 2023 Evidently, you too... like many... don't care about the "lore" of the game and the substance of the purpose for which it was born as an ArmA2 mod. Evidently you... like many others... are only interested in entering, arming yourself and going to look for some players to fight. But this is NOT the game. ArmA could be this, but not its mod. DayZ SA is the standalone version of that mod, precisely because it was liked a lot This is the "official description" of the game: W W W . bohemia . net/games/dayz "The post-soviet country of Chernarus is struck by an unknown virus, turning the majority population into frenzied infected. Fighting over resources has bred a hostile mentality among survivors, driving what's left of humanity to collapse. You are one of the few immune to the virus - how far will you go to survive? DayZ is an unforgiving, authentic, open world sandbox online game where each one of 60 players on a server follows a single goal - to survive as long as they can, by all means necessary."Therefore this is also the "official lore" of the game: Fight for resources and survive as long as possible.WIPE KILLS THE LORE OF THE GAME AND THE GAME ITSELF! The real one, at least, not the "pseudo ArmA drift", which DayZ is NOT! Or it shouldn't be, otherwise there was no point in creating a mod to continue playing ArmA. And almost always without even a real important need, I had already talked about it in other interventions on the same subject. I have my own vanilla server that I've been running since 2020 and I've always updated to ALL the patches that have followed up to this latest 1.20... and I've NEVER done ANY WIPE... and EVERYTHING works "normally" ("normally" according to the usual standards of DayZ, of course, with all its flaws always present and never fixed... sometimes even added, unfortunately.) And in any case, even if there was any flaw that could really be "fixed" with a WIPE. This is NOT the way (kill all players) to "fix" games! This only demonstrates the inability of these programmers to "really fix" the game... and, in addition to other "deliberately done bad things" (I can even list some serious ones, if you want), every now and then they delete everything... so, they don't play this game. And it also shows in the amount of common and "trivial" little bugs, that never get fixed until someone takes the time and the hassle (doing the job that these programmers should be doing) to report the bug... and often he also has to struggle to demonstrate it and explain (like to a child) how to reproduce it... otherwise these programmers don't consider you (or, maybe, they are not able to find and fix it ?!?). As long as they don't answer that it's done on purpose, "a feature of the game"... which, for certain things, is even more serious as I see it. Not a great way to run a game... and I'm very "nice and polite" in terms of what I really think. Your intervention is dictated precisely by ignorance and / or self-centeredness. And with this you are only "supporting" this bad way of managing the game by these programmers who, due to inability to manage (or malice: my opinion due to specific deliberate choices by their admission) of this game (among various things) they delete cyclically... Quite a nice service for the DayZ community, the real one... the one that plays according to the true story of DayZ... the one that would also like to "win a little", at least once in a while... and not have their game interrupted half game only because "the programmers decided so" and some players approve because they don't care about the "lore" of the game: survive as long as possible. They are only interested in finding four bullshit and immediately go and kill as many players as possible, and if they "slip away", they make bases, try to prepare stocks, try to "dodge clashes" (they follow the "lore" of the TRUE game: DayZ... NOT "ArmA3: the Zombies variant") and so they have fun... or they don't play as "certain players" would like... they don't like it... it's "annoying". To all those like this...who just want player clash...who dispute bases...who dispute "resource stocks"...who dispute "longest possible life"...just say one thing: Read the "lore" of the game WELL: I really believe that YOU have the wrong game. You can NOT expect everyone else to play the way you want, go back to ArmA.And to these programmers:Read your own description of the game WELL. ENOUGH with the WIPEs and let us continue the game for... (cit.) "to survive as long as they can, by all means necessary" ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted May 23, 2023 2 hours ago, Riddick_2K said: Hi, you got a couple of answers here already. I don't think there is a need to explain any further. The issue I see here is that you have a different vision and understanding of the game than the devs. That is OK; even the player base is divided when it comes to many other things. We need to stay open-minded. The devs do what they believe is best for the game. And they mainly use players' feedback for that. You don't mind pole in a tent... well, plenty of people would mind. And the issues would be way more significant than this. It's "slightly" different to run a community server or create a mod from actually developing the game. I read a lot of your posts, and I am sorry there is so much you are unhappy about. But I do appreciate you keep playing the game. I guess you do it because it keeps you happy, not to torture yourself. We also appreciate the feedback, but we need to do what is better for most players, not to do things based on individual opinions. I wish people would come and join the team to see for themselves. You say it kills the lore of the game, we say it gives it a fresh start. 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riddick_2K 185 Posted May 23, 2023 (edited) 3 ore fa, Kyiara ha detto: cut Every game that is stopped can also be said that "it's a new beginning". But the "beautiful real start" is only when the original game is over, not interrupted. Read carefully the "lore" that you yourself are advertising of this game: theoretically until you die from a kill (player, infected or disease) it could last indefinitely. And this is precisely "The Game", this is precisely "The Victory": "to survive as long as they can". The LORE of the game. I could understand that every some years you did a Wipe, but not every some months. Then, I understand that you have to defend your company's choices, but I repeat: read well the lore that you yourself are advertising of DayZ (and which, in theory, should be "the beacon of your game programming choices") and in good conscience try to tell me that a "Wipe doesn't kill the game". 🙄 And for the fact of "playing again". Sadly yes, it's a very fun game and I haven't found a better replacement yet. However, after months of public vanilla, I switched to mods, and I saw that it's another planet, even if too often exaggerated, but it's just a matter of taste. In addition to being able to have a complete server on your PC and certainly manage it better. This is what keeps me going on with this game, and always with the "anxiety" that with each patch, maybe something will be fixed, but surely something else will break and the Mod's are not always able to compensate for the shortcomings of this game... indeed, they are themselves the "victims", very often. Unfortunately I'm not able to program, and I always have to rely on "what I find" (if it's not paid). If it weren't for all of this (mods, personal servers, and lack of a decent replacement) I don't think I would still be playing and "trouble" over this game. 😓 Edited May 23, 2023 by Riddick_2K Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted May 23, 2023 14 minutes ago, Riddick_2K said: "theoretically" - I won't go any further as you wrote it yourself. What you think is written there is actually not written there. I can also say that the "open world sandbox online game" explains the wipes... DayZ is not a perfect game, but it's a unique one. Once again, I appreciate your feedback and will continue reading it, but maybe try to believe that the developers love the game as much as you do and they want the game to be better. And If some things are not the way you want, that is normal. And that is also why the devs keep doing the changes based on feedback because we all know that what one thinks is the best for the game may not be the best for the game, and every piece of feedback is evaluated, but changes can't be done based on individual opinion. That is why we are testing internally and publicly and evaluating feedback during the testing phase and after stable release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites