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Underage Player (8/9 years old), Admins won't remove them, is there a clause in terms of service that you must be a certain age?

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As the title says, I'm playing on a really cool server, but there's a little kid, (or someone pretending to be a kid) playing, and is making a lot of members uncomfortable.
The admins are saying it's out of their hands because the parents let the child play.
(which doesn't sound right to me at all)

So I'm wondering if there's some part of the terms of service or user agreement which states players must be over a certain age? 
It's really inappropriate in my opinion and this person is making a lot of other members of the server feel uncomfortable. 

Thanks in advance for any help 

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Well you must be 18 to view the dayz on steam store, but if the admins won't do anything I don't see what else can you do. 

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There's no enforced age clause. 

If it is a private server then the server owner can ban whoever they want for any reason or no reason.  If they tell you otherwise, they are lying or clueless.

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The server admins can backlist the child player if they wish to, if they don’t — I guess play on another server or mute the kid so you don’t have to talk to them.

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