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John Maynard

Is the amount of rain questionable?

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I play little in pvp. But who enjoys pvp, does the amount of rain help or hinder? The impression is that there is a lot of rainy weather on the official servers. But if that's the case in Russia, then that's fine.

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7 hours ago, John Maynard said:

I play little in pvp. But who enjoys pvp, does the amount of rain help or hinder? The impression is that there is a lot of rainy weather on the official servers. But if that's the case in Russia, then that's fine.

I'm not really sure if the sound on the rain muffles footstep sounds from players a little bit but I know it reduces view distance when it's a complete downpour. So by that fact it helps hide you and other players over a distance compared to when it's bright and sunny.

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But what if we were in Chernarus, instead of Russia?  Would that make a difference?  Did you try playing on official servers for yourself to test the balancing?  Or, are you just wondering about the weather on servers you'll never play?

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Russia, Poland, Chernarus, Czechia, whatever. It's the circle of Bohemia. I play on official servers. I don't like mods, not yet. I admire that a lot of rain on the map. I don't complain.

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? Wasn't this game taking info about weather from servers location and general time of the year? Meaning more rain during winter season. And it does help in pvp because noise is semi muffled and infected are dumber when it pours. Less infected = less hindrance.


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19 hours ago, nemorus said:

? Wasn't this game taking info about weather from servers location and general time of the year? Meaning more rain during winter season. And it does help in pvp because noise is semi muffled and infected are dumber when it pours. Less infected = less hindrance.



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i'm pretty sure it is like that... it's even mentioned in unofficial wika so it has to start somewhere...

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I've never noticed any difference whatsoever in the weather or day night cycle on official at any time of year. 

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Well, official ones don't even have active admins, so it's propably because of default settings. It makes sense for BI - less work when less changes between different places.

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Devs said upon Livonia’s release that it was a harsher climate with more cold and severe rains with thunderstorms than Chernarus — which I find to be accurate. I have barely played on Chernarus since Livonia launch.

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