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Stalker z Czarnobyla

Changes to the blood oriented actions

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This post will propose changes influenced by my own and others blood donating experience.

See, I was an idiot and when having blood stored in a bag I was staring at all of this blood flowing and because of that I got lightheaded and ultimately docs had to abort the donation after filling 1/3 of blood bag.

That's why I suggest a hidden stat of immunity to having blood taken. Characters with lower stat may not be able to fill the whole bag without passing out. Staring at blood being taken should artificially lower that stat. This stat would be trainable, so with more donations immunity to passing out from blood loss of any kind increase.

Additionally for certain amount of time some actions requiring two hands (like smacking with a two-handed melee or vaulting though a high fence) should be either impossible or cause shock damage.

Edited by Stalker z Czarnobyla
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Interesting. Yet the vast majority of people, myself included, have never had an issue giving blood IRL, or experienced any ill effects including light-headedness afterwards. I certainly didn't train for it...

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4 hours ago, Stalker z Czarnobyla said:

Characters with lower stat may not be able to fill the whole bag without passing out.

Interesting idea. I'm kinda liking it but I don't like the "blood donation immunity stat". Maybe it could be tied to character health.

4 hours ago, Stalker z Czarnobyla said:

This stat would be trainable


Edited by DefectiveWater

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