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People dieing every 30 seconds or so....what is going on?

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Hello, I have a question...

I've been noticing some people die constantly and often. You'll see someone's name come up as being killed maybe a dozen times in 5 minutes..

I suspect this is some kind of exploit, is it? Or are they just clueless?

I play on the same server every time.. and if it is an exploit I would happily report the exploiters to the server admins..

Cheers for any info.

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They are hitting respawn to get a better spawn location.

It isn't considered an exploit to my knowledge.

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Sigh..sound very much like an exploit to me.

I do find it depressing that so many exploit the games mechanics to their advantage and detriment to the concept of the game. Shame really.

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This is blatently an exploit.. pisses me off same 5 people on our server constanty doing it over and over and over... just to get a better spawn , closer to there friend..

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Yeah I do respawn sometimes, but unfortunately after a few times most of the time it freezes the loading screen. Is this a bug or was it done delibrately?

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Isn't there a small chance you spawn in Stary' date=' or is that just a myth like Mountain Dew?


Oh Mountain Dew is not a myth, I found some in a supermarket. There is also a rare spawn in Novy Sobor. I got it once, but I was stuck in the building, so I had to kill myself with the respawn button.

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I spawned in Novy the other day , stuck in the wall of a building , but I got out and it ended up being my best run yet.

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Same exact thing happened to me I spawned in a wall within Novy lol.

That was a good day.

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How can it be an exploit? Its no different to running to the 1st bunch of zombies then dieing and respawning.

I do it because it saves me 30+ mins of boring running time to the area i want to be. You can't force me to play in the area I spawned if I dont want to play there FFS!!

Give us spawn choice and it wont happen!

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It's not an exploit by any means, but it is completely against the 'spirit' of the game (i.e. that it's not a game at all but a simulator).

But in saying that, if it were 'real life', I'm not sure everybody would suddenly find themselves on the beach either.

+1 for Mountain Dew not being a myth--one time I was in the red for drink during whichever patch it was that stopped food a drink spawning, and it was flashing away for a good ten minutes. Was convinced I was going to die. Suddenly, I come across a guy who takes a few shots at me but misses. I kill him, and all he had other than his weapon and ammo was a single can of Mountain Dew.

God knows how long he'd been carrying that around, since the no food/drink patch had been out for a few days.

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How can it be an exploit? Its no different to running to the 1st bunch of zombies then dieing and respawning.

Of course its different and it is defiantly an exploit. Obviously not nearly as bad as many common server hopping type exploits, but still an exploit.

The game does not give you a spawn location choice.. and by suicide/spawning until you get your desired location you are circumventing that intended game dynamic, that is the definition of an exploit. Simple as that.

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