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mathieu mauron

is there a way to delete/remove craftable item on server ?

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Someone know if it's possible to remove a craftable item from server without remove a item use to craft it  ?

example : ghillie suit

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When I want to get rid of evidence, I throw it into a fire.  It will go badly damaged then ruined.  Then disappear forever.

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I need to block some craft temporarily or permanently.
I have a server where we have a particular operation and ghillie suit are forbidden so currently we have to remove the burlap bags or the mesh to block the craft...and removing the burlap bags or the mesh blocks crafts that are interesting.

There is a "crafted" property in the type but it is not taken into account and it would be useful if not necessary that the cfggameplay.json integrates this kind of notions or that the type can block crafts via the "crafted" property


Edited by mathieu mauron

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Couldn't you just adjust the types.xml to have 0 of that item, has 0 life, and looks in all spots including on the character?

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