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Hey, AccidentalHuman, maybe we should team up and form the Accidental Squad.

I, too, am a fellow Canuck, Eastern Standard timezone. I'll gladly join up if I see you online, otherwise I'm going to join the CQF for some extra protection from zombies and bandits.

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I live in Ontario, I might be able to help.

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Hey guys. My name is Brian. in ontario so its EST time. ps. I'm a new player to DayZ mod but im not new to ARMA. I started with the original OP Flashpoint<3 lol. so if you want to invite me to a group, fire me a msg and we can meet up in game.

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Hi, folks I'm Matt (MrBlue21 in game) and looking to meet up with some trust worthy Canadian's. I live in Ottawa, ONT (EST) and mostly play at night, (got kids and can't wrestle them and zeds at the same time :P)

New to the DayZ mod, 1wk, but LOVING it. I like to stick to the woods and keep a smart distance from the coast, also have a mic and TeamSpeak. Send me a PM if you want to meet up or just ask a question about ARMA (ie beta patch makes direct Voip work :D)

Bye for now,


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I think we should really consider getting a group together. I would like to propose the construction of a Steam/Xfire group for us to keep in touch.

My info

Xfire: sgtmgarcia

Steam: xthegarcia

If interested please add me so we can talk!

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Hey canuck from BC here I have my buddy from NB playing with me and we do normal canadian things like live in the woods and hunt and try to be as nice as possible hey the dead have feelings too :P

but ya add me on steam if you want to group up for a bit


should be under 1Lt. Max [22ndAB e]

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EH! Lets stereotype the shit out of this thread before igloo house melts down.

Richmond BC CANADA!!

Fucking love finding Canadians online <3

My name is Mayan and I want to meet up/play with you guys online! Loyal and dedicated friend!

Going to add you fellows so I can join you guys and we can have some great times :D

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You can find me as Accidental Rob on Steam - from Ontario. I'm like Matt up there, having kids, so difficult for me to find time to play during the day.

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From Ontario; would group up but I don't trust anyone that I can't punch in the face for shooting me in DayZ.

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B.C. here, I try to play on either DuckSoup or the 1 Seattle server...IGN is rude3, steam is sab0t

i am generally fairly canuck-like, i.e. helping everyone i find and getting killed for it.

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Hey guys I've created a community where we all have a place to call home! Everyone is free to use the TS for their DayZ gaming needs!

TS: ts43.gamespeak.com:9210

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Will join the TS tonight, if anyones playing, Ingame is JoshO42

Steam is Josh666josh

add me if ur another friendly canadian like myself.

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