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About maximillian007

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  1. maximillian007

    Low-Res Skin Texture Problem

    lmaooooo go buy the DLCs and it will fix that and also add some cool stuff to the game for real arma 2
  2. maximillian007

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    no hes right though flying jets in servers..... DO NOT DO IT! people get mad and if its clan only for jets or inside TS and you do it chances are you will be banned spend some time in the editor or play the missions that help you learn to fly fixed wing :)
  3. maximillian007

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    ya city life mod but its buggy right now and very hard to get to play it, http://www.cityliferpg.com/ check it out I love it but since its hard to get on the server to play I haven't for some time :/
  4. maximillian007

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    thank you good sir! I try to help everyone
  5. maximillian007

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    I went straight into ACE mod didn't like regular ArmAII, the community seems better for ACE and lots more teamplay communication and hell I always get new guys in my squad since no one wants to train them up I get them set up with the ACRE radios how to use them how to use the bags, watching their weight how to fire properly and how to move properly. I get about 15 people in my squads avg. so three humm-vees and three fire teams all with call-signs and specialties we will end up playing for 5-6 hours together having tons of fun. I don't care if you're from DayZ, Vanilla A2, CoD, BF3 but if you have a willing to learn and listen play tactically and not be an ass I love helping new players <3
  6. maximillian007

    Preferred sidearm?

    um ya fuck all you, revolver get shit done who cares about sound its all about looking badass ;) no seriously I have severe seperation problem with my revolver I won't ever get rid of it
  7. first off I seen this in the right hand bar, second 10 posts in the forums means shit I've pretty much been playing since the start of this mod played countless hours, watched everyone go from friendly with everyone to kill everyone on site. I'm stating that his intentions are to just go out and hunt other players for what just to kill them. Learn the game get a feel for all the aspects I've done it all.
  8. you're the worst type of person, played ten minutes of DayZ and all you want to do is go around hunting people and thats your end game. If me or my boys come across you we won't just kill you we will rob you and take you to a shallow hole and put one revolver round through your dome
  9. maximillian007

    Hey, You Clans Posting in Survivor HQ

    because the forums don't talk you dimwitted fool so he had to "read" it rather than "listen" to it
  10. maximillian007

    Drawbacks of murder

    now as a vet of DayZ been playing since it was like 4 servers big and before everyone started murdering the shit out of eachother, I've watched how the violence evolved in DayZ. and when everyone was friends it was boring, now I am no bandit but if someone is in my way between me living or me dying I know the easy choice and its to kill him, in my encounters with people they have been all positive buttt then again normally one-two guys don't fuck with an entire section of what appears to be british soldiers. We personally do get upset when an innocent person crosses our path and we can't afford to watch them and we have to put him down it sucks and we remember the encounter and how to avoid killing again. If we see someone who is a bandit 1) if we are in voice range we warn them to drop their stuff if they surrender we let them live after tossing their gear onto a zombie and hide the body and send them on their way 2) if they fail to heed our warning we light them up. Bandit make the game what it is today and it not so much of a giant massacre anymore since people have learned to play and survive. Also PS I did make a suggestion along this line in about may-ish when all the people who just bought A2 for DayZ joined and really fucked up the game with the insane amount like I am talking insane amount of deathmatching this is nothing compared to a couple of months ago. TL;DR: This is nothing compared to the early builds of DayZ murder wise so ya
  11. So me and my friend were walking through elecktro and noticed about three to four buildings completely leveled, we didn't think nothing of it but then we started to randomly break our legs we thought it was becuase the building was glitched out so after patching out selves up we walked towards the hospital (not destroyed) and fell to the ground and died instantly no gun shots no zombies just died both at the same time Seattle 47 1615-1630 +0 GMT 0815-0830 -8 GMT (PST my time zone) In game names for me and my friend BadAimer (Friend) MaximilliaN (Me)
  12. maximillian007

    Navigation Tip - All Players

    orrrr you can take the time to learn how to read a topographic map and use a compass. it is really not that hard thats how I get around and can find my location and friends locations quite easily
  13. maximillian007

    Empty whiskey bottles +bloodpack

    ya its a bit of a trade off, I normally hunt for blood which cures small wounds and blood packs I use in case of emergency but for someone how ventures into town for med supplies then GTFO I think this could come in handy some times and for the smoke grenades when I used them my buddy still was beaten down and was rolling on the ground yelling for me to save him (I did it was stressfull) and I would think the bloodpack+whiskey bottle toss would hold them off longer then a smoke grenade
  14. hey how about Empty whiskey bottle combined with one blood pack to create a distraction for zombies that you can throw and it will distract the zombis with the fresh blood inside effectively stopping the zombies for like 30 seconds or a minute. so to make you need to combine a blood pack and an empty whiskey bottle to use you throw like a handgrenade. also ammo packing so that the .45 rounds from the colt 1911 and the revolver may be interchanged via ammo packing and you have to wait a bit for a new mag to be created from the ammo, also empty mag models will be needed to for this to work. so when you use a mag you keep the empty mag and you have the option to re pack it with ammo of the same type