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Increases base resistance

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I would like to suggest that you increase the resistance of walls and gates against raid, especially against fire-arms raid. I would also suggest that metal walls and gates have twice the strength of a wooden wall (or more), because it takes a lot of work to find the metal plates and even more work to transport those metal plates to the base location. In the current state, it takes more work to make a base than to destroy it, so it's simply not worth it to base it, but to hide the loot somewhere on the map.

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1 hour ago, JogadorNove said:

 it takes more work to make a base than to destroy it, 

Just like with everything else in life. 

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Maybe devs should make it possible to build stone walls from large stones which will have much more hp than wooden and metal fences.

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Rather you should be able to add the metal paneling over wood fencing. That to me makes more sense as you reinforce the wall, rather that build multiple types.

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I'm not sure if you are on PC op but i can tell you there is good modded servers on PC that have what you require. Theres alot of base mods that make it so you need satchel charges or grenade filled cooking pots to brake bases open.

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