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Namalsk types_dzn.xml file?

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Hello, I recently started up a server to be ran on Namalsk (hardcore difficulty) and noticed I have two distinct types.xml files in my mpmissions. There is the regular "types.xml" and then the "types_dzn.xml" file. What is this types_dzn file for? Is this the file I use to add additional items in like clothing, guns, etc from mods like Mass'sManyItemOverhaul or Cl0ud's Military Gear? I am super confused.... Any help is appreciated!

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the dzn file has the extra namalsk items. dunno why its seperated from the other types files. just use both and edit to your liking. items from other mods i would add to the basic types.xml files.

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10 hours ago, etwas said:

the dzn file has the extra namalsk items. dunno why its seperated from the other types files. just use both and edit to your liking. items from other mods i would add to the basic types.xml files.

Interesting.. So do we have to label each line of code from the different item mods? In the regular types.xml file there are titles in green for the namalsk items and weapons. For example, <!-- NAMALSK - WEAPONS - PISTOLS --> is in green to distinguish that this section of code is for all the pistols that spawn on the map. 

Would I be able to do this same title labeling for the different item mods we add in this file without breaking the server? What would you suggest so it isn't cluttered

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The types_dzn is indeed the added items from Namalsk Survival. They are separated as a means to make it easier for server admins to keep track of changes to DayZ and mods alike. Since they introduced the option to define separate economy files to be read in the cfgeconomycore.xml I have a separate types file for each mod on my server - and the regular vanilla types only contains my own edits and nothing modded. So when stuff is added or changed in the game or a mod it is very easy to find changes by using a regular "compare" in notepad++. The greatest benefit is that you don't have to handle a single enormous types.xml with everything in it. Look at the cfgeconomycore file in the Namalsk mission and see how it is structured - then you can easily follow the same pattern for other mods if you want. You can also make separate events and cfgspawnabletypes files for modded stuff.

The green "labels" (I assume you are using notepad++ since they are displayed as green) are simply comments. Anything between the opening <!-- and closing --> tags is ignored by the server. It is mostly used to organise and make notes to keep track of what is what.

Edited by Derleth

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