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I used to love farming, I enjoyed planting plots of each crop outside my base for passerbys. But now... Now I hate farming, and I no longer do it.

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With the changes where plants now die and disappear within what seems like an hour, farming is just... not enjoyable. You HAVE to wait around for it to grow. You can't just toodle off looting for a bit and come back to nice bounty of veg. Even worse the plants disappear too! So if you don't get back you've wasted time and seeds. I understand the need to not have infinite crops, but I think the new system just makes farming dull and pointless. I sat around, checking the crops every 10 mins or so. And even then I still some how missed some crops; the veg had gone before I'd even noticed.

I think some better options would be:

  • Have plants take a LONG time to grow, once planted and between harvests, but they don't disappear.
  • Instead of the plants disappearing, just have the veg go rotten on the plant. You have to harvest for them to regrow.
  • Plants last forever, but after X harvests they die off and you need to pull them up and replant them.
  • Keep it as it is, but have the plants last several hours before they finally go.
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Yeah there is little reason for farming items and mechanic to even be in this game at this point. I get it that it needed a nerf, as a pack of tomato seeds, a digging tool, a bottle of water and some knives could get you from zero to fullest food and water by just spending some time (albeit a considerable amount of it) in the woods near a creek. But it got nerfed too much, i think the times that plants took to harvest could have stayed as they were (seeing as everything in DayZ is sped up compared to real life) and the times that they stay ripe before going bad could have stayed, making farming lots for passerby's reasonable, the only thing they should have changed is make it grow a small amount of produce without fertilization and have a large number of plants become sick without disinfectant, as they did, but they shouldnt have touched the rest. And they should have made the greenhouses have plantable spots by default, without the need to create them with a farming tool, as it makes no sense, why would you create planting spots in a greenhouse in the middle of the village where you can get killed any second? Nobody does it, but if the spots were there by default, people passing by would drop seeds in them if they have extra seeds and people passing by would water those seeds if they have spare water, because why not. But nobody would create planting spots there, there's just no reason for it.

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Grew potatoes yesturday, takes over an hour to harvest. I suggest make it half an hour with fetrilizer.

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yea, the lifetime of this plants seem way too short.

i dont mind that it takes time to grow those, but they should last way longer.

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Grew zuccini today, it was fast and gave good yelds, i guess zuccini farming is alright.

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