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DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

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  On 6/29/2021 at 11:22 AM, maxon-69 said:

there is nothing you can do about building a base. A lot of loot accumulates on the servers and this slows down the game.

In that case its mich better to keep more servers. All the people will now try to build on more populated servers and it is going to ruin the gameplay. 
ever tried playing on official server with 50+ players? Horrible lag...

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  On 7/1/2021 at 3:48 PM, Denis Svoboda said:

ever tried playing on official server with 50+ players? Horrible lag...

Yeah, sadly this is the case often times... game really needs more than 20-30 players, otherwise it feels way too empty, but then the performance starts going down more and more...

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  On 6/29/2021 at 10:39 AM, Riddick_2K said:

This is yet another demonstration that these programmers are NOT able to make this game work decently and must necessarily resort to the "Wipe".
It's as if Microsoft, when you have a problem with your PC, tells you to "format everything" and reinstall it again, too bad that there are also your personal files inside that you don't want to lose 😞
And for those who rejoice without understanding why others complain:
Gentlemen ... the game should NOT be: I am born, I take clothes, I take weapons and I go to kill the first one I see ... I succeed and I go to kill the 2nd ... like this until I die.
This is stupid ...
This do it much better the classic FPS (Battlefield, COD, etc ...)
This is DayZ ... it should be "survival in a virus-wrecked world"!
The game SHOULD be: I am born, I find better clothes, I find weapons to DEFEND ME, I look for a good place, I make a base, I find a car to carry lumber and barrels, I arrange my base better, I defend (if necessary) my base, I continue to improve the base, I find a second car or I improve the first ... and so ON ENDLESS! THIS IS SURVIVE! THIS should be DayZ!
If you delete everything every 3/4 months, it's like DESTROYING THE GAME every 3/4 months!
What the fuck is the point?
Definitely NOT a sense of play, because, on the contrary, it GOES AGAINST the true sense of "survival in a world destroyed by the virus".
This is only because the programmers are NOT able to better manage the game and "hope" that by deleting everything every 3/4 months the defects of the game will ease a little ... and they DON'T CARE about ruining the game for players who want to experience this game as a "Survival Game"!
Anyway, most of them are just "Pew, pew, pew".
These players should "migrate" to the modded server, and these programmers should seriously make this "survival game" work for years and years, WITHOUT ANY WIPE!
Their only luck is that, at the moment, there are no better alternatives ... but as soon as I find one, it will be my first choice to permanently abandon this broken and damn badly managed game.
And he also charges very dearly, even despite the balances, for what he gives (giving bugs and lots of bullshit made on purpose ... the ones that "burn" more)



The threat of the "cyclic wipe" really makes the desire to "exert oneself" go away just to build a character ... you know that whatever you get, you will be canceled "ex officio" by  programmers because they can't do anything else... sad... really sad... 😕



It comes to me also the doubt that they do it on purpose to discourage the construction of bases and, consequently, also the use of vehicles ... which is notorious they have not been able to fix in many years.
With "Cyclic Wipes" they make the construction of bases and the consequent use of vehicles useless ... and, thus, there will be fewer people who will complain about "too fragile bases" (who makes them), "too strong bases" (those who want to raid them) and vehicles that don't work (for those who use them to build / manage a base).
A pretty clever


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  On 7/1/2021 at 3:45 PM, Denis Svoboda said:

Please stop the wipes. Constant wipes makes the game unplayable.

Not everyone has the time to play every day. We spend building lovely huge base since last update and created a big group of good players. We have 17 full gear characters that are inevitably lost with all the progress.

It takes ages to gather the material, find equipment and build base in the city, on the roof or in the suburbs. Now we lose everything (again) and we see that we are going to lose it again and than again.

I am not sure what is worse: loosing a base which took us nearly a week (clear play time which we used to gather axes, hammers, nails, wood, flags, stones and building - I do not count PvP or searching for clothes or anything into this time) or loosing multiple chsracters. Tell me where can I found 2 SVAL, 5 M4, multiple KAM, Tundras and 7 Carrier plates? It takes ages to gather so many things.

Such news makes us just want to quit the game. Let us die natural way such as zombie attack, PvP or classical DayZ bug/glitch. I don’t mind those bugs because they are a part of the game. But pls let us keep the characters.

My friend recently bought the game and he is trying to refund it because he don’t want to keep loosing his progress for no reason.

Community servers are unstable or you never know when will the owner stop playing and delete the server. No chance to save progress there.

There is no reason to play until new update... because everything we do in these two weeks before you drop the wipe will be lost. Two weeks of time wasted. And you are going to do it again, and again and again. At least do it annualy or something like that.


I am really glad to see the game evolve and move forward but let us move with it, dont leave us behind.

If you want to keep doing wipes than give us a chance to play singleplayer so we can keep our prigress somewhere.

Also why have temporary and persistance servers? Everything is just temporary + with so often wipes. 

just wipe the temporary servers and let persistance players play on persistance. We have chosen persistance for a reason: things such as bases and characters persist.

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If wipes are BI's way of levelling the playing field, it sucks. They need to look into getting rid of the "count_in" flags instead if they want to do that. Make going to a military site for top gear worth the bother.

Playing today and have found NOTHING at military sites, because players have hoarded all the good gear away in bases and stashes. There's not even an SKS as a consolation prize.

It's making the game deathly dull.

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This is absolutely unacceptable. I have been playing DayZ for 3 years. I have went from a clueless bambi to a decent player. I play solo as a survival game. It takes me months to build a huge base and everything that comes with having a base. I’m just sick of these wipes. I enjoy the survival aspect of the game. Please stop wiping all my progress.

the people on here who enjoy the wipes are the style of players that enjoy fast pvp and short life’s. These are the guys that come and raid my base (and that’s fine it’s there to be raided). I don’t mind dying to bandits it’s part of the game. But it’s soul destroying to play solo and slowly build my character up, only for all my work to be wiped.

it’s bad enough that the game is bugged, and never really feels like a finished article. It’s a cheap even asking us to pay for the game really! 

surely there must be a way to create servers that don’t require wipes every 3 months. 

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  On 7/1/2021 at 11:11 PM, Kevabcde said:

surely there must be a way to create servers that don’t require wipes every 3 months.

There is...create your own.

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Same. Ive been playing DayZ for months and im finally able to get a car today!!! 😭after all the hard work of looting,base building ext..for the server just to be wiped?!? WOW screw u DayZ!! im done time to move on...

Edited by A Day Z Player
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I’ve definitely done some time in dayz. To read this “wipe” thing literally has me to the point of uninstalling this game. Like what’s the point? Your game already has no ranking system or anything to feel like progress is being made. All this game has is what your saying your going to take away. Like seriously? You have gamers on here who haven’t died in who knows how long and built up in your game for countless hours only to receive this update?! What a slap in the face! Like what the fuck are you thinking!? I love dayz for the realism and extensive measures you need to take in order to stay alive, I love the the guns and the physics and gun fights overall fuck with this game, I mean not to much the zombies, but it’s whatever. This game is a dead on life/apocalypse/military simulator I play it more then I should and it already sucks that you have no form of “status” but I deal with it, FOR THE SIMPLE FACT I CAN KEEP BUILDING UP MY LOOT AND SURVIVING AND ATTAINING A BASE AND DOING UPGRADES!!!

IF ALL GOES THRU AS IN “REGULAR WIPES” I will forever be done with this game and I will move on to something else, because again, doing this wipe thing completely defeats the purpose and destroys the game! 
Really sucks that I may be giving this game up

Edited by Sire 1k
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I really wish I didn’t spend money on this now. Goddam I’m almost positive when I forward this article to the group I play with they will be deleting the game. This is a shitty article to read

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  On 6/29/2021 at 11:22 AM, maxon-69 said:

there is nothing you can do about building a base. A lot of loot accumulates on the servers and this slows down the game.

Most people use bases for roleplay or content reasons. Stashibg any valuable loot is dumb idea.

just use alternate accounts. That way you can store your look on “offline character” and therefore not affect the server economy. Same as if you just destroyed the stuff as long as the character is offline. 

Also it slows down tge game on high servers. If you play on server where is 5-25 people you can manage. I know that there are 9 big bases and no issues yet.

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  On 7/2/2021 at 2:36 AM, Sire 1k said:

I really wish I didn’t spend money on this now. Goddam I’m almost positive when I forward this article to the group I play with they will be deleting the game. This is a shitty article to read

Yeah. My 3 friends who used to play for 2 years quit after reading that article. Another one even buyed gamepass and controller so he can join us but now he is trying to get refund because there is no point in looting if you are getting wiped in 2 weeks and again in 3 months. 
I am thinking about the same... uninstall and don’t bother. I spend way too much time to let my stuff be “deleted”.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 11:11 PM, Kevabcde said:

(...) the people on here who enjoy the wipes are the style of players that enjoy fast pvp and short life’s. (...)

What's the source of that conclusion? On our server people were pretty much always in support of a wipe after few months of playing. Bases builded with fat thousands of nails and planks vanished and were rebuilded, each time differently, better. It was a custom hardcore server where box of nails was one of the rarest object on a map, much like tools. And what's this about avarage survivability? Regulars were keeping +30 hours on their characters. Maniacs (me included) had over 100 hours each time. Sure there are people who enjoy strictly pvp and don't care about leaving anything substantial on a map but don't put everyone in the same bucket, will ya? For you may even discover some pvp gods that also build a lot and live forever. "DayZ" is to learn to live and let go - map is waaaay too small to keep things stashed for too long. It's not "Miscreated", where you log-in and discover a sea of abandoned bases everywhere. An abandonded wasteland of effort.

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There was never a point to seriously play and build on official servers people... community servers are for that.

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  On 7/2/2021 at 7:02 AM, Denis Svoboda said:

Most people use bases for roleplay or content reasons.

No. They don't. Whether it's sensible in the end or or not, bases are used to stash loot, first and foremost. Pretending that it's anything else is nonsense.

The problem is that the loot they stash just sits there and causes serious problems with the CLE and performance.

TBH, base building was one of the worst additions to the game when you stop and think about it. It's destroyed the game for a lot of people because you have a group of players that can sweep a map several times and lock up all the top tier loot, denying its use to anyone else. Then they often don't bother logging back in because there's nobody playing on that map cos they can't find any high class loot.

Edited by Tonyeh
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  On 7/2/2021 at 3:50 PM, Tonyeh said:

No. They don't. Whether it's sensible in the end or or not, bases are used to stash loot, first and foremost. Pretending that it's anything else is nonsense.

The problem is that the loot they stash just sits there and causes serious problems with the CLE and performance.

I'm not buying this.  Many of your posts on these forums involve you saying "a vast majority" and speaking for the entire community.  The same goes here.  You're making claims again on things that are impossible to provide evidence for.

The group of people that I play with have built many large bases, over several updates, across a variety of various server types.  Bases have never been just about stashing loot.  This is because people that actually build bases know that they are likely to be raided.  It's obvious to people that build bases that they are not single purpose.  Experience  with base building inevitably teaches groups to put valuable loot in small, hard to find places, NOT in a base.  We build a medium sized base to hang out in.  Maybe put some disposable cars in there.  A place to grow crops.  A place that serves as a decoy so that enemies spend their resources breaking into something that has no valuable items.  People don't always stash their most valuable loot in bases.  That's nonsense bases are not there first and foremost to store loot.  


TBH, base building was one of the worst additions to the game when you stop and think about it. It's destroyed the game for a lot of people because you have a group of players that can sweep a map several times and lock up all the top tier loot, denying its use to anyone else. Then they often don't bother logging back in because there's nobody playing on that map cos they can't find any high class loot.

Uh, what?

What do you mean by lock up all the top tier loot?  Are you saying that top tier weapons don't spawn because people have them stashed around the server?

Edited by Parazight
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  On 6/28/2021 at 4:28 PM, Mosi2142 said:

i really love this game

but the way u are going will kill dayz soon

i just hope that day wont come

The cheaters are killing this game, DUPING will kill this game because this company cannot fix it

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  On 7/1/2021 at 6:54 PM, Tonyeh said:

If wipes are BI's way of levelling the playing field, it sucks. They need to look into getting rid of the "count_in" flags instead if they want to do that. Make going to a military site for top gear worth the bother.

Playing today and have found NOTHING at military sites, because players have hoarded all the good gear away in bases and stashes. There's not even an SKS as a consolation prize.

It's making the game deathly dull.

A dupe fix would be nice

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  On 6/28/2021 at 1:47 PM, Kyiara said:

As mentioned in a previous article at the start of the year, Update 1.13 will come with fresh Loot spawns on Official.

Thank you for the heads up on the decision to wipe.  

I have a question regarding the Community Public hive.  What happens with the player character on that hive?  The wipes of the servers are up to the provider, right?  What about the character itself?  Thanks.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 3:46 PM, Denis Svoboda said:

Agreed. I believe that 10-20 players is golden number so you can encouter PvP but still can manage to play peacefully.

How can you say that???. Game has a play loop that require at least 30-50 people to have a decent ammount of encounters and contact with other player. You guys are complaning for something that need to be done. Four wipes a year is nothing.

A veteran player can get decent gear in a couple days and start building a base and finish in under a week.

You are just moaning because you want a pve game rather than the real concept for dayz. Sorry this game is never gonna be like Rust

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Time to gather all those high tier guns again, place them in boxes and bury them until next wipe. This is why i like DayZ, it is not just about Zombies, it is about stuffing other players from having good weapons and having a good laugh about it.

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  On 7/4/2021 at 8:59 AM, Fyrd Judge said:

Time to gather all those high tier guns again, place them in boxes and bury them until next wipe. This is why i like DayZ, it is not just about Zombies, it is about stuffing other players from having good weapons and having a good laugh about it.

This shows that there is nothing wrong with the current CLE and that there shouldn't be any changes done to it... /s

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