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Hipfire should totally random (aimcone)

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It was that way before 1.00 and it is that way in Arma 2 and 3.


With the current system hipfire is less realistic and feels stupid to use.

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Oh that explains it. I saw a lot of YouTubers just shooting off the hip and I was wondering do they really forget to aim the gun or is the gun shooting always in the center of the screen.

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1 hour ago, Just Caused said:

Oh that explains it. I saw a lot of YouTubers just shooting off the hip and I was wondering do they really forget to aim the gun or is the gun shooting always in the center of the screen.

hipfire can and should be effective at a certain range. however if you currently hipfire it is not true rng. bullets "draw lines" around the crosshair. see this video for comparison (credit to Gews):

Sometimes you can get extremely lucky and hit a lot of bullets even on a decently high range, other times like 10 bullets land to the bottom left of your target and you die, whereas you would probably have hit them at least once or twice with aimcone. Thats why aimcone is superior imo. It is both more rng and more reliable at the same time.

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