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UK34, EXCESSIVE Admin Abuse [With Proof]

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This specific admin has had more than one accusation, please check bottom for proof.

Admin name for the person responsible: Leavaris


* Server this happened on.


* Time that it happened including your timezone.

Approximately 12 O'clock, Midnight (CEST)

* What happened during the incident.

Stumbled upon a camp, saw player. Shot him from a distance, later realized he was admin due to his global messages. Approached camp and the server went down before I got the chance to loot.

Down for several minutes, when it came up he locked it to 1 player. Unable to play on the server for at least 15 minutes. When it came back loot (truck and multiple tents) were gone.


Just killed the individual.


Server shutting down.


Loot he cheated his way to.


Proof of admin alone in locked server.


Proof of later (again) downtime.





I will not rest until this is taken care of.

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Where's the pic of the camp missing ?

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My apologies, I must have forgot to upload.

Taken between the point of his alone-time on the server, and the downtime.


I believe it should be to the left, the picture is a bit off since I forgot the accurate location.

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Where's the pic of the camp missing ?

Where's the message from a dev saying this shit is gonna get banned ASAP, rather?

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Does look like abuse (especially the part with the locked server). I'm curious as to what the admin has to say about this ;).

EDIT: Edited out the first part of my post... confused your username with someone else.

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as explained to him in a site PM and on steam chat, which hes still arguing with me on, this isnt how any of it seems.

were hosted with vilayer, who is having major issues atm and have been now for 4 days. i cant start/stop/restart/lock ect the server. and this was a server crash. i was trying to explain to the people on the server this and about the website for the server when he shot me dead. personally i hope it comes back online and he claims the loot, he killed me, im currently on the beach.

now that base is the top of the map, ic ant get back to remove the stuff that fast upon dying. your logic is flawed.

also http://i.imgur.com/TnZSX.png where you claim its locked. funny i dont see anything locked.... nor have i been able to login to our server since about 60 seconds after you killed me or so.


vilayers thread, which i been repluing to for 3 days on. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=26320

another thread of another server i made comments about in refrence to this situation, before hand, note my posts time stamps. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=28976

bottom line, i didnt not restart the server, i didnt not die to only lock a server magically teleport from the beach to the top of the map and magically made the base goo poof. i simply cannot get on the server, not can restart or start it. all i can say is read up on vilayers issues, whhich i been posting on for days now.

http://i.imgur.com/9cQaF.jpg proves nothing but your mad screenshot skills with no proof its the same server, to my knowledge the servers been offline since it crashed about a minute after you killed me.

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as explained to him in a site PM and on steam chat' date=' which hes still arguing with me on, this isnt how any of it seems.

were hosted with vilayer, who is having major issues atm and have been now for 4 days. i cant start/stop/restart/lock ect the server. and this was a server crash. i was trying to explain to the people on the server this and about the website for the server when he shot me dead. personally i hope it comes back online and he claims the loot, he killed me, im currently on the beach.

now that base is the top of the map, ic ant get back to remove the stuff that fast upon dying. your logic is flawed.

also http://i.imgur.com/TnZSX.png where you claim its locked. funny i dont see anything locked.... nor have i been able to login to our server since about 60 seconds after you killed me or so.


I'm not arguing, simply presenting my side of the story. It is fully up to the admins, but I certainly do not believe you.

#1. Let's see at the probability of this happening. Me murdering an admin, server going down moments later. 1 Player being fully alone in the server for 15 minutes, and loot gone when it is opened. The person has also been accused of the same actions before, but was let off the hook.

#2. You had a truck and multiple camps, if you were fast you could have moved the truck with everything in it without problems. I also have proof, as stated above.

#3. The icon isn't showing, but I (and I imagine others) were stuck at Waiting for Host for 15 minutes. Something I have no doubt you are capable of doing.

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I knew this shit would be rampant, always is when server hosts can hand out admin rights.

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I also host with Vilayer, and what you said is complete bullshit. Tents don't disappear after a server restart/server maintenance. Unless the server is completely reset, servers don't automatically lock themselves but allow you in, etc. Btw, Vilayer servers are back up now ;). Post the server logs proving you were killed (RPT file) and who was connected/joining the server at the time. And Vilayer servers only went offline today for 3-5 hours.

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i didnt say the camp was gone, i dunno im on the beach and livestreaming it actually. nohere near the base. the server is up atm, but people constantly DCing. so you fellas need to check your mocho attitudes at the door, im doing everything i can to prove im not the cause here.

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i didnt say the camp was gone' date=' i dunno im on the beach and livestreaming it actually. nohere near the base. the server is up atm, but people constantly DCing. so you fellas need to check your mocho attitudes at the door, im doing everything i can to prove im not the cause here.


A friend could have moved it obviously.. like I said, post your RPT file if you claim the server 'crashed'.

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how can i move the loot when im livestreaming me on the beach? and before you even say "friends" your screenshots show the server being own, and the one you say its locked, when it wasnt and u can even see in your screenshots that it wasnt locked, there apparently was 1 person in the server at that time, which you then said to me i get stuck at recieving message when you tried to login.


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If he were to re-locate the base, the tents would still be there unless he destroyed them.

I'd like to see Theorix prove that his screenshot with the base being gone is actually UK 34, and not some other server.

I'd also like to say that Tents and Vehicles alike can disappear on a server restart, me and a few of my friends were at our base on UK92 messing about and the server crashed.

We came back in, and it was all gone except the tents. The tents were there and had in fact been duplicated, but were empty.

I'd also like to see Leavaris to post his logs - to strengthen his words. I've read the Vilayer thread and a lot of people have had trouble with this provider for a few days(Not just 3-5 hours like someone else said.).

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I'd like to see Theorix prove that his screenshot with the base being gone is actually UK 34' date=' and not some other server.


I can't prove it. There is virtually no way for me to prove it, anything I post could easily have been edited. I'm just presenting facts, multiple incidents that have happened. It is really just common sense, all these events can't be some crazy coincidence, no way in hell.

I have even presented some of the admins earlier accusations.

How can I prove it further? This forum is for reporting of abuse, I think I Have exceeded my case to the fullest, certainly enough for the admins to get involved and take action.

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I think theorix did the right thing, if the server goes down soon as you loot a tent/vehicle and you come back to find it gone then suspicion on only going to be reasonable at that point.

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Playing devils advocate here but,

After a crash it's actually quite common for tents/vehicles not to respawn until after another restart or so (as is the case often enough on our server).

Not to mention, if you killed him as the screenshot indicates, then he would no longer be able to take down his tent, as it is no longer "his", so it would remain there for a few days until it expired.

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Also play devils advocate here, would like to see some logs, even though Im not even involved.

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It is completely possible that the server crashed, and vehicles/tents did not initialize properly. Being only him on the server(Supposedly) after the crash, it rules out any intervention from friends to 'remove' his camp. Him livestreaming on the coast, rules out intervention from him. People are simply ignoring the plain logic of the situation, and are making up their own, twisted ideas of what happened, and everyone else is eating it like cake at a birthday party. This is the DayZ community. Server admin is most likely innocent of all of these accusations, and your attempt to spread as much shit as possible over yourself and the rest of the forums only hurts the drive to host servers for this game at their own expense, and provide any sort of service to the community. Go away.

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It is completely possible that the server crashed' date=' and vehicles/tents did not initialize properly. Being only him on the server(Supposedly) after the crash, it rules out any intervention from friends to 'remove' his camp. Him livestreaming on the coast, rules out intervention from him. People are simply ignoring the plain logic of the situation, and are making up their own, twisted ideas of what happened, and everyone else is eating it like cake at a birthday party. This is the DayZ community. Server admin is most likely innocent of all of these accusations, and your attempt to spread as much shit as possible over yourself and the rest of the forums only hurts the drive to host servers for this game at their own expense, and provide any sort of service to the community. Go away.


I like you, you can stay. :heart:

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