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St. Jimmy

Movement speed and metabolic consumptions. What they realistically should be?

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The amount of energy and water consumed per/h or per/km has always felt off in DayZ. One of the biggest problems has been is that it feels like there's no reason to walk. After checking the values from the files and making some calculations, the feeling is right. The amount of metabolic consumption is around the same per distance traveled between walk and jog.

Here's a Excel document showing it https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bxvfS5bj4zNLkYLF4YzClRVuHHw_2_1D/view

And picture from the same table:


It has the current values from the base game EXCEPT the movement speeds. I don't know what they're so if you happen to know or know how to check those, please inform me. I'd like to get more accurate result!


I've made some of my own changes in the metabolic speed values just as an example. At least the walk/jog difference with those is much bigger.


Edited by St. Jimmy
  • Beans 1

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What about being wet?

Or how much your carrying ?

Up hill or downhill?

if your sick or not, or if your starving or thisty?

Freezing or Burning up?

In the snow or through water?

Swimming or in the rain?

or trudging through mud

with a full stomach or an empty stomach?

Mitosis and aptosis are believed to be governed by the individuals metabolism which is different for every one

or even the oxygen intake into the lungs which can be altered by altitudes 

Even the persons attitude can effect this number.

i have 6,441 hours in DayZ & I walk everywhere. I dont jog or run unless i have to. I have noticed this metabolic consumption changing from session to session between updates.  I believe it is still being tweaked, and I am sure every addition they make to the game- this scale has to be revisited and altered. Your information is spot on as far as i am concerned as long as it dont tax the game- Do you remember when you would fall from a distance and the game actualy took up to 3 secconds to calculate the results from damage to a broken leg?  I guess the prominent question would be how much detail is placed into the current programming and if those charts you posted can be used in detail. as a reference sure, but i think they may have somekind of research into it. so another question is what are your sources? I dunno and there is soo many variables to the actual metabolic consumption that if would be difficult to become so detailed, even the height of the charector could add and substract to those statistics. I am not a modder so I do not know or understand how it works- I just know why it works and the representation to the player inside the game in a feasable yet simple understanding.

Heres a classic scenario, you have 80 lbs in your mountian backpack sprinting down hill. You see a tree in your path but you fail to move in time, in dayz the charector stops and runs in place- where in actuality you will be needing a ambulance to remove your face from the bark, some broken ribs, a black eye, scrapes & bruises, not to mention picking up all the stuff that scattered everywhere from inside your back pack.

The inertia from the weight your carrying willpropel you forward from a walk to a jog, so actualy jogging with alot of weight might be less taxing on your body, doubtfull but the first set of numbers you posted seems rather more down to earth... But if this was to be revised, I guess weight would be a number one critical multiplier of the whole scale.

Not to discredit your input- I personaly like it or I would not have responded- your numbers look good to me but like I said- I like to walk everywhere.... If that matters. On a side note: When it comes night time, I like to camp, and if the whole day walking does not make me hungry by nightfall I have nothing to do....

Edited by Exxoduss

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Sorry I forgot to say. I'm assuming only numbers when character has just clothes on and temperature is OK. Those in the first post are the base values and currently in the game you can't have less consumption than that. So those values should represent "the ideal" conditions.

Weight effect can be added quite easily. One more constant parameter as a multiplier.

Temperature effect is already in the game, I haven't checked how radical the effect is with that. It wasn't straight forward add or multiplier maybe. The main thing is to get "naked" character values right first, then you can start add environmental/weight etc. multipications 🙂


I need right source for player speed. I only took some values from some posts about Arma 3 and lowered those tiny bit.

Metabolic speeds are straight from the game files (playerconstants.c).

Adult needs around 2000-3000kcal of energy and 2000-3000ml of water in a day. Naturally if you actually idle/hibernate you need much less. And if you sweat and exhaust yourself a lot, then more is needed.

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However they are calculating it, your right- the walking and food consumption seems rather off Plus or minus in some regards...  The biggest thing I can think of is the tax in may place onto the engine like it used to when falling from height...   This game is soo complex with all the variables and attributes of all these environmental and character calculations to simulate real conditions. I hate to starve when crossing the street to find another apple in the next door neighbors yard, but I also dont want the game to lag for a few secconds at a time on the way there because I stepped off a curb from the street.

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I kinda still like the idea of a seccond stamina bar- (daily pool of energy)  where your hunger will deteriate this bar instead of your health & while starving it wont reduce your health but dissallow any regeneration (health or blood) untill the charector has gotten some food into its belly


Damnit I think I got off track here... But with movement speed and calorie degeneration.. umm yeah well a seccond stamina bar would dissallow intant death (within 1 days time) as long as you dont get hurt and stress your body past it max health allowance. i.e. Heart failure 

Edited by Exxoduss

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