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What is 4.60x30

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What is the 4.60x30 Armor Piercing rounds used for? The wiki doesn't have it and I'm confused.

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That's because it is modded. The vanilla game does not have such ammo type and thus no mention on the wiki. 

Maybe look up the mods the server uses and then check the mod on the Steam Workshop. It should tell it there what it is used for

Edited by amadieus

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10 hours ago, _tweak said:

What is the 4.60x30 Armor Piercing rounds used for? The wiki doesn't have it and I'm confused.

You're probably playing on a server running the Expansion mod, that ammo is for the MP7 submachine gun. High rate of fire makes up for the relatively light round - and it bites hard on platecarriers.. I think there are a few other mods adding variants of that weapon, but Expansion is by far the most common.

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