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How could you give up the old sky?

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I still don't understand why the quality graphics were produced.

The sky is one of the things that creates the authenticity and the atmosphere of the picture in the game.




Edited by akula692008

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Oh I agree. The volumetric clouds in TruSky (or whatever the previous sky/weather mode was called) were undeniably superior to the current clouds in every way, shape and form. Current clouds can look alright in daylight but the "flat" textures become evident at dawn/dusk while at night and in moonlight they are downright ugly. The colours are low quality and all wrong, the clouds look more like a pixelish oil slick in the sky than actual clouds and it annoys me to no end. 

TruSky was removed with 1.02 or 1.03 (don't remember the exact version number, it was in early 2019 anyway sometime after 1.0) due to an increasing amount of problems with the system. In short, it was very demanding on performance leading to desync between server and clients. So for example in a group of three players one could see clear skies, the second overcast, while the third would see the full server side rainstorm - while all three would become wet. And whenever the client tried to catch up with sync there would be nasty client freezes. The freezes and getting wet during a clear sunny day was causing lots of complaints.

Since they had many other issues and features with higher priority devs chose to get rid of the cloud model, they simply did not have the time needed to fix it properly. As much as I loved the old clouds I understand the decision.

I just hope there is some chance they will look at putting these clouds back in the future, when the more gameplay related stuff in the backlog has been dealt with.






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