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bed roll/sleeping bag.

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plz devs could you implement in the game a working sleeping bag or bed roll that allows you to spawn at camp, you could limit the amount of spawns it takes on the bed roll or sleeping bag before it becomes ruined. also make the crafting of such an item a bit of a chore to do so its kinda like a rare ish item.

I love the game and I love the base building aspect and the pvp/pve but when I die it can be a real pain in the butt when we have to run all the way down south or wherever to return to base. 

a reply would be truly welcomed if you think this sleeping bag/bed roll idea is something you devs can put in game in a future update. 

thank you and stay safe 🙏 

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Wouldn't an item like this completely undo the entire survival experience?  There are a ton of options like this for modded servers, but why make this sort of change for official servers?  This is basically a 'save-game' option in an environment that attempts to mimic permadeath.   Your suggestion of having it tied to a rare item would probably end up going totally against the grain of authenticity.  So, let's say you need a (pillow) as a rare item to craft this magical sleeping bag.  Does it make sense to have pillows as rare as LARs?  Or VSDs?

This idea has been brought up in the past and strongly rejected by the developers and the community.  It's up to you to explain why DayZ should no longer be 'a real pain in the butt'. 

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26 minutes ago, Parazight said:

Wouldn't an item like this completely undo the entire survival experience?  There are a ton of options like this for modded servers, but why make this sort of change for official servers?  This is basically a 'save-game' option in an environment that attempts to mimic permadeath.   Your suggestion of having it tied to a rare item would probably end up going totally against the grain of authenticity.  So, let's say you need a (pillow) as a rare item to craft this magical sleeping bag.  Does it make sense to have pillows as rare as LARs?  Or VSDs?

This idea has been brought up in the past and strongly rejected by the developers and the community.  It's up to you to explain why DayZ should no longer be 'a real pain in the butt'. 

oh well ill just not make a suggestion anymore then. sorry to have bothered you.

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21 minutes ago, rackinglad27 said:

oh well ill just not make a suggestion anymore then. sorry to have bothered you.

It's just that the forum regulars have seen this suggestion before many times over the years, and the outcome is always the same - very few players want it. There is however, as Parazight said, mods with this functionality, so if you really cannot handle the permadeath of DayZ - which is one of the vanilla game's core features that will never change - then find a community server with that mod on it.

Example mod: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1930201075

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They do have this... no wait,  that's Rust I'm thinking of.  😉

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23 hours ago, Derleth said:

It's just that the forum regulars have seen this suggestion before many times over the years, and the outcome is always the same - very few players want it. There is however, as Parazight said, mods with this functionality, so if you really cannot handle the permadeath of DayZ - which is one of the vanilla game's core features that will never change - then find a community server with that mod on it.

Example mod: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1930201075

dude I play vanilla only, official servers only. don't come at me with that "can't handle permadeath" crap, all I'm saying is a limited alternative spawn point would be great for if you build a base to be able to spawn back there lets say if you die from a vehicle glitch and you smash into something through no fault of your own and die. I play on ps4 by the way so I don't have access to this kind of mod you mentioned. I think something like i said to begin with would enhance the gameplay a little and give base building a new incentive, lets be real here if I build a base and it takes me 2 hour lets say and then I get raided whilst online and get killed while being raided, I then have to run from a long way away just to get back to try and defend my base which in turn is futile because there is never just 1 person raiding a base anymore with the addition of the new base durability. I just think building a base is fast becoming obsolete if you don't have the chance to get back quick to try defend it properly, like I said even if its just a limited number of spawns and then if you do use up those limited numbers of spawns then tough luck your base is finished and raided. I really do not think it would destroy the games feel I do however think it would make for some brilliant base raiding strategies and great clan wars.

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59 minutes ago, rackinglad27 said:

dude I play vanilla only, official servers only. don't come at me with that "can't handle permadeath" crap, all I'm saying is a limited alternative spawn point would be great for if you build a base to be able to spawn back there lets say if you die from a vehicle glitch and you smash into something through no fault of your own and die. I play on ps4 by the way so I don't have access to this kind of mod you mentioned. I think something like i said to begin with would enhance the gameplay a little and give base building a new incentive, lets be real here if I build a base and it takes me 2 hour lets say and then I get raided whilst online and get killed while being raided, I then have to run from a long way away just to get back to try and defend my base which in turn is futile because there is never just 1 person raiding a base anymore with the addition of the new base durability. I just think building a base is fast becoming obsolete if you don't have the chance to get back quick to try defend it properly, like I said even if its just a limited number of spawns and then if you do use up those limited numbers of spawns then tough luck your base is finished and raided. I really do not think it would destroy the games feel I do however think it would make for some brilliant base raiding strategies and great clan wars.

Well, first off, it doesn't seem like Dereleth is trying to mock or insult you.

Second, your post seems to indicate that you're basebuilding as a solo player.  This is inherently a losing strategy.  As an MMO, you need to build relationships with other gamers.  In a high pop server, if you want to maintain a base, you need to team up.  Not only is base building tons easier, but then you have someone that can jump in the car and come pick you up when you get killed.  Additionally, all bases get raided.  It doesn't matter how big or how many people you have.  You should expect this and plan on not keeping your very best loot there.  Group up, have lots of stashes, and be prepared to lose everything, always.     

You're not going to gain support behind the idea of selective spawns through a craftable item.  Trust me, it would probably used against you more effectively than you would be able to use it legitimately.  Like, the notion of 'limited' respawns wouldn't even be expected.  A group of 5 would come and lay down 3-4 of these bedrolls each, 100 meters from your base and eventually overwhelm you.  Bedrolls would be the death of basebuilding, forever.

The devs are not going to support this idea for vanilla servers.  The community at large won't support this idea, either.  It has been done in other MMOs, and it's a disaster.  Look at Rust and PVP ARK servers, for example.

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On 10/7/2020 at 9:20 AM, rackinglad27 said:

all I'm saying is a limited alternative spawn point would be great for if you build a base to be able to spawn back there lets say if you die from a vehicle glitch and you smash into something through no fault of your own and die.

The first thing that should come to your mind before suggesting things, is how can people exploit my idea and use it against me. Your line of reasoning seems to be very limited since you are only thinking about how it would benefit you personally.

Like mentioned above me, what would happen if people would start using your "spawn point"  as a raiding tool? Are you prepared to face a horde of raiders that respawn close to your base the moment you kill them?

Doesn't sound great anymore now does it?

Edited by 'AZAZEL'

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4 hours ago, 'AZAZEL' said:

The first thing that should come to your mind before suggesting things, is how can people exploit my idea and use it against me. Your line of reasoning seems to be very limited since you are only thinking about how it would benefit you personally.

Like mentioned above me, what would happen if people would start using your "spawn point"  as a raiding tool? Are you prepared to face a horde of raiders that respawn close to your base the moment you kill them?

Doesn't sound great anymore now does it?

there are ways it can be worked around wise guy lol like having the bed roll to be able to be placed only in bases of the player making it. stop acting high and mighty with me man it ain't going to get you anymore browny points from the comments above. 🤣

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50 minutes ago, rackinglad27 said:

like having the bed roll to be able to be placed only in bases of the player making it.

In vanilla game, there is no system nor game mechanic in place that would mark your place or whatever you have placed as "your own". They have no property-parameter so to speak, meaning the game has no clue what "your" base is. It only tracks the objects placed by everyone. Again, you are being too simple minded. Could you first please elaborate what even constitutes as a base? How many fences or gates or tents needs to be placed within a certain area for it to be counted as a base? And what is stopping people from doing a small base near your base in order to abuse these "spawn points" ?

Edited by 'AZAZEL'
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I think it would be awesome to have a sleeping bag be a spawn point anywhere.

And if another survivor finds your sleeping bag they can loot a couple items whilst you’re asleep, but the items are random and they either choose to keep them or not, but can’t re-roll.

Sleeping bags could also be a way to cocoon up and get warm quickly after being out in the cold & rain. Combine sleeping bag + heat pack to multiply the heat packs warming affect.

There could be a few different styles, and circling back to limited number of uses idea — the better the sleeping bag, the more times survivors can use them. Sleeping bags could also be repaired back to worn status like anything else via sewing kit or duct-ape. 

Logout time could be doubled from 15sec to 30sec and show an animation of your survivor crawling inside and warming up, prepping to sleep.

Sleeping bags should also provide temp bonus like fires doo.

There’s so much potential!

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Yea, No.  

So, have your squadmates throw down a bunch of sleeping bags before they raid a nearby base, so if they get killed they can just respawn immediately and attack again? This seems like an authentic survival experience to you?  

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1 hour ago, RussianReavers said:

sleeping bag be a spawn point anywhere.

Sorry, this is all I will say: "No."

DayZ is supposed to be a one life adventure type of game. You die, you lose it all. Stashing gear (and going back to your base from the previous life) is already too meta for me personally, but I can live with that. Respawns in bases are just a fat NO for me.
Sleeping bags could have a use to warm you up, give you stamina boost, and decrease your water/energy loss or maybe increase healing speed - maybe at the cost of your character staying in the game while you are offline? idk

Edited by DefectiveWater
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On 2/25/2022 at 6:42 AM, DefectiveWater said:

DayZ is supposed to be a one life adventure type of game.

Couldn’t have said it better. Having a respawn point would make the stakes of a gunfight significantly less than they are now. 


On 2/25/2022 at 6:42 AM, DefectiveWater said:

Sleeping bags could have a use to warm you up, give you stamina boost, and decrease your water/energy loss or maybe increase healing speed - maybe at the cost of your character staying in the game while you are offline? idk

This sounds good, but maybe not staying in game when offline. What would happen when the server resets? I’m thinking something like sea of thieves; slow, but faster regeneration and a near stop to food and water usage. Emphasis on near.

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How long should a player be asleep for by default? 5 minutes? 10? 20? 30?
Should loud sounds wake up the character (alarm clocks, gunshots, grenades...) and should teammates be able to wake you up with an action key (F)?

1 hour ago, Tristan Cooper said:

but maybe not staying in game when offline.

Would players actually wait for XX minutes staring at the black screen? Should players be able to sleep while offline ?
If player is offline, once their character wakes up he should be removed from the server just the same when logging off - awake upon login with rested buffs.

Ability to log off while asleep will be a nice feature to the people with bases as they know their character will be logged off if their character wakes up.

Also throwing down the sleeping bag in a random hidden place in the forest, risky but could be worth it for the rested buff + warmth.

1 hour ago, Tristan Cooper said:

What would happen when the server resets?

I assume player's sleep would be stopped, the character removed from the server like normal and the next login he would just end up awake.

Edited by DefectiveWater
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ok so i started this thread a while back (2020) and I too also see the down side to having bed rolls/sleeping bags in game, especially official day z. I'd just really started playing the game and was completely new to the survival genre (hardcore, perma death) kind of game. while modded servers on pc do have a sleeping bag, I believe that's the only place it belongs. now I'm used to both maps on console I now understand how to get to where I want pretty quickly and efficiently. I've had a definite change of heart since becoming more of a veteran on dayz vanilla. 

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On 10/7/2020 at 1:20 AM, rackinglad27 said:

dude I play vanilla only, official servers only. don't come at me with that "can't handle permadeath" crap, all I'm saying is a limited alternative spawn point would be great for if you build a base to be able to spawn back there lets say if you die from a vehicle glitch and you smash into something through no fault of your own and die. I play on ps4 by the way so I don't have access to this kind of mod you mentioned. I think something like i said to begin with would enhance the gameplay a little and give base building a new incentive, lets be real here if I build a base and it takes me 2 hour lets say and then I get raided whilst online and get killed while being raided, I then have to run from a long way away just to get back to try and defend my base which in turn is futile because there is never just 1 person raiding a base anymore with the addition of the new base durability. I just think building a base is fast becoming obsolete if you don't have the chance to get back quick to try defend it properly, like I said even if its just a limited number of spawns and then if you do use up those limited numbers of spawns then tough luck your base is finished and raided. I really do not think it would destroy the games feel I do however think it would make for some brilliant base raiding strategies and great clan wars.

you said you play on ps4; im sure youre aware console allows alt accounts. Which in my opinion shouldn't be allowed but thats what people tend to do on console in order to stash gear or set up alts at bases. Its an exploitable addition that pretty much eliminates the need for spawning in bases not sure how ps4 or 5 works but its a thing on xbox. Not to mention I was playing official swept VMC theres a guy camping the of 2nd story wall above the stairs in prison fully geared i had a mosin double barrel and a stab vest popped him in the face with a mosin round. Im a happy guy; guess what?  field backpack full of steaks to the brim camping there for who knows how long. Picked up his AK; what next? He logs in on an alt he had set up nearby and we trade. Probably had a 3rd acc set up there. You get my point, alts on console are exploitable. Defending a base as you probably know by now on console is simply a matter of how many alts are you willing to make.

Edited by LOUCOL

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I think sleeping bags can be used as a stamina tool, which can bring some new changes to the gameplay, but I don't want him to put a sleeping bag outside and immediately resurrect by my side when I'm trying to capture a camp , which is painful

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I know this is an older thread. Just want to put in my 2¢. 

Sleeping bags only as a heat buff. Must be used when logging out. When logging back in, if you were not logged out for a set amount of time, you only get the the buff. If you were logged out longer than the required time, you not only get the heat buff, but also all of your gear is dry. 

Your sleeping bag may be wet if it’s been raining unless you use the additional outer rain fly. 

The bag should also become worn like everything else and repairable. 


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There are already several mods that add "fatigue" (like "hunger" and "thirst", the icons of which we already have), which affects the restoration of the stamina bar and the movement/vision/sound of the character. I think it would be nice if this was added to the game on a permanent basis. Animations are already there, it will not be difficult to add sleeping bags.

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On 10/4/2020 at 6:46 AM, rackinglad27 said:

plz devs could you implement in the game a working sleeping bag or bed roll that allows you to spawn at camp, you could limit the amount of spawns it takes on the bed roll or sleeping bag before it becomes ruined. also make the crafting of such an item a bit of a chore to do so its kinda like a rare ish item.

I love the game and I love the base building aspect and the pvp/pve but when I die it can be a real pain in the butt when we have to run all the way down south or wherever to return to base. 

a reply would be truly welcomed if you think this sleeping bag/bed roll idea is something you devs can put in game in a future update. 

thank you and stay safe 🙏 

I agree and I've thought of a way to implement it as well. While you are in your bedroll  your blood and health regain faster and your hunger and thirst slow down. Its just a way to trade being extra venerable for healing faster. Don't apologize to people for your ideas.

On 3/8/2022 at 7:49 PM, DefectiveWater said:

How long should a player be asleep for by default? 5 minutes? 10? 20? 30?
Should loud sounds wake up the character (alarm clocks, gunshots, grenades...) and should teammates be able to wake you up with an action key (F)?

Would players actually wait for XX minutes staring at the black screen? Should players be able to sleep while offline ?
If player is offline, once their character wakes up he should be removed from the server just the same when logging off - awake upon login with rested buffs.

Ability to log off while asleep will be a nice feature to the people with bases as they know their character will be logged off if their character wakes up.

Also throwing down the sleeping bag in a random hidden place in the forest, risky but could be worth it for the rested buff + warmth.

I assume player's sleep would be stopped, the character removed from the server like normal and the next login he would just end up awake.

Dude all you do is harass people and put down their ideas. You are a very negative person and should really stop going off on people and being rude. I believe you just lack creativity so you project your shame onto others. Its sad to see but you do it all the time. Please get help and let people share ideas without your negative input 

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44 minutes ago, Roostercake said:

Dude all you do is harass people and put down their ideas. You are a very negative person and should really stop going off on people and being rude. I believe you just lack creativity so you project your shame onto others. Its sad to see but you do it all the time. Please get help and let people share ideas without your negative input 

lol, going after me are we now?

You calling me rude? You were the one who told me I have short attention span... funny though cause I could say the same to you, if you read that carefully you would realize I never once said I disagree with him in what you quoted.
I was just expanding upon the idea, asking for more detailed concept/idea cause I liked the concept of sleeping bags as a way of warmth/health regen.
Read again and you'll realize I only disagreed with the "sleeping bag be a spawn point anywhere" idea.

Edited by DefectiveWater

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1 minute ago, DefectiveWater said:

lol, going after me are we now?

You calling me rude? You were the one who told me I have short attention span... funny though cause I could say the same to you, if you read that carefully you would realize I never once said I disagree with him in what you quoted.
I was just expanding upon the idea, asking for more detailed concept/idea cause I liked the concept of sleeping bags as a way of warmth/health regen.
Read again and you'll realize I only disagreed with the "sleeping bag be a spawn point anywhere" idea.

LOL My apologizes that was meant for someone else in a different thread. I'm working and talking on three different forums on dayz right now and was mixed up. Im sorry to the fullest. But after reading what was actually posted i agree but think it should be reworked in a way that has an animation that takes a second to get up from like folding a car tent .

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