Futurist 4 Posted September 29, 2020 Unmistakable 50 round sprays over and over and over from the distinct sound of an AKM kinda gives the game away. Not to mention the duping of gun repair kits needed to do that. Literally nothing was fixed with 1.09. Official Livionia #4913 is a fine example in the past few hours. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted September 29, 2020 Loads of gunfire in the distance is not a very convincing argument for obvious duping, imo. Literally. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andTRIAGE 0 Posted October 1, 2020 Duping is such a widespread problem across multiple servers. We've spent weeks combing the map and there's NOTHING because dupers have ruined the server integrity; no weapons are spawning aside from Mosins and pistols. It really ruins the game, unless of course you're in the group that's duping. Then you would patrol the forums and try to pretend like it's not a game-breaking issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rackinglad27 138 Posted October 1, 2020 20 minutes ago, andTRIAGE said: Duping is such a widespread problem across multiple servers. We've spent weeks combing the map and there's NOTHING because dupers have ruined the server integrity; no weapons are spawning aside from Mosins and pistols. It really ruins the game, unless of course you're in the group that's duping. Then you would patrol the forums and try to pretend like it's not a game-breaking issue. I have to agree, all heli crashes i have found have no guns at them whatsoever. the best thing I've found is a full ghillie but never any top end guns. this can only be down to duping right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andTRIAGE 0 Posted October 1, 2020 2 minutes ago, rackinglad27 said: I have to agree, all heli crashes i have found have no guns at them whatsoever. the best thing I've found is a full ghillie but never any top end guns. this can only be down to duping right? If I didn't see people regularly brag about duping on livestreams and Facebook groups, I'd say it's bad luck. But the dupers are so open and blatant about it. So yeah if you're not seeing any kind of automatic weapons or high end rifles after hitting many different sites and chopper crashes, you probably have dupers on the server that are hoarding guns so that you can't use them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tandwan 250 Posted October 2, 2020 11 hours ago, andTRIAGE said: We've spent weeks combing the map and there's NOTHING because dupers have ruined the server integrity; no weapons are spawning aside from Mosins and pistols. If you're not finding anything but Mosins and pistols then thats not a duping issue. SKS and AKS-74 have no limit to server amounts. Furthermore they recently changed it so a lot of the higher end guns don't have a limit. Looking through the files there's not much that can be limited by hoarding now. If you go into your game files and look for Types.xml you can see what guns do and do not have a spawn limit.... or that may be a server issue, which you can download the client and then fish the files. In fact, I encourage you to so in order to raise your awareness on how the loot system works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monosof 15 Posted October 2, 2020 1 hour ago, tandwan said: If you're not finding anything but Mosins and pistols then thats not a duping issue. SKS and AKS-74 have no limit to server amounts. Furthermore they recently changed it so a lot of the higher end guns don't have a limit. Looking through the files there's not much that can be limited by hoarding now. If you go into your game files and look for Types.xml you can see what guns do and do not have a spawn limit.... or that may be a server issue, which you can download the client and then fish the files. In fact, I encourage you to so in order to raise your awareness on how the loot system works. I found a ghillie suit on a crash site post 1.09, I was sure that they said something about these not spawning anymore. Also I am pretty happy with the way they have the high end weapons spawning they way the do now...heh the Dayz Reddit Admin doesn't seem to like it though he will be the first to tell you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tandwan 250 Posted October 2, 2020 Ghillie suits were not changed to the best of my knowledge or at least I haven't seen anything changed in the files. To be honest my players are saying there are more of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CharlehPock1 2 Posted October 2, 2020 8 hours ago, tandwan said: If you're not finding anything but Mosins and pistols then thats not a duping issue. SKS and AKS-74 have no limit to server amounts. Furthermore they recently changed it so a lot of the higher end guns don't have a limit. Looking through the files there's not much that can be limited by hoarding now. If you go into your game files and look for Types.xml you can see what guns do and do not have a spawn limit.... or that may be a server issue, which you can download the client and then fish the files. In fact, I encourage you to so in order to raise your awareness on how the loot system works. Does this apply to official servers (Xbox?) - I've been playing since a few weeks before 1.09 update and I have previously found M4s, AK-74s, AKMs, SKS and an SVD in a couple of weeks of gaming. I saw two chopper crashes on 1.08 and the first one I ever found had an SVD on it that my mate Rich took (I was ok with my M4/SKS combo). More recently, in 1.09, I've hit a good 15-20 chopper crash sites (since I now know where they are), and the most I've found is a UMP45. We found a chopper crash last night north of Tisy and it had nowt on it apart from some clothing. My theory was that people had been hoarding a million items, and had switched server - we found a base near NWAF that had about 60-70 crates inside (all empty of course) and a base in Solnichniy that was similar. That week I found M4s/AKs and various other guns. I jumped onto a random empty server last night and spawned on the very most north-east coast, ran across to Kamensk and then did Tisy then a few more military areas. There were ammo and mags everywhere, but nothing more than a couple of AK74Us which all spawned next to each other in Kamensk (three crates all spawned the same gun within a few feet of each other). I actually loot everything (including the green guard towers with the ladders as they also spawn guns sometimes), not just the tents etc. In the few weeks I've been playing 1.09 I've found diddly squat in terms of guns. Just AK74Us. Even server hopping just as an experiment to various empty servers, hitting every single military installation on the map, jumping on every hour just to check etc. I know the guy on the server who has buried several guns on a hill including at least 1 SLR and a VSS so the guns did spawn at some point, but he said he found them all at chopper crashes. I thought chopper crashes were supposed to spawn guns no matter what the server loot looks like? I'm not saying I need more guns - just would be fun to use something other than an AK74U. I've not found a single sniper rifle (not even a CR527) - where am I supposed to be looking? For stashes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Uncle Zed 272 Posted October 3, 2020 On 9/28/2020 at 9:56 PM, Futurist said: Official Livionia #4913 is a fine example in the past few hours. Official servers are swarmed with cheaters. Best to avoid those. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riddick_2K 182 Posted October 5, 2020 Just for the record, since no one mentioned it: Did you know there is a 75-round magazine for KA-M in play?This is the page of "dayz.gamepedia.com" (old but still valid). From the "types.xml" file (v. 1.09) <type name = "Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd"> <nominal> 5 </nominal> <lifetime> 172800 </lifetime> <restock> 1800 </restock> <min> 2 </min> <quantmin> 20 </quantmin> <quantmax> 60 </quantmax> <cost> 100 </cost> <flags count_in_cargo = "0" count_in_hoarder = "0" count_in_map = "1" count_in_player = "0" crafted = "0" deloot = "1" /> <category name = "weapons" /> <tag name = "shelves" /> <usage name = "Military" /> </type> It can be seen that it is very rare (5 nominal & 2 minimum), that it can only be found at helicopter crashes (deloot = "1") and if there are 2 players with one one in use, there will hardly be a new spawn. So I guess almost no one has ever seen it, I myself only found 1 in my private server only after I "inflated" the "types.xml" file, otherwise... after many helicopter crashes, I hadn't seen any never even one. But it exists and someone could have it and use it. I haven't tried it yet, and I don't know if the AKM can fire all 75 rounds without get ruined or jam... but theoretically it's possible without tricks and deceptions. Is expected from the game. P.S. Sorry for my bad english but I must use Google Share this post Link to post Share on other sites