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Goodmorning everyone. I am writing to you about one of the many bugs in the game, usually called "meatball glitch". I see it happen often, sometimes during pvp clashes but other times also to my friends in normal situations: collecting loot, drinking at the fountain. this makes me think that he is a Glitch known to some who try to take advantage of it to have advantages in the game, but also something that can happen involuntarily. can you confirm or deny this impression of mine? some say it no longer happens involuntarily since pach 1.07 others say that they continue to see it happen to their companions and involuntarily.

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You might want to tell us what glitch you're taking about...

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4 hours ago, Andrea Bancovich said:

Goodmorning everyone. I am writing to you about one of the many bugs in the game, usually called "meatball glitch". I see it happen often, sometimes during pvp clashes but other times also to my friends in normal situations: collecting loot, drinking at the fountain. this makes me think that he is a Glitch known to some who try to take advantage of it to have advantages in the game, but also something that can happen involuntarily. can you confirm or deny this impression of mine? some say it no longer happens involuntarily since pach 1.07 others say that they continue to see it happen to their companions and involuntarily. 

Do not use the "R" key to reload a gun or rifle - this is the main reason after which you cannot do anything with your hands. Relog to the server helps to return the work of the hands.

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Are you talking about the glitch that makes the character explode on himself? meatball. I was talking about this. if it can happen involuntarily.

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4 ore fa, lex__1 ha detto:

Non utilizzare il tasto "R" per ricaricare una pistola o un fucile: questa è la ragione principale dopo la quale non puoi fare nulla con le mani. La registrazione al server aiuta a restituire il lavoro delle mani.

I don't think this is the bug I'm talking about

Edited by Andrea Bancovich

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1 hour ago, Andrea Bancovich said:

Are you talking about the glitch that makes the character explode on himself? meatball. I was talking about this. if it can happen involuntarily.

I think this is a bad language translation... Do you know what a meatball is?

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2 hours ago, Uncle Zed said:

Penso che questa sia una traduzione in lingua ... Sai cos'è una polpetta?

it's not a bad translation. call this "meatball" bug and I would like to understand if it happens involuntarily.

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3 hours ago, Andrea Bancovich said:

I don't think this is the bug I'm talking about 

Okay ... you haven’t written the details of at least one "meatball". How does a random "meatball" manifest itself?

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4 hours ago, Andrea Bancovich said:

it's not a bad translation. call this "meatball" bug and I would like to understand if it happens involuntarily.

You still haven't told us what the bug is.

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8 ore fa, lo zio Zed ha detto:

Non ci hai ancora detto qual è il bug.

Ho detto più volte che stiamo parlando del "bug polpetta".



and the question remains the same: does any of you still happen?
useless to comment if you don't even know what it is ....


Edited by Andrija8484

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afaik this happens only on modded servers.

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2 hours ago, Andrija8484 said:

Ho detto più volte che stiamo parlando del "bug polpetta".



and the question remains the same: does any of you still happen?
useless to comment if you don't even know what it is ....


I've seen that in videos but I would never have guess that was the bug you were referring to.

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