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Alex Gor

What happened to the weapon damage?

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Guys, I like DayZ and now have 6000 hours of gameplay. But what you make of it is no longer in order. A BLAZE was deadly before. No helmet could withstand the double shot. But now even completely naked players escape. As if I shot a daranger. It is ridiculous.



.......And that happens to me 5 times a day. Completely unacceptable

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If you hit the chest it should kill him (110 damage/100 health). If you hit his arm, no (36.3 damage) or his hand, no (11 damage).  If they have no armour it should be 1-shot kill to 400 m.With plate carrier half that.

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Of course that is not correct. I had over 100 Shots in the HEAD! Yes in the HEAD! And the players could always get away. Even shot a Mosin in the head from 50 meters without a helmet. You can tell me what you want, but I've been playing the game for so long and from the beginning, the damage system is ruined or set incorrectly.

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It's definitely fucked. I just had to mag-dump a half-geared player in Kabanino with a FAL. One bullet should've knocked his ass out, but he literally didn't die until the entire magazine was spent. It was probably partially lag, but still, v1.07 folks.

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  On 2/17/2020 at 9:00 AM, Alex Gor said:

Of course that is not correct. I had over 100 Shots in the HEAD! Yes in the HEAD! And the players could always get away. Even shot a Mosin in the head from 50 meters without a helmet. You can tell me what you want, but I've been playing the game for so long and from the beginning, the damage system is ruined or set incorrectly.

It only requires 30 damage to kill someone with headshot. Mosin does 110 so I can't give an explanation for that not killing with headshot.

But still, 30 damage. Meaning you can't kill them with .22, .380, and 9mm in one shot unless you hit the smaller "brain" hitbox:

As for stuff like Mosin vs fresh spawn head and such, there's always lag, bugs and other problems. But that's not by design. And in addition I don't trust video clips where it's unclear. Did you really hit him in the chest/head/wherever? Let's see the server logs.

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