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DayZ Lore question-

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Is the infection world wide, or just in the playable area quarentined?  Was wondering if we could pick up Coast to coast AM with Gorge Norry and Art Bell at one of the radio towers?  

Hey look another utilization of 3rd party internet services inside a PVP/RPG FPS MMO Sandbox...  With alittle thought- I think this could be both a terrible headache or a skyward breakthough to make the item database with persistence a relaxing Pina colada. What does stop you from taking a car between servers...?  But to communicate with the radios to players in all servers that have a radio, would be aoutstanding and confusing...  I wished the map was X2 as big then what it is now... with more cliffs and waterfalls...  Cmon DAYZ TEAM  YOU GUYS REALLY NEED TO CHARGE PER MONTH.. LOOK AT HOW FULL THESE SERVERS ARE!!


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qctz7JU23Mq-dZqHTu8E-_Ysq5TN9Gw-qn6PYdKs*cough* Ermm,, Ignore me. 

Edited by Exxoduss
  • Beans 1

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