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Dayz murdering players

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Any  reason Dayz keeps murdering me for no reason? Blood going down  for 15 mins. I can start a fire, I,m not sick, can eat and drink sitting there for 15 - 45 mins and all indicators are facing up for a good 10 mins.... So Anyone know why the game has my health going downward for 30-45 mins as every level is up and full...

Gets real stupid when you die over nothing, please fix the perma death over riding anything you are doing please.



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2 hours ago, [email protected] said:

Any  reason Dayz keeps murdering me for no reason? Blood going down  for 15 mins. I can start a fire, I,m not sick, can eat and drink sitting there for 15 - 45 mins and all indicators are facing up for a good 10 mins.... So Anyone know why the game has my health going downward for 30-45 mins as every level is up and full...

Gets real stupid when you die over nothing, please fix the perma death over riding anything you are doing please.

Not sure if that is your problem, but sliding down ladders without gloves or running around without shoes and with ruined shoes can cause your hands/feet to bleed. Also your health might go down if your body temperature drops too low.

If that's not your issue, please try to describe your circumstances a bit more precise (are you losing blood or health, does bandaging help immediately, how are your character values, etc).

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Well it happened again. I was running from a base. My health was at 70-80% and started going down slowly. So I ran and ate for about 15 mins.... I did get the full indicator being stuffed. food and water were going up but I was cold but not the dark blue. might have been at very first (darker blue). I got to a location (car port/large car shed.  I lit a fire and began eating again with 25% left and even though I ate the whole way while jogging where I wanted to go, and then did all I could to prevent death. 

No bleeding at all.... I never had this issue until the stable release. and in fact not until 1.05-.06. If this is by design, then it should be redesigned a little. IF your indicators are all up except for one for 10 mins none are critical, and you spend 4-5 mins all in up right before death IMO you should live,,,,

But either way I will keep playing. I just don't want to run 1/4 of the map, be in almost perfect health, then  die trying to get back.... pretty silly. Now that I typed all of this.... I just might have it recorded, probably not but hmmmmm 

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1 hour ago, [email protected] said:

I just might have it recorded

Yeah, any chance you can post a video of what you're talking about?  It's hard to make out why you're dying from what you've said here.

AFAIK, if you're not bleeding (as you've claimed here), your health should only go down if your red on thirst or hunger or if you're too cold.

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