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Hermo Myrkky

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This game is so bad.

Textures not loading, cant pick up gear from zombies etc.

Paid 49e of this shit. Now they are releasing PAID DLC before texture fix or anything else.

Why they are doing this? There arent many players on ps4 and I think now bc of this paid DLC even more are quitting DayZ. 

So GG for bohemia

And sorry 4 typos -finnish guy

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1 hour ago, Hermo Myrkky said:

 cant pick up gear from zombies

You can one way :

- open inventory

- your hands empty

- go on the gear you want to pick up

- press and hold X

- go on your hands

- release X

- et voilà!


Yes it would be far more user friendly to be abble too to just squeeze square, but hey, that's BI we talk about.

Edited by S.Kaneda

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Doesnt work

41 minutes ago, S.Kaneda said:

You can one way :

- open inventory

- your hands empty

- go on the gear you want to pick up

- press and hold X

- go on your hands

- release X

- et voilà!


Yes it would be far more user friendly to be abble too to just squeeze square, but hey, that's BI we talk about.


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2 hours ago, Hermo Myrkky said:

Doesnt work

Yes it is, for my mates and i... we're 5 to play, work for all.

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It does work, just not 100% of the time. Sometimes some items are just glued into where you find them and others you can take freely.

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Sometimes dropping it to the ground first directly from the zombie's inventory, car, etc. (holding square) and then picking it up will work.  However, as mentioned, these workarounds don't always guarantee success.

 Has nothing to do with the unfriendliness of the UI.  The mechanic is broken.  


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On 9/25/2019 at 10:38 AM, Hermo Myrkky said:

This game is so bad.

Textures not loading, cant pick up gear from zombies etc.

Paid 49e of this shit. Now they are releasing PAID DLC before texture fix or anything else.

Why they are doing this? There arent many players on ps4 and I think now bc of this paid DLC even more are quitting DayZ. 

So GG for bohemia

And sorry 4 typos -finnish guy

I can relate, I love the concept, enjoyed the game for what its worth but I felt the time of 1.03 was better than it is now, Like I got on the game recently since I've been off of it for a while and its still laggy as hell, IT doesnt make any sense. The game wasn't always like that. Its like its progressively getting worst. 

but had I known, Probably wouldn't have wasted the money and spent it into something else. 

Edited by Anwah

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