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The Headshrinker

Bandit/Survivor Skins- WE NEED THEM BACK

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I feel that since the skins were removed, the majority of people now shoot on sight. When the 2 skin types existed in the game, people were less likely to shoot a survivor on sight, and would often attempt to communicate before firing any weapons. This is not the case now, without the bandit skins, everyone just presumes anyone else, outside of their group, is hostile.

For me this has taken something away from the game. Dont get me wrong, i still enjoy playing it, but i thought the bandit/survivor skins benefited the game. Most people didn't want to end up in the bandit skin, therefore wouldn't just go round the map shooting anyone they came across. Everyone is a bandit in the game now. The communication options are not used in the same way they used to be. You rarely see people asking 'Friendly?' on the comms bar now.

Please consider changing this Rocket. Doesn't need to be exactly like it was, but something along the same lines.


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now people Ar just shooting on sight it's not fun its more or less impossible to go into one of the major towns at less on ero server sense u donut trust anyone. the worst par is most of the bandits just kill u 4 fun and donut even loot u plz bring it back

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I belive its supposed to be like it is now, since this game is "trust/or trust no-one" type. Its more realistic by not knowing is someone enemy or now. Like in real-life. You dont know if someone is sadistic killer if you do not see him/her killing someone or hear him/her killing someone.

My personal opinion is that...ITS GOOD NOW.

ps: if you arent sure if someone is bandit, stay away and stalk him. Thats what me and my friend do time to time. And maybe ambush him and ask him ("CAPSLCKx2")...

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now people Ar just shooting on sight it's not fun its more or less impossible to go into one of the major towns at less on ero server sense u donut trust anyone. the worst par is most of the bandits just kill u 4 fun and donut even loot u plz bring it back

Dude. Your keyboard has diarrhea or something. Please get it fixed.

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I do agree that something needs to be noted and tweaked because, the simple fact is, this game is slowly degrading.

"Hey look! a fun, unique, multiplayer zombie survival simulator game!"

"You know what would be fun??? If we turned this game into pretty much every other death-match shooter out there."

"Yay! Shoot ALL THE PEOPLE!"

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"Hey look! a fun' date=' unique, multiplayer zombie survival simulator game!"


Spoken by someone who didn't bother doing any research whatsoever?

rocket has never made it a mystery that PvP is an essential part of DayZ. It's right there on #2 of the 3 objectives he spells out under "What is DayZ?" on the main page.

If you came to DayZ expecting zombies and friendship then it can only because you came to DayZ ignorant.

That's nobody's fault but your own.

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In the few posts I have read from "ZedsDeadBaby" it has been made clear to me that he is just an ass that I would rather ignore...moving on.

I think having different "skins" is not the way to go. Identifying them should not be that ease. Different skins that each player can choose to identify them as part of a group or clan...fine...that would be cool. I still believe that any determent from murder should be in the form of a small penalty to that persons ability to function efficiently in the game. This is why I think a penalty of sound, sight or smell against the zombies is the way to go. Kill another player and now because of the "blood on your hands" it is slightly harder to sneak around zombies. Simple.

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In the few posts I have read from "ZedsDeadBaby" it has been made clear to me that he is just an ass that I would rather ignore...moving on.

Just a total coincidence that these "few" posts happened to be in response to your idea of adding a quest system to DayZ.

Sorry we got off on the wrong foot.

Identifying them should not be that ease.

Why not? Recognizing other humans they have seen before is something humans are exceedingly good at. They don't do a great job describing people they have seen before' date=' but if they see them again their facial recognition and memory is uncanny.

No reason not to emulate this in the game.

I still believe that any determent from murder should be in the form of a small penalty to that persons ability to function efficiently in the game.

So you won't support a system that would allow you to penalize murderers, but you want the game to do it for you through some magical, arbitrary system of punishment?

rocket has explicitly stated this is not going to happen.

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dayZ is a army simulator btw and bandit skins would be good if they were back

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dayZ is a army simulator btw and bandit skins would be good if they were back

Internal inconsistency detected. Aborting.

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Ok a couple things before I start:

RedFiction it is not "ITS GOOD NOW"

Its people with your selfish attitude that deny suggestions from getting the light they deserve.

Everything generally works with a Cause and Reaction, or should one day.

As of now there is no reaction to killing another player.

There are many causes, too many due to the player base having anonymity and being a couple of cunts, causing those that are not cunts, to KoS due to dealing with cunts therefor fitting in with the cunt group.

Which does not balance the game.

Again Zedsdead, no this is suggestion forum, it does not matter whatever reason that person types like that, the person still had a more valid opinion then your comment about how they type.

I.E They are saying that people kill others for fun now, not even bothering looting said corpse, due to no reaction to killing another player.

Aswell your attitude brings you up as a cunt most of the time, change it to fit this forum.

Suggestions instead of assuming inane shit anyone could pull out of their ass, be the smarter one.

The penalty he could be talking off is having blood from looting corpses show on your body, and attract zombies from further away on varying degrees depending on how many player corpses you have looted/ if you killed a player up close.

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"Hey look! a fun' date=' unique, multiplayer zombie survival simulator game!"


Spoken by someone who didn't bother doing any research whatsoever?

rocket has never made it a mystery that PvP is an essential part of DayZ. It's right there on #2 of the 3 objectives he spells out under "What is DayZ?" on the main page.

If you came to DayZ expecting zombies and friendship then it can only because you came to DayZ ignorant.

That's nobody's fault but your own.

You took one line of my post and took it completely out of context. And quite frankly, you're wrong.

I have researched quite a bit in this game. In fact, I've done a lot of homework before I even bought the game. Yes, I'm fully aware that pvp was always part of the game.

But seriously it's no mystery that since the bandit/survivor skin change, the amount communication has decreased, and the amount of PVP has increased to the point where it's actually eclipsing the entire scope of the game. And I seriously doubt that this was Rocket's intent, as indicated by the removal of players' guns on spawn.

In case you missed it, here's my point, in full: PvP should be a factor in what is (at it's core) a zombie apocalypse sim. But PvP should not be the primary feature overshadowing everything else. Otherwise, we'll just be playing another death-match shooter game.

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In the few posts I have read from "ZedsDeadBaby" it has been made clear to me that he is just an ass that I would rather ignore...moving on.

Just a total coincidence that these "few" posts happened to be in response to your idea of adding a quest system to DayZ.

Sorry we got off on the wrong foot.

No, its more the fact that in every reply you make your overtly aggressive, optionated, and generally just rant for a bit, stick in a 'Rocket said', then attack or disregard someones idea while adding very little useful.


Bandits skins was a shitty idea then, and still is now.

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Disagree - with Direct chat being fixed - (at least in the verison I am playing i.e. no side chat) you can talk to the player near you. I like this a lot more than having side channel available. I feel like you can tell a lot from a persons voice/tone. Just because you dont see people asking friendly does not mean it isn't occurring. Plus, it does not take a rocket to realize that PVP is a huge essential part of this game. It should be a multiplayer game only.

Plus, I can't see skins being available to everyone if certain players are forced to wear certain skins. That limits your character's freedom in a supposedly free environment. I would rather have options...

While it is harsh that you can't see who killed you and in many cases have no idea how or why you died that is the reality of life in a world without rules....

People are cautious and many times assholes but as long as they aren't cheating assholes then good shot sir.

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It's easy to tell who's a Bandit and who isn't.

Step 1: Load-up TF2.

Step 2: Join a team.

Step 3: Shoot at people who aren't wearing the same color as you.

Problem solved. Heck, it even has the convenience of removing friendly fire so you don't need to worry about accidentally hurting your teammates.

Edit: And I thought-up this reply before looking at the second page, so it's total coincidence that I posted this right after someone posted a shot of Gaben. ;P

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We'll probably see something more subtle, the question is will something more subtle change anything?

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We'll probably see something more subtle' date=' the question is will something more subtle change anything?


Nah, people will still whine that bandits need to be punished somehow. Things won't change until this game is made into a PvE Carebear-a-thon with hourly tea part- oh, you meant in-game? No, probably not. People might team-up on the fly a little more often maybe, but backstabbing was just as much a part of the game when it had the bandit skin as it is now.

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Nah' date=' people will still whine that bandits need to be punished somehow. Things won't change until this game is made into a PvE Carebear-a-thon with hourly tea part- oh, you meant in-game? No, probably not. People might team-up on the fly a little more often maybe, but backstabbing was just as much a part of the game when it had the bandit skin as it is now.


That's not what I'm asking for, but it's also hard to backstab, when everyone kos or d/c on contact.

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ITT: Let's shift the 'shoot-on-sight' mentality to a small portion of the community so I can feel safer!

I really don't see how people who want the all this shoot first, ask questions later to stop just want to shift the problem to only bandits. I mean, seriously, if you saw someone in a bandit skin, would you even hesitate to pull the trigger?

EDIT: In fact, I just did the math. You'd pretty much be applying 'shoot-on-sight' to 18% of the community. I hope that makes you happy.

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A possible solution could be to choose (key word - CHOOSE) a PvP skin vs. a PvE skin when you come in (just like choosing Male vs. Female. If you choose PvP, you start in military camo type stuff, since that's needed to be less visible to other players (don't think it matters with zombies). If you choose PvE, you get civilian gear to start. If PvP guy kills lots of PvE'ers, gets some kind of small mark on the front of his uniform (i.e. a patch on the shirt). If guy chooses PvE and goes around killing other PvE'ers at some rate above average (i.e. if they act friendly to get close and then shoot the other guy), he also gets the patch, which would basically be like saying he's a PvP'er. It wouldn't eliminate that since prone would hide it until you in range, but might give the option to say stand up/crouch so we can check you out.

For example, if an unpatched PvE'er came into a military base, they probably aren't trying to find high grade military loot to just start whacking other people. Maybe they're just trying to find a knife, or tent, or NVG's to survive at night.


- PvP'ers start out with camo, which works better for hiding out from other PvP'ers

- PvE'ers are identifiable, maybe PvP'ers let them go since at that point they have VOLUNTARILY identified themselves as probably not a threat. Those with the small mark might be threatening though.

- Both sides get to find people easier on servers who have their same goals.

- Players who go against the grain get a minor modification, only visible up close or through a scope, prone would hide it though.

- Scopes or optics would help you decide if you wanted to approach the other party or not.

There is no ill effect towards those who would be bandits/people hunters, outside of probably getting shot at if they approach other people (lets be realistic, they probably don't approach a lot of strangers anyways). PvE'ers, if they are checking out a town and see a whole bunch of PvP'ers in it, can avoid the town, or maybe decide to approach if the PvP'ers aren't those who have shot a bunch of PvE'ers. I don't want to make it too easy to determine whether or not to shoot on sight, but it would be nice as a person looking to stay alive if I had some way of identifying friendlies (i.e. if you are able to even see the marking, since it would be hidden if prone, wearing a ghillie suit, etc.)


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I do agree that something needs to be noted and tweaked because' date=' the simple fact is, this game is slowly degrading.

"Hey look! a fun, unique, multiplayer zombie survival simulator game!"

"You know what would be fun??? If we turned this game into pretty much every other death-match shooter out there."

"Yay! Shoot ALL THE PEOPLE!"


Bump of epic proportions.

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ITT: Let's shift the 'shoot-on-sight' mentality to a small portion of the community so I can feel safer!

Sadly, the thing they don't realize though is that bandits are already less than 20% of the people who play the game; and despite being such a minority, they make-up over 40% of deaths. So less than a quarter of the player base, and there's nearly a 50/50 chance that they're the ones dying when you see the "So-and-so has died" message. If anything, we need to buff banditry. ;P

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in the actual gameplay there are bandits wich can kill out of fun or greed without fearing any consequences and survivor wich either have to kill on sight to defend them selfe or have to wait till someone opens fire on them waht puts them in a havy disadvantage there is actual no way to effectivle do anything against bandits without slaughtering countless innocents a kind of badit branding will give the opoturnity to save ur bullets for this who deserve them

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