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DayZ Dedicated Server - Wine Support + Binding To Specific IP

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Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anybody knows if the newer builds of the DayZ server files are supported on Linux with Wine or not. I've read that they probably aren't due to Battleye, but I just wanted to see if anybody was able to get it to work. I also have another concern about binding a DayZ server to a specific IP (read below).

I'm pretty new to Wine, but got it to work on server files for another game before trying DayZ. I spent a few hours last night trying to get this to work for DayZ, but ran into a crash due to the application running out of memory 1 - 2 minutes after startup (there seems to be a 2 GBs limit). I tried changing Windows versions via the winecfg command (Windows 7, Windows 10, and Windows Server 2008 R2). I also tried using the wine64 binary. No luck whatsoever.

However, sometimes the server would stay up without eating more than 2 GBs of RAM and crashing which was strange. Unfortunately, I still wasn't able to join the server, but I saw it online in a tool named HLSW when querying the server's Steam query port. I tried looking in the LAN list in-game (it didn't show up) and also launching the DayZ Launcher with the server's IP and port specified in the parameters section (it just stated the connection failed after launching). I confirmed the server was receiving my desktop's packets via tcpdump and the server even replied two times to my packets. So I'd guess it's something related with Battleye not working with Wine or something else missing.

As for my server's specs, it's a VM running under my home server I purchased from Amazon (an older Intel Xeon with 12 cores and 24 threads along with 32 GBs of RAM) and running Proxmox. The VM's OS is Ubuntu 18.04 and has 6 cores along with 12 GBs of RAM. The Wine version is 4.0.1.

The following is my server's startup script (a bash file running the server with Wine via screen):

Another concern I have is how to bind the server to a specific IP. By default, it just binds to I haven't found a way to do this via command line or CFG. If I went live with my DayZ server under Linux, I'd be having it run under a Docker container with two links/interfaces (the main link and an IPIP tunnel). I'd need the server bound to the IPIP tunnel's IP instead of the main link. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it will bind to the main link's IP by default. I'd suggest adding this functionality if it isn't already since some dedicated servers run under a specific NAT configuration that requires binding to a specific IP address on the server.

Hopefully the DayZ developers can release Linux server files since my dedicated servers all run on Linux and I can't really change that (nor would I want to, I love Linux!). I'd assume there isn't any ETA on this, correct? From what I've read, there is no public information available regarding the Linux server files, but it is on the to-do list.

Any input is highly appreciated!

Thank you for your time.


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/cs3kov/dayz_dedicated_server_wine_support_binding_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x


Edited by k2nod

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The server exe definitely needs more than 2GB of RAM just to start up properly.  I was running a server earlier this year in a Windows VPS environment, meaning I had full access to my server and even with nobody logged onto it, DayZServer_x64.exe consumed more than 2GB of RAM, so if that's your limit on Wine, you are SOL.

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Witch type of wineprefix do you use? I know that everyone forget about this but you must control type of installation 'cause Linux is platform-depended OS.

So? Witch wine type do you use? x86 or and64? That parameter can cause a problem. You need install wine64 and wine32.  But run with wine64 prefix.

Why? Because x86 (i386) platform has memory limit about 4 Gb (4048 Mb), and x64 (amd64) has (almost) unlimited value of RAM for using.


Witch Ubuntu 18.04 do you use?
if i386-platform then upgrade to amd64 with command:
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture amd64 && sudo apt update && asudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade
# dpkg --add-architecture amd64 && sudo apt update && asudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade

Second reinstall wine64 (search in repositories with command $ apt search wine)
And try to start DayZ server with wine64 prefix.

DayZ_Server required installed .Net Framework and Visual C++ (from 2008 to last), you can install .Net 4.6 (and prev versions with winetricks package, install and then find and select net framework 4.6 and it will install this one and prev versions, same for MS VC++).

$ sudo apt install winetricks && winecfg && winetricks
(command cause start of wine settings app)

And yes - disable BattlEye it will not allow you to start the server!

Example of execution with Wine 64: $ wine64 notepad.exe

Symbols: "$" and "#" indicates console level. All wine commands must be executed from user level console "$" -key.

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On 9/24/2019 at 9:46 AM, k2nod said:

bump still no reply

I'd try on LinuxMint 19.2 and Debian Buster & Sid - no use, server fault (out of memory) even with wine64? that's happen because DayZ Server required VC++ redist at least 2015. perhaps even 2017. So it could be a wrong memory management. When windows 8.1 and upper can allocate memory leaks wine and  Linux kernel do that in different way. Windows try to resolve memory leaks and Linux is terminate process.

So WiNE (Wine is Not Emulator) - is translator windows-kernel commands to Linux-kernel commands.

There's 2 possible solutions an both of 'em not on our side.

1. Wait until DayZ Devs make optimizations.

2. Wait when wine community find the way to solve that problem...


So as result we can't execute server in Linux under wine yet.

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