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Cars/private server

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Me and a couple buds got a car going for about 30miles then wouldn’t turn over and started smoking had all components in pristine conditions is this a bug or just bad luck

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Did you have water in the radiator and oil in the tank?

The car starts to smoke and take damage if any of them gets low.

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Water yes but wouldn’t allow you option to add oil tried for about 15 min 

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The frame of the vehicle was probably ruined.  Every time you hit something solid, it does damage to the frame, though there is no indicator for the frame's condition, other than when it's Badly Damaged, you will begin to leak gasoline from the tank.  So every time you roll it, every time you curb check, every time you scrape a guard rail, every time you come to a dead stop on a tree, even every time you run over a zombie or cow, it damages the frame.  Also, allowing the car to get hit, by AI or players, whether that's just punching it, other melee damage, firearms or explosives, will damage any part of the car that gets hit as well as the frame.  So when your vehicle is surrounded by zombies, be careful how you take them out.  Bullets DO go through them and it's easy to hit both the car AND the zombie with a single swing of your axe.

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