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Help, I'm sick! (Antibiotics useless)


Hello Community!

So, my character is perpetually sick. I've gone through two whole boxes of Tetra, with no effect.

Is there some kind of new disease? I didn't drink dirty water, or eat raw food, or have bloody hands.

Does anyone have an answer?

Thanks for help in advance,

Cobra Mystic Z
Captain & Commander of the Cobra Unit
Xbox Live

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7 answers to this question

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Could be a bug or maybe you have something on you that's contaminated. Try using dis-infectant on yourself, just a thought.

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It could be infection from being hit by a zombie. I had a sickness and thought of this then used the alcohol tincture to disinfect my wounds and it went away 

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On 8/8/2019 at 4:09 PM, GolemNo9 said:

It could be infection from being hit by a zombie. I had a sickness and thought of this then used the alcohol tincture to disinfect my wounds and it went away 

How had you used the alcohol tincture after bandaging to treat it?

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Ive had the same. Usally apears after healing from a zombie fight. As far as I can tell there is no cure as I have tried everything. I even disinfected the meds before I ate them. I believe this sickness is a combo of all illnesses and soon you wont be able to eat much or drink. I dont know why they needed to add a puke simulator to this but it's very frustrating to listen and watch 5 min puke sessions. As I mentioned before as far as I know there is no cure, you are the infected now...lol sux..

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I had this issue for the longest time. I will detail how I cured myself. Works 100% of the time, although sometimes you need to do it more than once.

You will need alcohol tincture and tetracycline. First put the alcohol in your hand. Then tap right trigger to disinfect yourself. Then hold it and drink the rest. 

Then take 3 tetracycline pills behind it for good measure. 

If the sickness stays after the tetracycline wears off, repeat this same sequence until it completely cures. 

Also remember to use a leather or regular sewing kit to bandage your cuts. And always disinfect them before use. 

Raw food, unclean hands, dirty water sources are the usual causes, but the dirty rags are the hardest to cure.

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