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Where are the AKMs and M4s?

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I just came back after about 6 months. Moved house got a new job and haven't had time to play. So I've now been playing this life for about 20+ hours. Going between NWA various military bases and Tisy. I'm lucky that most encounters (unlike when I used to play) now seem to end in us waving at each other and going the opposite direction. Guessing it's not only me that cant find a decent gun. 20+ hours. Haven't found one AR or USG even though I have hundreds of rounds and 3+clips for the Ak, M4 and Usg. Now I used to really like this game and right now it's the only thing I want to play and have time to play. So my question is can anyone help me out and group up with me so the search is less stressful, scary and more fun? I'm not asking for freebies I just want to enjoy the game. It's like playing an RPG and never been able to upgrade your powers or guns. Please help. The frustration is real.

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Well they dont spawn because dupers destroyed the loot economy and the update that was suposed to fix got delayed again.

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Yeah I know why they're not spawning after reading on here. So basically the only people playing are said dupers or the bambis I keep seeing that are none the wiser? I'm just searching for bases at this point so I can try steal some guns. Every geard person I see is always in a group so can't even take them on to steal from them.

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You can find them on dead bodies all over the coast on high pops. or use the LOOKING FOR GROUP posts for pvp events. I can spawn and have one within 15 minutes, Just gotta be sneaky or violent. been playing on the coast for the past week waiting for the new update. two of our teams bases have tents full of mili guns. Our main objective is taking down duper bases, we keep what we need and destroy what we dont. Doesnt matter much now with the wipe coming, hopefully duping is resolved or at least much more difficult to do so us REAL players can play the game the way it was intended. 

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They are all on PC,... tonnes and tonnes of them, you should check it out, Im looking at them right now.....😎

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